Charlie Hebdo vs Garland Texas the debate no one is having.

Every year three times as many people commit suicide by gun than are murdered. So while 8,454 are murdered by guns, 25,000 people shoot themselves.

As for those unbelieveable statistics on guns saving lives, why aren't thousands more people dying in those countries where there are fewer guns? Could the answer be that people who say they used their guns to defend themselves, actually weren't in as much danger as they thought they were when they pulled that gun?

I saw one study where those who claimed to have pulled a gun in self-defense told their stories to judges - actual criminal court judges. Only those who claimed to have used their guns in self-defense were interviewed by the judges so only their side of the story was heard. The judges found that in virtually every case where the individuals claimed they used their weapons in self defense, they were in fact, the aggressor, based on their own versions of event and that their assessment the threat they faced was way out of proportion to the actual threat.

I realize that there is no way to get rid of guns in the US. I don't think that the Founding Fathers ever intended that every idiot in the land be armed to the teeth. That bit about a well-regulated militia being necessary for the defense of the country and all. But now that they are, there is no way to get rid of all those guns. The right wing loonies will never give them up, and neither will the criminals.
Every year three times as many people commit suicide by gun than are murdered. So while 8,454 are murdered by guns, 25,000 people shoot themselves.

As for those unbelieveable statistics on guns saving lives, why aren't thousands more people dying in those countries where there are fewer guns? Could the answer be that people who say they used their guns to defend themselves, actually weren't in as much danger as they thought they were when they pulled that gun?

I saw one study where those who claimed to have pulled a gun in self-defense told their stories to judges - actual criminal court judges. Only those who claimed to have used their guns in self-defense were interviewed by the judges so only their side of the story was heard. The judges found that in virtually every case where the individuals claimed they used their weapons in self defense, they were in fact, the aggressor, based on their own versions of event and that their assessment the threat they faced was way out of proportion to the actual threat.

I realize that there is no way to get rid of guns in the US. I don't think that the Founding Fathers ever intended that every idiot in the land be armed to the teeth. That bit about a well-regulated militia being necessary for the defense of the country and all. But now that they are, there is no way to get rid of all those guns. The right wing loonies will never give them up, and neither will the criminals.
Remember this, Dragonlady . A year after all the guns are turned in, you will be praying toward Mecca 5 times a day. Is this what you want?
I live in Canada. The only people with handguns in Canada are criminals and cops. We're not praying to Mecca.
I live in Canada. The only people with handguns in Canada are criminals and cops. We're not praying to Mecca.
In my scenario, who is going to protect Canada from the Moslem hordes? The US can't help. Looks like you'll have to depend on your cops and criminals.
No debate to have but that hasn't stopped the nutters from trying to manufacture one.

There is no comparison between the two incidents. Nor is there any comparison between gun deaths in the two countries.

You picked ONE incident from each country and extrapolated an entirely inaccurate scenario.

Try again but use facts next time.


Just because a left wing nut job like you doesn't want to hear it doesn't mean it doesn't exist. The two are similar in every single way except in the presence of guns.

Both were attacks by Muslim extremists.
Both were drawing Mohammed in satire.
Both were exercising their right to free speech.

You are lying out of your ass when you say they aren't the same. Typical lying progressive scumbag.

Lots of differences.

Hebdo fights for free speech every day. Geller only uses it as another tool in her war on Muslims. She didn't mention free speech much in her opposition to that mosque in NY did she?

Hebdo pokes fun at everybody, That Geller bitch is only interested in defaming Muslims. Being anti Muslim is her only job.

Hebdo was carrying on normal business as they do every day. Geller was making a special effort to instigate the attack. That's why she had $10,000.00 worth of security there.

The cartoonists at Hebdo didn't hide behind several armed guards in a secure place and send others out to be targets like that coward did.
No debate to have but that hasn't stopped the nutters from trying to manufacture one.

There is no comparison between the two incidents. Nor is there any comparison between gun deaths in the two countries.

You picked ONE incident from each country and extrapolated an entirely inaccurate scenario.

Try again but use facts next time.


Just because a left wing nut job like you doesn't want to hear it doesn't mean it doesn't exist. The two are similar in every single way except in the presence of guns.

Both were attacks by Muslim extremists.
Both were drawing Mohammed in satire.
Both were exercising their right to free speech.

You are lying out of your ass when you say they aren't the same. Typical lying progressive scumbag.

Lots of differences.

Hebdo fights for free speech every day. Geller only uses it as another tool in her war on Muslims. She didn't mention free speech much in her opposition to that mosque in NY did she?

Hebdo pokes fun at everybody, That Geller bitch is only interested in defaming Muslims. Being anti Muslim is her only job.

Hebdo was carrying on normal business as they do every day. Geller was making a special effort to instigate the attack. That's why she had $10,000.00 worth of security there.

The cartoonists at Hebdo didn't hide behind several armed guards in a secure place and send others out to be targets like that coward did.

your post is idiotic-------simply a manifestation of your extreme bias-------Pam Geller does have a specific agenda----but THERE AIN'T NUTTHIN' WRONG WITH IT
No debate to have but that hasn't stopped the nutters from trying to manufacture one.

There is no comparison between the two incidents. Nor is there any comparison between gun deaths in the two countries.

You picked ONE incident from each country and extrapolated an entirely inaccurate scenario.

Try again but use facts next time.

Bullshit, Mumbly.

Charlie drew a cartoon and, when he was killed for it, you clowns dove into the "We are Charlie" chants.

Now you sound like your chanting "We are Jihadists"

The Muslim hoards are unlikely to be invading.

Unlike Americans, Canadians aren't paranoid and living in fear. We don't even lock our doors. If you can get past the two large dogs in the front hall, more power to you.

We recently had a anti-terrorist bill pass the House which infringes on our privacy. It has been suggested that every single MP who voted for that POS legislation deserves to lose their seat. The Conservatives are done after this term. Too many scandals.
I hate to point out the uncomfortable truth to you, Dragonlady but the recent attack on your Parliament by extremists shows me that Canada isn't sitting this one out. The only reason there wasn't a slaughter that day is one man with a gun stood them off.
The Muslim hoards are unlikely to be invading.

Unlike Americans, Canadians aren't paranoid and living in fear. We don't even lock our doors. If you can get past the two large dogs in the front hall, more power to you.

We recently had a anti-terrorist bill pass the House which infringes on our privacy. It has been suggested that every single MP who voted for that POS legislation deserves to lose their seat. The Conservatives are done after this term. Too many scandals.
What happens when Abdul shows up to either convert or kill you? Gonna draw a circle around yourself and sprinkle salt around you? And to get your attention, he'll shoot your dogs and burn your house down. Then he'll have you kneel and either convert or behead you. True story. No joke.
The Muslim hoards are unlikely to be invading.

Unlike Americans, Canadians aren't paranoid and living in fear. We don't even lock our doors. If you can get past the two large dogs in the front hall, more power to you.

We recently had a anti-terrorist bill pass the House which infringes on our privacy. It has been suggested that every single MP who voted for that POS legislation deserves to lose their seat. The Conservatives are done after this term. Too many scandals.
What happens when Abdul shows up to either convert or kill you? Gonna draw a circle around yourself and sprinkle salt around you? And to get your attention, he'll shoot your dogs and burn your house down. Then he'll have you kneel and either convert or behead you. True story. No joke.

Fret not HOSS------Canada will respond when that which happens here and in many other parts of the world----happens there
Every year three times as many people commit suicide by gun than are murdered. So while 8,454 are murdered by guns, 25,000 people shoot themselves.

As for those unbelieveable statistics on guns saving lives, why aren't thousands more people dying in those countries where there are fewer guns? Could the answer be that people who say they used their guns to defend themselves, actually weren't in as much danger as they thought they were when they pulled that gun?

I saw one study where those who claimed to have pulled a gun in self-defense told their stories to judges - actual criminal court judges. Only those who claimed to have used their guns in self-defense were interviewed by the judges so only their side of the story was heard. The judges found that in virtually every case where the individuals claimed they used their weapons in self defense, they were in fact, the aggressor, based on their own versions of event and that their assessment the threat they faced was way out of proportion to the actual threat.

I realize that there is no way to get rid of guns in the US. I don't think that the Founding Fathers ever intended that every idiot in the land be armed to the teeth. That bit about a well-regulated militia being necessary for the defense of the country and all. But now that they are, there is no way to get rid of all those guns. The right wing loonies will never give them up, and neither will the criminals.

You are wrong on all counts...

1) Japan and South Korea have absolute gun control...their citizens have no access to guns, except in very, very rare situations, and they still have 2 times as many suicides as we do...using your number for us that would make them at 50,000 suicides and not one gun used....

2) I get my number from actual researchers, criminologists and economists who have done studies using solid research methods designed to find out information...judges are not even a remotely accurate way to determine self defense gun use.....

3) Europe has had a much lower violent crime and gun crime rate long before they banned their guns....guns have nothing to do with their crime rate since their criminals can easily access guns as our criminals do....their criminals get guns when they want or need the French shootings, the shootings in Denmark, Belgium, Sweden, Norway all show......their criminals just don't use guns as much...part of their culture.....maybe they don't listen to rap or aren't as influenced by hollywood.....

Also....because the people of Europe were disarmed, they were murdered in the number of over 12 million people......keep that in mind.....the main reason we have the 2nd Amendment is to prevent that sort of mass murder...dittos Russia, China, Cuba, Vietnam, Cambodia....all disarmed, all murdered in the millions by their governments...where only the police and military had the guns......

4) Yes, the Founding Fathers specifically put in the 2nd Amendment to insure that we had access to guns to prevent the government from becoming tyrannical...

And before you say...we can't defeat the modern U.S. Army....we are now leaving two countries because our politicians and a good part of our people got bored fighting terrorists....and with the most advanced weapons in the world, backward assed savages with small arms and improvised explosives drove us into leaving their countries after we conquered them....and you expect well armed U.S. citizens, with better training, better educations, more knowledge of the country...would just fold to the U.S. military if it became like the countries of Germany, Russia or China....?
Every year three times as many people commit suicide by gun than are murdered. So while 8,454 are murdered by guns, 25,000 people shoot themselves.

As for those unbelieveable statistics on guns saving lives, why aren't thousands more people dying in those countries where there are fewer guns? Could the answer be that people who say they used their guns to defend themselves, actually weren't in as much danger as they thought they were when they pulled that gun?

I saw one study where those who claimed to have pulled a gun in self-defense told their stories to judges - actual criminal court judges. Only those who claimed to have used their guns in self-defense were interviewed by the judges so only their side of the story was heard. The judges found that in virtually every case where the individuals claimed they used their weapons in self defense, they were in fact, the aggressor, based on their own versions of event and that their assessment the threat they faced was way out of proportion to the actual threat.

I realize that there is no way to get rid of guns in the US. I don't think that the Founding Fathers ever intended that every idiot in the land be armed to the teeth. That bit about a well-regulated militia being necessary for the defense of the country and all. But now that they are, there is no way to get rid of all those guns. The right wing loonies will never give them up, and neither will the criminals.
Remember this, Dragonlady . A year after all the guns are turned in, you will be praying toward Mecca 5 times a day. Is this what you want?

All the guns will never be turned in, Only a paranoid idiot would think that is something to worry about.
I live in Canada. The only people with handguns in Canada are criminals and cops. We're not praying to Mecca.

And I believe with all of your gun laws...a muslim terrorist shot up your Parliament building.....
No debate to have but that hasn't stopped the nutters from trying to manufacture one.

There is no comparison between the two incidents. Nor is there any comparison between gun deaths in the two countries.

You picked ONE incident from each country and extrapolated an entirely inaccurate scenario.

Try again but use facts next time.


Just because a left wing nut job like you doesn't want to hear it doesn't mean it doesn't exist. The two are similar in every single way except in the presence of guns.

Both were attacks by Muslim extremists.
Both were drawing Mohammed in satire.
Both were exercising their right to free speech.

You are lying out of your ass when you say they aren't the same. Typical lying progressive scumbag.

Lots of differences.

Hebdo fights for free speech every day. Geller only uses it as another tool in her war on Muslims. She didn't mention free speech much in her opposition to that mosque in NY did she?

Hebdo pokes fun at everybody, That Geller bitch is only interested in defaming Muslims. Being anti Muslim is her only job.

Hebdo was carrying on normal business as they do every day. Geller was making a special effort to instigate the attack. That's why she had $10,000.00 worth of security there.

The cartoonists at Hebdo didn't hide behind several armed guards in a secure place and send others out to be targets like that coward did.

Opposition to the mosque has to do with muslim aggression....they always build a mosque to commemorate this case the asshole wants to build a mosque where they killed 3,000 get the issue right.......
No debate to have but that hasn't stopped the nutters from trying to manufacture one.

There is no comparison between the two incidents. Nor is there any comparison between gun deaths in the two countries.

You picked ONE incident from each country and extrapolated an entirely inaccurate scenario.

Try again but use facts next time.


Just because a left wing nut job like you doesn't want to hear it doesn't mean it doesn't exist. The two are similar in every single way except in the presence of guns.

Both were attacks by Muslim extremists.
Both were drawing Mohammed in satire.
Both were exercising their right to free speech.

You are lying out of your ass when you say they aren't the same. Typical lying progressive scumbag.

Lots of differences.

Hebdo fights for free speech every day. Geller only uses it as another tool in her war on Muslims. She didn't mention free speech much in her opposition to that mosque in NY did she?

Hebdo pokes fun at everybody, That Geller bitch is only interested in defaming Muslims. Being anti Muslim is her only job.

Hebdo was carrying on normal business as they do every day. Geller was making a special effort to instigate the attack. That's why she had $10,000.00 worth of security there.

The cartoonists at Hebdo didn't hide behind several armed guards in a secure place and send others out to be targets like that coward did.

your post is idiotic-------simply a manifestation of your extreme bias-------Pam Geller does have a specific agenda----but THERE AIN'T NUTTHIN' WRONG WITH IT

My post is 100% accurate. Declaring war on almost 1/4 of the world's population, more than 1.5 billion people, because a tiny percentage of those people are evil terrorists is wrong. That's right in line with how the KKK hated all blacks because they thought a couple of young black men might have whistled at white women.
No debate to have but that hasn't stopped the nutters from trying to manufacture one.

There is no comparison between the two incidents. Nor is there any comparison between gun deaths in the two countries.

You picked ONE incident from each country and extrapolated an entirely inaccurate scenario.

Try again but use facts next time.


Just because a left wing nut job like you doesn't want to hear it doesn't mean it doesn't exist. The two are similar in every single way except in the presence of guns.

Both were attacks by Muslim extremists.
Both were drawing Mohammed in satire.
Both were exercising their right to free speech.

You are lying out of your ass when you say they aren't the same. Typical lying progressive scumbag.

Lots of differences.

Hebdo fights for free speech every day. Geller only uses it as another tool in her war on Muslims. She didn't mention free speech much in her opposition to that mosque in NY did she?

Hebdo pokes fun at everybody, That Geller bitch is only interested in defaming Muslims. Being anti Muslim is her only job.

Hebdo was carrying on normal business as they do every day. Geller was making a special effort to instigate the attack. That's why she had $10,000.00 worth of security there.

The cartoonists at Hebdo didn't hide behind several armed guards in a secure place and send others out to be targets like that coward did.

your post is idiotic-------simply a manifestation of your extreme bias-------Pam Geller does have a specific agenda----but THERE AIN'T NUTTHIN' WRONG WITH IT

My post is 100% accurate. Declaring war on almost 1/4 of the world's population, more than 1.5 billion people, because a tiny percentage of those people are evil terrorists is wrong. That's right in line with how the KKK hated all blacks because they thought a couple of young black men might have whistled at white women.

That's right in line with how the KKK hated all blacks because they thought a couple of young black men might have whistled at white women

We aren't talking about the democrat group, the kkk and their terrorism against the former slaves the democrats used to own.....and we aren't declaring war on all muslims......but the ones who have declared war on us are a really, really big number.....and they scare the shit out of the mythical "moderate" muslims so they are little to no use against the head choppers.........
No debate to have but that hasn't stopped the nutters from trying to manufacture one.

There is no comparison between the two incidents. Nor is there any comparison between gun deaths in the two countries.

You picked ONE incident from each country and extrapolated an entirely inaccurate scenario.

Try again but use facts next time.


Just because a left wing nut job like you doesn't want to hear it doesn't mean it doesn't exist. The two are similar in every single way except in the presence of guns.

Both were attacks by Muslim extremists.
Both were drawing Mohammed in satire.
Both were exercising their right to free speech.

You are lying out of your ass when you say they aren't the same. Typical lying progressive scumbag.

Lots of differences.

Hebdo fights for free speech every day. Geller only uses it as another tool in her war on Muslims. She didn't mention free speech much in her opposition to that mosque in NY did she?

Hebdo pokes fun at everybody, That Geller bitch is only interested in defaming Muslims. Being anti Muslim is her only job.

Hebdo was carrying on normal business as they do every day. Geller was making a special effort to instigate the attack. That's why she had $10,000.00 worth of security there.

The cartoonists at Hebdo didn't hide behind several armed guards in a secure place and send others out to be targets like that coward did.

Opposition to the mosque has to do with muslim aggression....they always build a mosque to commemorate this case the asshole wants to build a mosque where they killed 3,000 get the issue right.......

Bullshit. I know what her claims were, but the reality was nothing like her claims.
No debate to have but that hasn't stopped the nutters from trying to manufacture one.

There is no comparison between the two incidents. Nor is there any comparison between gun deaths in the two countries.

You picked ONE incident from each country and extrapolated an entirely inaccurate scenario.

Try again but use facts next time.


Just because a left wing nut job like you doesn't want to hear it doesn't mean it doesn't exist. The two are similar in every single way except in the presence of guns.

Both were attacks by Muslim extremists.
Both were drawing Mohammed in satire.
Both were exercising their right to free speech.

You are lying out of your ass when you say they aren't the same. Typical lying progressive scumbag.

Lots of differences.

Hebdo fights for free speech every day. Geller only uses it as another tool in her war on Muslims. She didn't mention free speech much in her opposition to that mosque in NY did she?

Hebdo pokes fun at everybody, That Geller bitch is only interested in defaming Muslims. Being anti Muslim is her only job.

Hebdo was carrying on normal business as they do every day. Geller was making a special effort to instigate the attack. That's why she had $10,000.00 worth of security there.

The cartoonists at Hebdo didn't hide behind several armed guards in a secure place and send others out to be targets like that coward did.

your post is idiotic-------simply a manifestation of your extreme bias-------Pam Geller does have a specific agenda----but THERE AIN'T NUTTHIN' WRONG WITH IT

My post is 100% accurate. Declaring war on almost 1/4 of the world's population, more than 1.5 billion people, because a tiny percentage of those people are evil terrorists is wrong. That's right in line with how the KKK hated all blacks because they thought a couple of young black men might have whistled at white women.

That's right in line with how the KKK hated all blacks because they thought a couple of young black men might have whistled at white women

We aren't talking about the democrat group, the kkk and their terrorism against the former slaves the democrats used to own.....and we aren't declaring war on all muslims......but the ones who have declared war on us are a really, really big number.....and they scare the shit out of the mythical "moderate" muslims so they are little to no use against the head choppers.........

Believe what you want. You have made it clear that facts mean nothing to you, so I won't waste time giving you any. You are wrong, and I hope that some day you realize that.
Just because a left wing nut job like you doesn't want to hear it doesn't mean it doesn't exist. The two are similar in every single way except in the presence of guns.

Both were attacks by Muslim extremists.
Both were drawing Mohammed in satire.
Both were exercising their right to free speech.

You are lying out of your ass when you say they aren't the same. Typical lying progressive scumbag.

Lots of differences.

Hebdo fights for free speech every day. Geller only uses it as another tool in her war on Muslims. She didn't mention free speech much in her opposition to that mosque in NY did she?

Hebdo pokes fun at everybody, That Geller bitch is only interested in defaming Muslims. Being anti Muslim is her only job.

Hebdo was carrying on normal business as they do every day. Geller was making a special effort to instigate the attack. That's why she had $10,000.00 worth of security there.

The cartoonists at Hebdo didn't hide behind several armed guards in a secure place and send others out to be targets like that coward did.

your post is idiotic-------simply a manifestation of your extreme bias-------Pam Geller does have a specific agenda----but THERE AIN'T NUTTHIN' WRONG WITH IT

My post is 100% accurate. Declaring war on almost 1/4 of the world's population, more than 1.5 billion people, because a tiny percentage of those people are evil terrorists is wrong. That's right in line with how the KKK hated all blacks because they thought a couple of young black men might have whistled at white women.

That's right in line with how the KKK hated all blacks because they thought a couple of young black men might have whistled at white women

We aren't talking about the democrat group, the kkk and their terrorism against the former slaves the democrats used to own.....and we aren't declaring war on all muslims......but the ones who have declared war on us are a really, really big number.....and they scare the shit out of the mythical "moderate" muslims so they are little to no use against the head choppers.........

Believe what you want. You have made it clear that facts mean nothing to you, so I won't waste time giving you any. You are wrong, and I hope that some day you realize that.

And of course you are and Neville Chamberlain believe the same thing...that monsters can be dealt with through negotiation.....see how that worked out for Europe..........since only a small portion of Germans were evil......lot of good that they did to stop the evil from engulfing Europe....dittos Russia and China....

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