Charlie Kirk says birth control “really screws up female brains"

There are forms of birth control that don’t involve drugs
Like this?

Should Clinton calling half the country 'deplorables' have changed her numbers?

Or Obama calling small town folks 'bitter and clinging to their guns and religion in antipathy towards people who aren't like them'?

You see lefties on here every day making fun of and disparaging what they think conservative voters are.

What's your excuse for all of that?
You're trying to equate the words they used with the words that Trump uses. That's either dishonest or ignorant.

Trump's words are consistently far more aggressive and juvenile, and any honest, intelligent person knows that.
You're trying to equate the words they used with the words that Trump uses. That's either dishonest or ignorant.

Trump's words are consistently far more aggressive and juvenile, and any honest, intelligent person knows that.
So not you, then. Shove your false dichotomy up where the sun don't shine sideways, too.
You're trying to equate the words they used with the words that Trump uses. That's either dishonest or ignorant.

Trump's words are consistently far more aggressive and juvenile, and any honest, intelligent person knows that.
He's describing your methodology to a T, non-self-aware Mac.

You see lefties on here every day making fun of and disparaging what they think conservative voters are.

What's your excuse for all of that?
Holy shit you fucking retards, it DOES mess with their minds.
Never take medical advice from a high school graduate, college drop out.
So you don’t want to take advice from George Washington, Abraham Lincoln, or Harry Truman?

Some of the most successful people of world history never received a college degree.

One of the most brilliant minds and businessman in US history was Henry Ford. The man did not even attend high school
If one is against birth control one wants more abortions. Man some people are just plain dumb. What business is it of anybody else's if even every last woman decides to go on birth control and stay on it?
I like pointing out how stupid you are. We can see the fallacy in 2 ways
a 99.5% birth contol wil fail 1 in 200 times

And among 200 folks using a the 99.5 % it will fail statistically right off the bat with one of them

You are uneducated, you are lazy , you are the typical self-corrupted hater that just doesn't see a baby with her limbs ripped off anymore, just some rights for people who want to do whatever the hell they want

Jarrett found that the suction curette was obstructed by a torn-off fetal leg. So he changed techniques and dismembered the child with a ring forceps:

And as I brought out the rib cage, I looked and I saw a tiny, beating heart. And when I found the head of the baby, I looked squarely in the face of another human being--a human being that I'd just killed. I turned to the scrub nurse and said, "I'm sorry." But I just knew that I couldn't be a part of abortion anymore
Yep, this thread is proof of that, none of the MAGA types have any issues with what Kirk is saying.

Exactly. They're all in here defending his comments. They want to make abortions illegal and also don't want them taking birth control that would prevent the need for one. Apparently, we're all supposed to live in a "Leave it to Beaver" fantasy world where nobody has sex until their wedding night and everyone has eight kids.
Yep, this thread is proof of that, none of the MAGA types have any issues with what Kirk is saying.

Disparaging Trump supporters again I see. Any negative comments made about Biden supporters having issues with what he is doing or saying? Yeah, that's what I thought.
I like pointing out how stupid you are. We can see the fallacy in 2 ways
a 99.5% birth contol wil fail 1 in 200 times

And among 200 folks using a the 99.5 % it will fail statistically right off the bat with one of them

You are uneducated, you are lazy , you are the typical self-corrupted hater that just doesn't see a baby with her limbs ripped off anymore, just some rights for people who want to do whatever the hell they want

Jarrett found that the suction curette was obstructed by a torn-off fetal leg. So he changed techniques and dismembered the child with a ring forceps:
I'm for getting rid of abortion. And the only real way to do it is to ensure every woman who is unsure of having kids TAKE PRECATIONS against getting pregnant. As more and more young married both working couples choose NOT to have kids, the better off the nation is. Abortions go away on their own simply by making birth control 100 percent effective.
Exactly. They're all in here defending his comments. They want to make abortions illegal and also don't want them taking birth control that would prevent the need for one. Apparently, we're all supposed to live in a "Leave it to Beaver" fantasy world where nobody has sex until their wedding night and everyone has eight kids.

Is that really what he said, he's against all forms of medical/hormonal birth control, and they should be banned? Or is he pointing out that taking these hormones can have negative impacts on young women's health in a myriad of ways? You know you're desperate when you have to lie or gas light about someone's comments or positions in order to disparage them.
Exactly. They're all in here defending his comments. They want to make abortions illegal and also don't want them taking birth control that would prevent the need for one. Apparently, we're all supposed to live in a "Leave it to Beaver" fantasy world where nobody has sex until their wedding night and everyone has eight kids.
Those days are over. The trend is small families or not having kids st all. And the trend is going to grow.
My grandaughter, now 28, and her husband, 30 have taken medical procedures to ensure they never have kids. They're both making loads of money and don't want a family. Now that's being responsible. Her pharmacy job is paying big bucks. He's an engineer making big bucks too.

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