Charlotte cop attacked by thug; Shoots; Charged w murder; Cops interview video

Didn't say. It only takes a split second. Easy to miss during a fight. You....haven't been in many fight or flight situations have you?
I've been in quite a few. However, I've seen no evidence that the officer was in any legitimate fight or flight situation.

Really? What about when the 6'3 240 lb Division 1 football player who just tried to break down a single mom's door...aggressively charged at him? Thats not a fight or flight situation?

The fact that you think it isnt....tells me you've never been in one. Ever.
There you go lying again. Why do you lie so much?

It's on video moron.
No it isn't, you pathetic liar.

Haha....ok. Obviously you didn't watch the video. I'm not gonna argue with an idiot.
I've been in quite a few. However, I've seen no evidence that the officer was in any legitimate fight or flight situation.

Really? What about when the 6'3 240 lb Division 1 football player who just tried to break down a single mom's door...aggressively charged at him? Thats not a fight or flight situation?

The fact that you think it isnt....tells me you've never been in one. Ever.
There you go lying again. Why do you lie so much?

It's on video moron.
No it isn't, you pathetic liar.

Haha....ok. Obviously you didn't watch the video. I'm not gonna argue with an idiot.
You have no argument.

You concession is respectfully accepted.
This is; as are all scenarios framed in Left-think... LUDICROUS.

There is no right to threaten the life of another and reasonably expect that in so doing, you do not forfeit your own life.

What we're seeing in all of this, is the attempt to deconstruct the fundamental American understanding of humanity; wherein God provides life and in endowing life endows us with the duty to defend that life... .

It is quite simply: EVIL!

I agree. On one day they lobby to LOWER hiring standards for cops to ensure...well....that anyone and everyone is able to get the job. The next day....they expect cops to be super human and be able to physically wrestle down any aggressor.....even a 6'4 240 pound Division 1 football player who is trying to assault and disarm the cop.

Liberals want cops dead or in jail. Period.
Did the cop provoke the incident? What were the circumstances that lead to the shooting? The video wouldn't come up for me to watch.

A single mom heard pounding on her door. Went and saw the thug on her door step. Supposedly he was in a car wreck and was asking for help (according to family). The mom said he was yelling to turn her alarm off....according and beat her door so hard it had dents in it.

She called 911....reported a possible attempted break in.

Cops saw suspect...based on woman's description.

They stop to speak to him.

He....a large strong athletic Division 1 football player at Florida A&m University....immediately charges the officer....and according to the medical examiner....was on top of the cop assaulting him as the shots were fired. Cops interview...he cried and said guy was grabbing for his gun.

Sounds Iike an aggressive man on some sort of drugs who became violent. Attacked a cop. Possibly went for the gun. Cop shot him.

DA charges cop with murder. Which....should really motivate all cops to keep risking their lives confronting criminals.
I see. So the victim "possibly" went for the officer's gun? No evidence that the victim actually went for the officer's gun? It's the cop's word against the word of a DEAD man? And, did the victim harm anyone before the cop arrived? Was the lady assaulted or threatened in any way? Was dents in the front door the only damage reported? So, a cop took a man's life due to a dent(s) in a front door, and possibly "going for the cop's weapon"? Well, sounds par for the course to me.
Actually the cop didn't say that Jonathon went for his weapon, that was simply a lie told to you some idiot who's eyes are glued shut by gobs of dried up pig semen due to his addiction to sucking off anyone with a badge.

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