Charlotte cop attacked by thug; Shoots; Charged w murder; Cops interview video

TOS...I wonder....if someone is trying to break down your door....and you call 911 (don't will)....I kinda hope the cops say "slow down. I'm not risking myself or getting put on trial if something goes wrong". That's what's coming folks.
I hope I don't call a shit cop who may end wrongfully murdering someone.

I hope you never need a cop but if you do, make sure you grill him about his life, quirks, biases and work history before you allow him to help you and send him packing if you find him to be a "shit" cop.
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What sort of chance do cops give people to prove themselves from the grave?

What sort of chance does anyone - including murdered cops - get to prove themselves from the grave? The #1 rule of the cop job ... get home safely to your family.

And according to some on this board, not care if the citizens they swore an oath to protect make it home to their families.

Sometimes a cop is forced to make that choice. We here at USMBs have the luxury of slo-mo replay, 20/20 hindsight vision and Monday-morning quarterbacking.
BTW, some here insist there is no such thing as a justified shoot.
Some here insist there is no such thing as an unjustified shoot. And if we make it a habit of letting police get away with unjustified shootings, then we're going down a dark road...

I don't see Americans condoning or "letting police get away" with bad shoots but we have recently heard Baltimore's mayor admit to reporters she instructed officers to allow protestors to express themselves and that “we also gave those who wished to destroy space to do that as well.”

Baltimore Mayor Gave Those Who Wished to Destroy Space to Do That CBS Baltimore
What sort of chance does anyone - including murdered cops - get to prove themselves from the grave? The #1 rule of the cop job ... get home safely to your family.
The best way for a cop to ensure that is get a different job. Mail carrier is one suggestion.

The police occupation is dangerous. But it's not as dangerous as quite a few other jobs. The Deadliest Jobs in America Bloomberg Business - Business Financial Economic News Stock Quotes

Perhaps not as dangerous because cops can and do take action when threatened.
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When I was about seventeen the father of a friend, an ironworker, was killed while repairing the Manhattan Bridge. I went with the family to his burial at Greenwood Cemetery in Brooklyn. We arrived early and were held at the entrance by two cops who told us there was an ongoing "ceremony" that would end soon.

While waiting I saw what seemed to be 100 uniformed cops wearing white gloves following a procession with a bagpiper in kilts and two flag-bearers. I later learned the ceremony was for the cop I'd read about two days earlier who was killed when his patrol car lost control while chasing a speeder on the FDR Drive.

While it's true that police serve the public in a dangerous job, whose interest was my friend's father serving while making the Manhattan Bridge safe for the public? But in spite of the fact that the ironworkers job is more dangerous than the police job there are no funeral processions, no bagpiper and no flag-bearers for them when they are killed in the line of duty.
Attack a cop, you get what you deserve.

Runaway from a cop unarmed and get shot, the cop stands a better chance now to go to prison hell.
What sort of chance does anyone - including murdered cops - get to prove themselves from the grave? The #1 rule of the cop job ... get home safely to your family.
The best way for a cop to ensure that is to get a different job. Mail carrier is one suggestion.

The police occupation is dangerous. But it's not as dangerous as quite a few other jobs. The Deadliest Jobs in America Bloomberg Business - Business Financial Economic News Stock Quotes

Wearing bullet resistant vests helps a lot of deaths be injuries instead.

By that list....garbage collectors have more dangerous jobs than Marines. Hmm.
I'll take the ME and the woman whose door was damn near knocked off the hinges over the OBVIOUS grandstanding DA. An investigation takes a LOT longer than 1 day and this cop should have never been charged. DA has to either admit he fucked up or he has to continue the attack on the Cop for doing his damn job.I am no great defender of cops but the ME says the thug was on top of cop,cop has wounds consistent with that,woman that call 911 is heard screaming for help as he is trying to KICK the door off the hinges and then yells for her to turn the alarm accident or no accident he was not acting like a victim looking for help....why not say call 911 I wrecked my car? He can tell her to turn the alarm off....but not call for help...he was obviously well enough to try and kick door off hinges as well.
I'll take the ME and the woman whose door was damn near knocked off the hinges over the OBVIOUS grandstanding DA. An investigation takes a LOT longer than 1 day and this cop should have never been charged. DA has to either admit he fucked up or he has to continue the attack on the Cop for doing his damn job.I am no great defender of cops but the ME says the thug was on top of cop,cop has wounds consistent with that,woman that call 911 is heard screaming for help as he is trying to KICK the door off the hinges and then yells for her to turn the alarm accident or no accident he was not acting like a victim looking for help....why not say call 911 I wrecked my car? He can tell her to turn the alarm off....but not call for help...he was obviously well enough to try and kick door off hinges as well.

Well said.
I agree. On one day they lobby to LOWER hiring standards for cops to ensure...well....that anyone and everyone is able to get the job. The next day....they expect cops to be super human and be able to physically wrestle down any aggressor.....even a 6'4 240 pound Division 1 football player who is trying to assault and disarm the cop.

Liberals want cops dead or in jail. Period.
Did the cop provoke the incident? What were the circumstances that lead to the shooting? The video wouldn't come up for me to watch.

A single mom heard pounding on her door. Went and saw the thug on her door step. Supposedly he was in a car wreck and was asking for help (according to family). The mom said he was yelling to turn her alarm off....according and beat her door so hard it had dents in it.

She called 911....reported a possible attempted break in.

Cops saw suspect...based on woman's description.

They stop to speak to him.

He....a large strong athletic Division 1 football player at Florida A&m University....immediately charges the officer....and according to the medical examiner....was on top of the cop assaulting him as the shots were fired. Cops interview...he cried and said guy was grabbing for his gun.

Sounds Iike an aggressive man on some sort of drugs who became violent. Attacked a cop. Possibly went for the gun. Cop shot him.

DA charges cop with murder. Which....should really motivate all cops to keep risking their lives confronting criminals.
I see. So the victim "possibly" went for the officer's gun? No evidence that the victim actually went for the officer's gun? It's the cop's word against the word of a DEAD man? And, did the victim harm anyone before the cop arrived? Was the lady assaulted or threatened in any way? Was dents in the front door the only damage reported? So, a cop took a man's life due to a dent(s) in a front door, and possibly "going for the cop's weapon"? Well, sounds par for the course to me.

Well....view the video of the attack. Cops arrest 14 million people a year with no problem. 300-400 result in death. About 0.003%.

Judging by the very aggressive charging the thug did towards the cop....I'd say odds are the thug was on top of the cop attacking him and grabbed for the gun. Medical examiner conformed the first part.

So....yeah. But we are now just gonna start charging all cops with murder if they shoot someone. Guilty immediately.....let them prove their innocence in court. Yep. That's gonna be GREAT for America.
Yes. It will be great for America and her citizens. Cops should be held to the same standards as everyone else, no exceptions. Cops should be accountable for their actions the same as you and I are. Murder is murder, whether a cop does it, or John Q. Public does it. If a cop kills someone, then it must be proven to be self defense, protecting life and property, or a case of last resort. You and I are held to those standards, why shouldn't cops?

I didn't see the video. It wouldn't come up for me.
The video doesn't show the actual shooting anyways.
Actually, accounts from the 2 police have the guy falling on the officer after the first barrage of shots, and the officer who killed him said he was afraid the victim might try to take his gun. Not that he tried to. You should really do a better job of following this story.

And all the dashcam footage shows is that if there was any struggle, it was put to an end almost immediately by the trigger-happy officer. Couldn't be more different than the Trayvon murder.

His initial interview says he went for his gun.

But YES....the fight was ended very quickly. That's kinda the point. Don't give him a chance to GET the gun.

Imagine what would a happened had he not charged the cop??
The final account has him not going for the gun. Perhaps after he'd been knocked to the ground by the first wave of bullets, he considered making a desperate bid to grab the gun from the shitty officer in order to save his life? We'll never know because the shit officer finished putting the last of 10 point blank range bullets in him before ge got the chance. Damn, if only he'd been faster...

So the officer has admitted "he was not going for my gun"?? Link?
Where did he say "he was going for my gun?" Link?

Original interview. Cop said he was grabbing for the gun. And yes...when that happens....cops will take fast and hard actions. Going for a cops gun...whether you mean it or not....will end badly.
Did anyone else see him going for the gun before he was shot? There were two other officers on the scene.
His initial interview says he went for his gun.

But YES....the fight was ended very quickly. That's kinda the point. Don't give him a chance to GET the gun.

Imagine what would a happened had he not charged the cop??
The final account has him not going for the gun. Perhaps after he'd been knocked to the ground by the first wave of bullets, he considered making a desperate bid to grab the gun from the shitty officer in order to save his life? We'll never know because the shit officer finished putting the last of 10 point blank range bullets in him before ge got the chance. Damn, if only he'd been faster...

So the officer has admitted "he was not going for my gun"?? Link?
Where did he say "he was going for my gun?" Link?

Original interview. Cop said he was grabbing for the gun. And yes...when that happens....cops will take fast and hard actions. Going for a cops gun...whether you mean it or not....will end badly.
Did anyone else see him going for the gun before he was shot? There were two other officers on the scene.

Didn't say. It only takes a split second. Easy to miss during a fight. You....haven't been in many fight or flight situations have you?
Actually, accounts from the 2 police have the guy falling on the officer after the first barrage of shots, and the officer who killed him said he was afraid the victim might try to take his gun. Not that he tried to. You should really do a better job of following this story.

And all the dashcam footage shows is that if there was any struggle, it was put to an end almost immediately by the trigger-happy officer. Couldn't be more different than the Trayvon murder.

His initial interview says he went for his gun.

But YES....the fight was ended very quickly. That's kinda the point. Don't give him a chance to GET the gun.

Imagine what would a happened had he not charged the cop??
The final account has him not going for the gun. Perhaps after he'd been knocked to the ground by the first wave of bullets, he considered making a desperate bid to grab the gun from the shitty officer in order to save his life? We'll never know because the shit officer finished putting the last of 10 point blank range bullets in him before ge got the chance. Damn, if only he'd been faster...

So the officer has admitted "he was not going for my gun"?? Link?
Where did he say "he was going for my gun?" Link?

Original interview. Cop said he was grabbing for the gun.

You are simply lying.
The final account has him not going for the gun. Perhaps after he'd been knocked to the ground by the first wave of bullets, he considered making a desperate bid to grab the gun from the shitty officer in order to save his life? We'll never know because the shit officer finished putting the last of 10 point blank range bullets in him before ge got the chance. Damn, if only he'd been faster...

So the officer has admitted "he was not going for my gun"?? Link?
Where did he say "he was going for my gun?" Link?

Original interview. Cop said he was grabbing for the gun. And yes...when that happens....cops will take fast and hard actions. Going for a cops gun...whether you mean it or not....will end badly.
Did anyone else see him going for the gun before he was shot? There were two other officers on the scene.

Didn't say. It only takes a split second. Easy to miss during a fight. You....haven't been in many fight or flight situations have you?
I've been in quite a few. However, I've seen no evidence that the officer was in any legitimate fight or flight situation.
So the officer has admitted "he was not going for my gun"?? Link?
Where did he say "he was going for my gun?" Link?

Original interview. Cop said he was grabbing for the gun. And yes...when that happens....cops will take fast and hard actions. Going for a cops gun...whether you mean it or not....will end badly.
Did anyone else see him going for the gun before he was shot? There were two other officers on the scene.

Didn't say. It only takes a split second. Easy to miss during a fight. You....haven't been in many fight or flight situations have you?
I've been in quite a few. However, I've seen no evidence that the officer was in any legitimate fight or flight situation.

Really? What about when the 6'3 240 lb Division 1 football player who just tried to break down a single mom's door...aggressively charged at him? Thats not a fight or flight situation?

The fact that you think it isnt....tells me you've never been in one. Ever.
Where did he say "he was going for my gun?" Link?

Original interview. Cop said he was grabbing for the gun. And yes...when that happens....cops will take fast and hard actions. Going for a cops gun...whether you mean it or not....will end badly.
Did anyone else see him going for the gun before he was shot? There were two other officers on the scene.

Didn't say. It only takes a split second. Easy to miss during a fight. You....haven't been in many fight or flight situations have you?
I've been in quite a few. However, I've seen no evidence that the officer was in any legitimate fight or flight situation.

Really? What about when the 6'3 240 lb Division 1 football player who just tried to break down a single mom's door...aggressively charged at him? Thats not a fight or flight situation?

The fact that you think it isnt....tells me you've never been in one. Ever.
There you go lying again. Why do you lie so much?
Original interview. Cop said he was grabbing for the gun. And yes...when that happens....cops will take fast and hard actions. Going for a cops gun...whether you mean it or not....will end badly.
Did anyone else see him going for the gun before he was shot? There were two other officers on the scene.

Didn't say. It only takes a split second. Easy to miss during a fight. You....haven't been in many fight or flight situations have you?
I've been in quite a few. However, I've seen no evidence that the officer was in any legitimate fight or flight situation.

Really? What about when the 6'3 240 lb Division 1 football player who just tried to break down a single mom's door...aggressively charged at him? Thats not a fight or flight situation?

The fact that you think it isnt....tells me you've never been in one. Ever.
There you go lying again. Why do you lie so much?

It's on video moron. You obviously didn't watch it. He rushed that cop exactly Iike he probably rushed the quarterback at Florida A&M where he played football.
Did anyone else see him going for the gun before he was shot? There were two other officers on the scene.

Didn't say. It only takes a split second. Easy to miss during a fight. You....haven't been in many fight or flight situations have you?
I've been in quite a few. However, I've seen no evidence that the officer was in any legitimate fight or flight situation.

Really? What about when the 6'3 240 lb Division 1 football player who just tried to break down a single mom's door...aggressively charged at him? Thats not a fight or flight situation?

The fact that you think it isnt....tells me you've never been in one. Ever.
There you go lying again. Why do you lie so much?

It's on video moron.
No it isn't, you pathetic liar.

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