Thug charges cop; Fights him...TAKES gun...shoots cop in chest; Hey...better than a riot though.

I'm asking....if a 250 pound adult male is going for a cops should academies teach defending that?

How about by not letting them get that close? Is that an option or is the only option one that goes Boom-boom?
We should arm them in aerial mecha suits, where they can rain down missiles on us from the sky! So badazz!

Voltron Lions would be better. Their fast and they can chew and rip people if suspected of possibly being violent sometime in the future

And here is my point. When asked to provide a better solution to this....liberals resort to jokes and sophomoric nonsense.

ClosedCaption....if you were in would you train cops to defend themselves when a person is attacking then and trying to wrestle their gun away? Second....if they win and create separation....what should they do if the person starts to come at them a second time....having already shown they want to take the gun????

I'm sure you'll offer up some nonsense from Battlestar Galactica or something rather than an actual reasoned response.
If they had a full arsenal of grenades, rocket launchers, and automatic rifles, they would never be in danger and could deal with the suspect however they please.

Yeah, you know considering that anyone can be a mortal threat and anyone could kill a cop lets just throw out the whole idea of differing circumstances. I mean really, Bucs makes a good point...Anyone can do anything so its best to treat everyone like you're one step away from dying because that would help people a lot.

Is that really an old lady or should she be frisked and laid face down on the ground? Who knows!

Is that kid really a kid or a blood thristy animal waiting to strike? Best take precaution and put that finger on the trigger and aim for the head. You just never know
Exactly. Police are just people like you and me. And how do they know if you're armed or not?! If you're against police shooting first and asking questions later, then you're a thug who wants cops to be murdered.
Wait... You think the story noted in the OP is a matter of shooting first and asking questions second?
Yes our officers should be highly trained killing machines. And considered well above the law!

None of the techniques I've mentioned are killing techniques...they are intended to quickly discourage the attacker by rendering him immobile as quickly as possible. If I want to kill an attacker I can simply aim my shuto strikes at his throat and temples instead of his collarbones.
As should the police. Kill the suspect and let God sort 'em out.
Voltron Lions would be better. Their fast and they can chew and rip people if suspected of possibly being violent sometime in the future

And here is my point. When asked to provide a better solution to this....liberals resort to jokes and sophomoric nonsense.

ClosedCaption....if you were in would you train cops to defend themselves when a person is attacking then and trying to wrestle their gun away? Second....if they win and create separation....what should they do if the person starts to come at them a second time....having already shown they want to take the gun????

I'm sure you'll offer up some nonsense from Battlestar Galactica or something rather than an actual reasoned response.
If they had a full arsenal of grenades, rocket launchers, and automatic rifles, they would never be in danger and could deal with the suspect however they please.

Yeah, you know considering that anyone can be a mortal threat and anyone could kill a cop lets just throw out the whole idea of differing circumstances. I mean really, Bucs makes a good point...Anyone can do anything so its best to treat everyone like you're one step away from dying because that would help people a lot.

Is that really an old lady or should she be frisked and laid face down on the ground? Who knows!

Is that kid really a kid or a blood thristy animal waiting to strike? Best take precaution and put that finger on the trigger and aim for the head. You just never know
Exactly. Police are just people like you and me. And how do they know if you're armed or not?! If you're against police shooting first and asking questions later, then you're a thug who wants cops to be murdered.
Wait... You think the story noted in the OP is a matter of shooting first and asking questions second?
Wtf are you smoking Chachi? Get your cop-hating ass away from me! :mad:
I'm asking....if a 250 pound adult male is going for a cops should academies teach defending that?

How about by not letting them get that close? Is that an option or is the only option one that goes Boom-boom?

Ah....YES. That's called the reactionary gap. Academies teach that it's about 10 feet. Any closer...and a fight is inevitable.

So when cops say Get Back...that's why.

Now....if a person charges you in a dead have about 1.5 seconds to react. Your life may depend on it. do you propose not letting an unarmed person "get that close"??? Tasers are a great tool....and often are the answer. But as you pointed out in the Michigan case....inside of a few feet tasers aren't effective.

So...a 250 pound skinhead is charging...too close for taser. He's already made one grab towards the gun. Your daughter is the cop. What should she be taught to do?
Wow. I couldn't have been more accurate. Liberals are responding to a legitimate question....with elementary school style childishness.
They do not want to discuss the issue seriously because they know they cannot do so without making themselves to be fools.
Yep. They riot and burn a city down. They demonize cops for a year and chant for their deaths.
Yet...when real incidents show that when an attacker takes a cops gun....the cop is shot with it....they cannot suggest a better solution on how to make sure that doesnt ever happen. I ask how an Academy should teach, say, a 5'6 130 pound female cop to defend her life should a 6'3 260 pound unarmed skinhead attack her and begin going for her gun. And liberals will respond with cartoon images and juvenile sarcasm.
Oh - a skinhead? Shoot him, by all means.
If the assailant is black? Take the round and smile, you racist bitch.
Yeah...I had to make the attacker a skinhead. Otherwise liberals couldn't even speculate on possibly using force.
Its clear that the left is unwilling to have a serious discussion on this matter.
Wow. I couldn't have been more accurate. Liberals are responding to a legitimate question....with elementary school style childishness.
They do not want to discuss the issue seriously because they know they cannot do so without making themselves to be fools.
Yep. They riot and burn a city down. They demonize cops for a year and chant for their deaths.
Yet...when real incidents show that when an attacker takes a cops gun....the cop is shot with it....they cannot suggest a better solution on how to make sure that doesnt ever happen. I ask how an Academy should teach, say, a 5'6 130 pound female cop to defend her life should a 6'3 260 pound unarmed skinhead attack her and begin going for her gun. And liberals will respond with cartoon images and juvenile sarcasm.
Oh - a skinhead? Shoot him, by all means.
If the assailant is black? Take the round and smile, you racist bitch.
Yeah...I had to make the attacker a skinhead. Otherwise liberals couldn't even speculate on possibly using force.
Its clear that the left is unwilling to have a serious discussion on this matter.

I'm asking....if a 250 pound adult male is going for a cops should academies teach defending that?

How about by not letting them get that close? Is that an option or is the only option one that goes Boom-boom?

Ah....YES. That's called the reactionary gap. Academies teach that it's about 10 feet. Any closer...and a fight is inevitable.

Not inevitable....

So when cops say Get Back...that's why.

Now....if a person charges you in a dead have about 1.5 seconds to react. Your life may depend on it.

Heres the build up guys, do you feel the tension building like a good drama flick? strap in... do you propose not letting an unarmed person "get that close"??? Tasers are a great tool....and often are the answer. But as you pointed out in the Michigan case....inside of a few feet tasers aren't effective.

So...a 250 pound skinhead is charging...too close for taser. He's already made one grab towards the gun. Your daughter is the cop. What should she be taught to do?

A taser works at 10 feet....A taser works at 3 feet. Is there some reason a taser is not an option in your hypothetical?
I'm asking....if a 250 pound adult male is going for a cops should academies teach defending that?

How about by not letting them get that close? Is that an option or is the only option one that goes Boom-boom?

Ah....YES. That's called the reactionary gap. Academies teach that it's about 10 feet. Any closer...and a fight is inevitable.

So when cops say Get Back...that's why.

Now....if a person charges you in a dead have about 1.5 seconds to react. Your life may depend on it. do you propose not letting an unarmed person "get that close"??? Tasers are a great tool....and often are the answer. But as you pointed out in the Michigan case....inside of a few feet tasers aren't effective.

So...a 250 pound skinhead is charging...too close for taser. He's already made one grab towards the gun. Your daughter is the cop. What should she be taught to do?
10 or 20 pointblank shotgun blasts to the face. That's how!
My solution? Drastically increase training standards for fitness and hand to hand fighting.

The Marine Corp martial arts program for one. A standard Marine isn't as good as an MMA fighter....BUT...they're better than almost all untrained thugs. Hand to hand fighting and weapon defense. All police should train to that standard in the academy.

After the academy? Krav Maga and Brazilian Jiu-jitsu. Highly effective and often offers non lethal techniques.

But....doing those will require much more intense training and discipline. And the left will call it extreme and militarized and...of course...racist.

But....fewer cops would lose fights....and fewer would shoot thugs. A win right?
I mean seriously, Bucs is trying out every possible bullshit excuse for why anything other than shooting someone is a bad idea. No matter what I say he just says it wont work. Create another story, adding in size and gang statuses then asks the question again, and again, and again
I'm asking....if a 250 pound adult male is going for a cops should academies teach defending that?

How about by not letting them get that close? Is that an option or is the only option one that goes Boom-boom?

Ah....YES. That's called the reactionary gap. Academies teach that it's about 10 feet. Any closer...and a fight is inevitable.

Not inevitable....

So when cops say Get Back...that's why.

Now....if a person charges you in a dead have about 1.5 seconds to react. Your life may depend on it.

Heres the build up guys, do you feel the tension building like a good drama flick? strap in... do you propose not letting an unarmed person "get that close"??? Tasers are a great tool....and often are the answer. But as you pointed out in the Michigan case....inside of a few feet tasers aren't effective.

So...a 250 pound skinhead is charging...too close for taser. He's already made one grab towards the gun. Your daughter is the cop. What should she be taught to do?

A taser works at 10 feet....A taser works at 3 feet. Is there some reason a taser is not an option in your hypothetical?

YOU said a taser doesn't work up close. Remember the Michigan case? Oh....forgot so soon huh?

The tension building? Well....have you ever been in a REAL fight like that? When you're a cop and a criminal charges you inside of 10 feet...and you have no idea what's in store....yes....TENSION BUILDS. It's called stress. Police and military have spent centuries trying to figure out how to best train people to handle that split second decision. Can YOU offer them better solutions than what their centuries of research has produced?
I mean seriously, Bucs is trying out every possible bullshit excuse for why anything other than shooting someone is a bad idea. No matter what I say he just says it wont work. Create another story, adding in size and gang statuses then asks the question again, and again, and again I guess that means you don't have an answer. And guess what? Yes....sometimes cops have to fight men who are much bigger, and even gang members. Kinda comes with the job.

But I'll accept your plea of ignorance if that's what you wanna do.
Ok ClosedCaption I'll make it simpler.

It's raining. And Taser International says tasers can't be carried in the rain. It will discharge them.

So....that being are an Academy instructor. In Seattle. Rainy.

And we don't want fat cops. So...a 165 pound cop asks you "Instructor Caption .....if I'm on the street....and a big ass dude fights me while I'm trying to arrest him....and he starts grabbing at my gun and holding me against a wall....what should I do??"

Instructor Caption .......we're all ears. Enlighten us.....
I'm asking....if a 250 pound adult male is going for a cops should academies teach defending that?

How about by not letting them get that close? Is that an option or is the only option one that goes Boom-boom?

Ah....YES. That's called the reactionary gap. Academies teach that it's about 10 feet. Any closer...and a fight is inevitable.

Not inevitable....

So when cops say Get Back...that's why.

Now....if a person charges you in a dead have about 1.5 seconds to react. Your life may depend on it.

Heres the build up guys, do you feel the tension building like a good drama flick? strap in... do you propose not letting an unarmed person "get that close"??? Tasers are a great tool....and often are the answer. But as you pointed out in the Michigan case....inside of a few feet tasers aren't effective.

So...a 250 pound skinhead is charging...too close for taser. He's already made one grab towards the gun. Your daughter is the cop. What should she be taught to do?

A taser works at 10 feet....A taser works at 3 feet. Is there some reason a taser is not an option in your hypothetical?

YOU said a taser doesn't work up close. Remember the Michigan case? Oh....forgot so soon huh?

Are you a fucking retard. I just said it works at 10 feet and even 3 feet. The Michigan case was less than a foot away. Are you being purposfully stupid here or did you forget pieces of the case?

The tension building? Well....have you ever been in a REAL fight like that? When you're a cop and a criminal charges you inside of 10 feet...and you have no idea what's in store....yes....TENSION BUILDS. It's called stress. Police and military have spent centuries trying to figure out how to best train people to handle that split second decision. Can YOU offer them better solutions than what their centuries of research has produced?

Tension building is a reference to your story telling. And I fucking called it 2 pages ago because you do it everytime

Then you go into your game of asking people if they are cops. Thats like asking you when were you ever president when you have an opinion on something.

Now you are onto if I know better than centuries of training
Ok ClosedCaption I'll make it simpler.

It's raining. And Taser International says tasers can't be carried in the rain. It will discharge them.

Oh come the fuck on :rofl:

I'm asking....if a 250 pound adult male is going for a cops should academies teach defending that?

How about by not letting them get that close? Is that an option or is the only option one that goes Boom-boom?

Ah....YES. That's called the reactionary gap. Academies teach that it's about 10 feet. Any closer...and a fight is inevitable.

Not inevitable....

So when cops say Get Back...that's why.

Now....if a person charges you in a dead have about 1.5 seconds to react. Your life may depend on it.

Heres the build up guys, do you feel the tension building like a good drama flick? strap in... do you propose not letting an unarmed person "get that close"??? Tasers are a great tool....and often are the answer. But as you pointed out in the Michigan case....inside of a few feet tasers aren't effective.

So...a 250 pound skinhead is charging...too close for taser. He's already made one grab towards the gun. Your daughter is the cop. What should she be taught to do?

A taser works at 10 feet....A taser works at 3 feet. Is there some reason a taser is not an option in your hypothetical?

YOU said a taser doesn't work up close. Remember the Michigan case? Oh....forgot so soon huh?

Are you a fucking retard. I just said it works at 10 feet and even 3 feet. The Michigan case was less than a foot away. Are you being purposfully stupid here or did you forget pieces of the case?

The tension building? Well....have you ever been in a REAL fight like that? When you're a cop and a criminal charges you inside of 10 feet...and you have no idea what's in store....yes....TENSION BUILDS. It's called stress. Police and military have spent centuries trying to figure out how to best train people to handle that split second decision. Can YOU offer them better solutions than what their centuries of research has produced?

Tension building is a reference to your story telling. And I fucking called it 2 pages ago because you do it everytime

Then you go into your game of asking people if they are cops. Thats like asking you when were you ever president when you have an opinion on something.

Now you are onto if I know better than centuries of training

And how fast does a person charging from 3 feet...close the gap to 1 foot??? Tasers fail often. Especially inside of 3 feet.

YES....the tension builds in my story. Imagine the tension if you were actually in that story in real life rather than reading it????

Apparently you do know better than centuries of police and military hand to hand training. You said what they did was wrong. Tell us the better option.
Ok ClosedCaption I'll make it simpler.

It's raining. And Taser International says tasers can't be carried in the rain. It will discharge them.

Oh come the fuck on :rofl:


Um....yeah....tasers cant be used in water. Cops are told not to carry them in rain....the water can discharge them. You know....electricity and they don't mix well?
Um....yeah....tasers cant be used in water. Cops are told not to carry them in rain....the water can discharge them. You know....electricity and they don't mix well?
CC doesn't have the intellectual honesty to soundly address your scenario.

No. He doesnt. He has no clue about self defense tactics.

I provided a use of force scenario and he criticized it and mocked it with "oh you can feel the tension building". real life...these situations are stressful and tension builds. He just has no clue.

BUT....I'll give him credit...he's responding. The other cop haters bailed out of this thread like Goose in an F14.

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