Charlottesville Driver May have Been Panicked into Losing Control of His Car

Perhaps.....but department of memes and 4chan don't seem like the most reliable sources (even if you consider major news networks to be unreliable), and the extremely short video clips are pretty unconvincing either way.
That is why there is a video so you can see for yourself, dude.

As I said, the video clips are unconvincing.
Well 'a man hears what he wants to hear and disregards the rest' has long been known.

And that applies to you as well as me. ;)

There have now been multiple angles of video shown, and I still don't see solid evidence that would make me think the driver was fleeing from the baseball bat hitting the rear of his car. It is hard to tell, but it doesn't seem as though a) he was driving particularly slowly or cautiously before his car was struck, or that b) he suddenly accelerated after his car was struck. Ignoring any evidence or supposition about the driver's character or beliefs, I think saying this was an accident caused by a man in fear for his life would be a very hard sell for a jury.
It's hard to judge he seems to speed up after the man hits the car with the baseball bat

I agree it's hard to judge if he sped up. I think that is likely to make the videos available hurt the defense rather than help.
That is why there is a video so you can see for yourself, dude.

As I said, the video clips are unconvincing.
Well 'a man hears what he wants to hear and disregards the rest' has long been known.

And that applies to you as well as me. ;)

There have now been multiple angles of video shown, and I still don't see solid evidence that would make me think the driver was fleeing from the baseball bat hitting the rear of his car. It is hard to tell, but it doesn't seem as though a) he was driving particularly slowly or cautiously before his car was struck, or that b) he suddenly accelerated after his car was struck. Ignoring any evidence or supposition about the driver's character or beliefs, I think saying this was an accident caused by a man in fear for his life would be a very hard sell for a jury.
It's hard to judge he seems to speed up after the man hits the car with the baseball bat

I agree it's hard to judge if he sped up. I think that is likely to make the videos available hurt the defense rather than help.

That is why there is a video so you can see for yourself, dude.

As I said, the video clips are unconvincing.
Well 'a man hears what he wants to hear and disregards the rest' has long been known.

And that applies to you as well as me. ;)

There have now been multiple angles of video shown, and I still don't see solid evidence that would make me think the driver was fleeing from the baseball bat hitting the rear of his car. It is hard to tell, but it doesn't seem as though a) he was driving particularly slowly or cautiously before his car was struck, or that b) he suddenly accelerated after his car was struck. Ignoring any evidence or supposition about the driver's character or beliefs, I think saying this was an accident caused by a man in fear for his life would be a very hard sell for a jury.
It's hard to judge he seems to speed up after the man hits the car with the baseball bat

I agree it's hard to judge if he sped up. I think that is likely to make the videos available hurt the defense rather than help.
Yes, i found a video that very graphic and i don't know if i could show it or not at the forum ?
I know this will not even penetrate into the minds of our SJWs who just wanna have ANY reason at all to hate some random white guy, but it seems that the driver was hit with a bat and that might have panicked him.

It might be that the driver in Charlottesville was panicked into losing control of his car, and did not intentionally run his car into the crowd.
VIDEO: Protesters Attacked Charlottesville Driver's Car With Baseball Bat

I don't know Jim. I think you are grasping at straws.
So, this guy is driving towards the counter-protesters that are walking down the street, I mean the road is filled with them.
My first question is, why is he driving into a street filled with people in the first place? 99.9999% of us wouldn't be doing that. If he's so innocent, what was he thinking? What was he trying to accomplish? He could have backed up, there sure were a lot fewer people behind him? Instead he sure appears to have one mission, go forward into the crowd.
So, could you please explain this?
Thank you.
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I'm thinking three or four (or more) incidents I've seen on tv news of someone who accidentally stepped on the gas and drove right through a wall or store window. It happens a lot, and all this fellow's lawyer(s) need to do is collect as many examples as they can find and, provided this fellow hasn't already hung himself by talking, he stands a very good chance of being acquitted of the first degree murder he's charged with. Unless he confesses, or unless there is strong evidence that he planned it, he can walk free.

How then does he explain tearing back up the hill in reverse? What, he accidentally stepped on the gas, accidentally crashed, accidentally immediately put the car in reverse, accidentally tore back up the hill in reverse, accidentally driving perfectly straight, and accidentally drove away until he was accidentally caught?
He was surrounded and attacked, so he floored it to get away. When he was reversing, you can actually see some aggressors still chasing him. He was trying to get away based on what I see in the video. Maybe his car got stuck on a particularly overweight negro-lover, so he had to reverse the long way out to get away. He should have driven something heavier, like a steamroller, if he wanted to get out of there more reliably.
Aggressors chasing him isn't conclusive of anything. I'd be chasing a car if it rammed into a bunch of cars and people.
I was just explaining why he might have been reversing away.

Murderers usually try to get away.
Can't convict someone if there is reasonable doubt.
Still nothing. I'm assuming by "SW quadrant" you mean lower left. Don't see it. No vehicle, no reaction, no nothing.
The bugundy car is rapidly shoved into the intersection. It was the first car in the two. The second car was the covertable. Both were pushed hard by the impact.. Watch the people scatter.

I know the intersection well. Compare the buildings around the intersection with those in other vids.

Also note many cars were blocked by the assembly

OK I can see people spilling off the front of the burgundy car and it just now occurs to me that it's slowed down which throws off all perception when one's looking for an impact. But the collision itself is invisible, all we see is the front car's inertia. I can only see a piece of the car behind it (I take it two cars were hit in a chain reaction?). The perp car isn't visible at all.

Another bogus YouTube title. :rolleyes:
Yeah...two cars. My latest post shows it well (it's hard to watch if you have any conscience, which you do). The burgundy car was in front of a white convertible with a black rag top. He slammed into the convertible...with such impact...that both of the stopped cars were rapidly accelerated into the crowd.

Anyway, the crowd shouldn't have been there. Doesn't justify what happened, but it's much safer to protest in areas where streets are blocked off.
I suspect they would have been fine if they hadn't attacked the guy's car and put him in fear for his life. It certainly looks like that's what might have happened.

I suspect you'd also sue the dead pedestrian for the cleaning bill to get her blood off the car.
The dead pedestrian? No. How about the guy who hit the car?

If you want to get technical, I suppose it's possible to charge the people who attacked the car with felony murder. It's established in American law.
Anyone that brought a bat and swung it, threw a punch, kicked someone, etc should be in jail, not just the kid driving the car. People on both sides were looking for a fight, they found and this is the result. WTF would you expect?

He is not a "kid".

He's 20 years old and managed to stick it out in the military for two whole months.

Some of you are working awfully hard to defend the American Taliban. You cannot change the facts however. They came from other states, armed with guns, clubs, bats, pepper spray, carried shields and started beating up people several hours before their scheduled start.

The US fought a war against these these thugs and now we have to fight that war again, this time on our own land.
I see pussy cat. I ask A DIRECT QUESTION and provide a video, and you avoid the entire thing.

I watched the whole video. I conclude that you lied about the video, being nothing in it shows anything like what you claimed.

Again, If you disagree, point out at what time in the video the supposed attack on the car occurs. Odd, how you can't manage such a simple task.

I believe that makes you dishonest.

Were you thinking you could just bluff your way through by pointing to a long video and making up a fake story about it, hoping nobody would watch the whole video?

You can only pass your BS off on your fellow alt-right culitsts, because they all just BELIEVE what they're told. We liberals, with our finely tuned BS-detectors, will always see through your scams.

Let's be clear. Are you saying?

It's not the same car


B. It's the same car, but it's under attack after the incident occurred.

And listen up pussy cat, I'm honest to a fault. In honesty, I cannot believe I have to point this out for you. All the while you claim I cannot manage a simple task? WTF is wrong with you? There's a car.under attack by the beginning of the video. Are you blind or clouded? See the fucking 2 second mark, you imbecile.
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Yyyyyeah that's the ticket. It was all an "accident".

He just "accidentally" set up his car on an imaginary drag strip after casing the place. Just thinking "what if this were a drag strip?"

That of course was after he "accidentally" stood chanting racist slogans with a Vanguard shield. He just picked it up, he didn't know what it was.

Then he "accidentally" disabled his air bags so they wouldn't deploy, getting in his way in case he "accidentally" ran some people over.

Then he "accidentally" accelerated directly into a crowded street containing the very people he had just been ranting against. Pure coincidence.

Then he "accidentally" hit the car, killed a pedestrian and injured dozens more.

Then he "accidentally" put the car in reverse and "accidentally" ran over several more, driving a perfectly straight line -- "accidentally" of course --- back up the street to where he could "accidentally" get away.

Then he "accidentally" took off, innocently unaware that leaving the scene of an accident, let alone one where he just killed somebody, was against the law.

This follows a long line of "accidentally" espousing Nazi propaganda as far back as high school.

Coulda happened to anybody.

Yeah you run with this Sparkles.


Yeah, if you watch the video it's kind of hard to believe it wasn't intentional.
Muhammed, post: 17923509
Actually there was a violent criminal on his car smashing in the rear window with a deadly weapon when he threw it in reverse. The video shows that very clearly.

Everyone involved in the attack on the motorist should be charged with domestic terrorism and murder.

He didn't back out until after he hit the car in front of him. Nice try.
Let the investigators and judge decide. If he's guilty of intentional harm so be it. I'm asking for the truth, and so far, not a single liberal will tell me true or not. In simple terms, point blank questions:

A. Is it the same car, see 2 second mark. Yes or no?

B. It is the same car, but it's under fire after he plowed into a car. Yes or no?

All I see is denial. If he was under attack before he hit the gas, we'll, I think I understand the liberal denial. That would be pathetic, of course, but they do an awesome job with propaganda.
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Ladies and Gentlemen of the Jury.
It comes down to this...If you are in your car, and a rioting crowd attacks your vehicle to kill you or your loved ones...And they hit your car with a deadly weapon... Do you have the right of self defense and escape? Or do you have to just submit to the criminals?
I know this will not even penetrate into the minds of our SJWs who just wanna have ANY reason at all to hate some random white guy, but it seems that the driver was hit with a bat and that might have panicked him.

It might be that the driver in Charlottesville was panicked into losing control of his car, and did not intentionally run his car into the crowd.
VIDEO: Protesters Attacked Charlottesville Driver's Car With Baseball Bat

good find, but when you think about how many SPY cameras are on every corner they should have every step of the incident. Unless of course the police DEPT conveniently had them shut off for that perfect timing.
Ladies and Gentlemen of the Jury.
It comes down to this...If you are in your car, and a rioting crowd attacks your vehicle to kill you or your loved ones...And they hit your car with a deadly weapon... Do you have the right of self defense and escape? Or do you have to just submit to the criminals?
You have the submit! The dumb liberal white college student who hasn't ever worked and the stupid negro with a mile-long rap sheet deserve your property more than you do!

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