Charlottesville Driver May have Been Panicked into Losing Control of His Car

Word is police reported the culprit was under attack and was "scared" before he hit the gas. I'm not making excuses for the guy, as most liberals would emotionally desire. Me, I'm a truth seeker and reject all narratives (i.e., independence). In my mind, if murder was intentional, then hang him high. As of now he's been charged with 2nd degree murder.

At any rate, here's this video that isn't mainstream. It's possible that it's not mainstream because it doesn't suit the narrative, as it seems to show the guy was under attack by liberals beforehand. I've only been told BS by liberals, with no explanation (i.e., emotional responses interfering with desirable narrative). My question for the board, is this the car and did this happen before or after he hit the gas? To my eyes this is the car and this occurred beforehand.

Mother of Charlottesville suspect: 'I just knew he was going to a rally ... I thought it had something to do with Trump'

Did your eyes notice there were no plates on the vehicle?

That shows premeditation.
Possible. But one of the earlier stories mentioned that the car was recently purchased. Sometimes people drive without a tag till they get one. I see it here all the time, and wonder how these people aren't getting pulled over... But they don't.
usually has dealer tmp tags by law.
Supposed to... But I see it all the time.
Word is police reported the culprit was under attack and was "scared" before he hit the gas. I'm not making excuses for the guy, as most liberals would emotionally desire. Me, I'm a truth seeker and reject all narratives (i.e., independence). In my mind, if murder was intentional, then hang him high. As of now he's been charged with 2nd degree murder.

At any rate, here's this video that isn't mainstream. It's possible that it's not mainstream because it doesn't suit the narrative, as it seems to show the guy was under attack by liberals beforehand. I've only been told BS by liberals, with no explanation (i.e., emotional responses interfering with desirable narrative). My question for the board, is this the car and did this happen before or after he hit the gas? To my eyes this is the car and this occurred beforehand.

Mother of Charlottesville suspect: 'I just knew he was going to a rally ... I thought it had something to do with Trump'

Did your eyes notice there were no plates on the vehicle?

That shows premeditation.
Possible. But one of the earlier stories mentioned that the car was recently purchased. Sometimes people drive without a tag till they get one. I see it here all the time, and wonder how these people aren't getting pulled over... But they don't.
usually has dealer tmp tags by law.
Supposed to... But I see it all the time.
i see a plate.

people need to believe less and research more.
Word is police reported the culprit was under attack and was "scared" before he hit the gas. I'm not making excuses for the guy, as most liberals would emotionally desire. Me, I'm a truth seeker and reject all narratives (i.e., independence). In my mind, if murder was intentional, then hang him high. As of now he's been charged with 2nd degree murder.

At any rate, here's this video that isn't mainstream. It's possible that it's not mainstream because it doesn't suit the narrative, as it seems to show the guy was under attack by liberals beforehand. I've only been told BS by liberals, with no explanation (i.e., emotional responses interfering with desirable narrative). My question for the board, is this the car and did this happen before or after he hit the gas? To my eyes this is the car and this occurred beforehand.

Mother of Charlottesville suspect: 'I just knew he was going to a rally ... I thought it had something to do with Trump'

Did your eyes notice there were no plates?

That suggests premeditation.

Actually, the plates WERE on the vehicle. That is how they figured out who he was at first.

And, for those of you who are saying that this idiot was scared because he was under attack, you should really watch the video that shows him starting up, and then shows him hitting the cars from the back. His car wasn't attacked until AFTER he had ran through the crowd. The mark from a baseball bat came from someone who swung it at the car as it hit the one in front of it.

Nope, sorry, this was premeditated, and the guy should go to jail for a long time. I'm waiting for his statement as to why he did it.
Word is police reported the culprit was under attack and was "scared" before he hit the gas. I'm not making excuses for the guy, as most liberals would emotionally desire. Me, I'm a truth seeker and reject all narratives (i.e., independence). In my mind, if murder was intentional, then hang him high. As of now he's been charged with 2nd degree murder.

At any rate, here's this video that isn't mainstream. It's possible that it's not mainstream because it doesn't suit the narrative, as it seems to show the guy was under attack by liberals beforehand. I've only been told BS by liberals, with no explanation (i.e., emotional responses interfering with desirable narrative). My question for the board, is this the car and did this happen before or after he hit the gas? To my eyes this is the car and this occurred beforehand.

Mother of Charlottesville suspect: 'I just knew he was going to a rally ... I thought it had something to do with Trump'

awful lot of clubs and weapons in that video
Word is police reported the culprit was under attack and was "scared" before he hit the gas. I'm not making excuses for the guy, as most liberals would emotionally desire. Me, I'm a truth seeker and reject all narratives (i.e., independence). In my mind, if murder was intentional, then hang him high. As of now he's been charged with 2nd degree murder.

At any rate, here's this video that isn't mainstream. It's possible that it's not mainstream because it doesn't suit the narrative, as it seems to show the guy was under attack by liberals beforehand. I've only been told BS by liberals, with no explanation (i.e., emotional responses interfering with desirable narrative). My question for the board, is this the car and did this happen before or after he hit the gas? To my eyes this is the car and this occurred beforehand.

Mother of Charlottesville suspect: 'I just knew he was going to a rally ... I thought it had something to do with Trump'

Did your eyes notice there were no plates on the vehicle?

That shows premeditation.
Possible. But one of the earlier stories mentioned that the car was recently purchased. Sometimes people drive without a tag till they get one. I see it here all the time, and wonder how these people aren't getting pulled over... But they don't.

It was a rental I believe.
I find it odd that no one has id'd the deceased in any of the video footage. Strange...
Word is police reported the culprit was under attack and was "scared" before he hit the gas. I'm not making excuses for the guy, as most liberals would emotionally desire. Me, I'm a truth seeker and reject all narratives (i.e., independence). In my mind, if murder was intentional, then hang him high. As of now he's been charged with 2nd degree murder.

At any rate, here's this video that isn't mainstream. It's possible that it's not mainstream because it doesn't suit the narrative, as it seems to show the guy was under attack by liberals beforehand. I've only been told BS by liberals, with no explanation (i.e., emotional responses interfering with desirable narrative). My question for the board, is this the car and did this happen before or after he hit the gas? To my eyes this is the car and this occurred beforehand.

Mother of Charlottesville suspect: 'I just knew he was going to a rally ... I thought it had something to do with Trump'

Did your eyes notice there were no plates?

That suggests premeditation.


feel kinda stupid yet? back window looks,damaged also. hard to be sure though.
Just going on reports.
Word is police reported the culprit was under attack and was "scared" before he hit the gas. I'm not making excuses for the guy, as most liberals would emotionally desire. Me, I'm a truth seeker and reject all narratives (i.e., independence). In my mind, if murder was intentional, then hang him high. As of now he's been charged with 2nd degree murder.

At any rate, here's this video that isn't mainstream. It's possible that it's not mainstream because it doesn't suit the narrative, as it seems to show the guy was under attack by liberals beforehand. I've only been told BS by liberals, with no explanation (i.e., emotional responses interfering with desirable narrative). My question for the board, is this the car and did this happen before or after he hit the gas? To my eyes this is the car and this occurred beforehand.

Mother of Charlottesville suspect: 'I just knew he was going to a rally ... I thought it had something to do with Trump'

Did your eyes notice there were no plates?

That suggests premeditation.


feel kinda stupid yet? back window looks,damaged also. hard to be sure though.
Just going on reports.
research more.

believe what makes you happy less.
Ladies and Gentlemen of the Jury.
It comes down to this...If you are in your car, and a rioting crowd attacks your vehicle to kill you or your loved ones...And they hit your car with a deadly weapon... Do you have the right of self defense and escape? Or do you have to just submit to the criminals?

Fortunately, none of that ever happened. The car was parked blocks away from the crowd when the man got it and drove toward a crowded street.
And your point is? If someone starts out in a good neighborhood, drives to a bad neighborhood and gets robbed, he obviously wanted to get robbed? Your argument makes no sense.

He must have been going somewhere. Then he encountered the violent crowd.
Upon arriving at the street which was filled with people, he accelerated into the crowd where many didn't see him coming until they were hit.
In the video I see him getting attacked before the collision.
After running into another car which prevented him from going any further forward, he reversed and backed away, only to be later caught by the police blocks away.
If you can't escape one way, try another way. How is this inconsistent with someone running for his life?

He had been in the crowd for quite a while before he attacked. He couldn't help knowing what he as driving into. The people were plainly visible for blocks before he got there. Try to defend all you want. You can't.
The people may have been visible, but I don't blame him for not reading their minds and knowing their intent. Maybe he wrongly assumed they were peaceful protesters that wouldn't try to murder him on sight.

What does his ability to read minds have to do with his choice to turn and drive away from the crowd, or to accelerate into the crowd and injure and kill people?
Anyone that brought a bat and swung it, threw a punch, kicked someone, etc should be in jail, not just the kid driving the car. People on both sides were looking for a fight, they found and this is the result. WTF would you expect?

He is not a "kid".

He's 20 years old and managed to stick it out in the military for two whole months.

Some of you are working awfully hard to defend the American Taliban. You cannot change the facts however. They came from other states, armed with guns, clubs, bats, pepper spray, carried shields and started beating up people several hours before their scheduled start.

The US fought a war against these these thugs and now we have to fight that war again, this time on our own land.

There you have it. Luddly Neddite is OK with people swinging bats, smashing property and rioting if they agree with his/her politics. Shameful.
And, for those of you who are saying that this idiot was scared because he was under attack, you should really watch the video that shows him starting up, and then shows him hitting the cars from the back. His car wasn't attacked until AFTER he had ran through the crowd. The mark from a baseball bat came from someone who swung it at the car as it hit the one in front of it.

You should really find another video. The car was also attacked before the collision. In fact, he was driving slow until he was attacked.

Nope, sorry, this was premeditated, and the guy should go to jail for a long time.

If a jury agrees with you, it's a shame that abortion of libtards is illegal.
In the video I see him getting attacked before the collision.

Do you see him getting attacked before he starts accelerating toward the crowd? In the very short clip of someone swinging a bat at his car (I can't tell if they hit the car or not from the clip) it doesn't seem as though he suddenly accelerates after the car is hit by a bat.

If the available video shows him accelerating after the car is struck by a bat, this might be a convincing argument. What I've seen so far doesn't seem to indicate that is what happened.
I don't recall seeing a video that showed events that far back. All I saw was violent protesters who were violent before the collision. Perhaps it's an indication of how they acted upon seeing him.

I don't understand what you are trying to say here. The video shows the car before and after someone takes a swing at it with a bat. If the argument is that the driver was in fear for his life after the bat attack and that is what caused him to ram the crowd and cars in front of him, why would you need to see something further back?
You said "Do you see him getting attacked before he starts accelerating toward the crowd?" I'd need to see further back in time to see that.
This reminds me of the two British police officers whose car was surrounded by an IRA mob in Northern Ireland. Rather than trying to ram their way through the crowd, they let themselves be murdered. Maybe the Charlottesville driver had other plans.

That's why there won't be a murder conviction. The driver was attacked first and in fear of his life, and he rammed a random car in the street rather than the huge crowd of fascist libtards to either side of the street.
Because a right wing blogger said that an anonymous cop told him so.
Yyyyyeah that's the ticket. It was all an "accident".

He just "accidentally" set up his car on an imaginary drag strip after casing the place. Just thinking "what if this were a drag strip?"

That of course was after he "accidentally" stood chanting racist slogans with a Vanguard shield. He just picked it up, he didn't know what it was.

Then he "accidentally" disabled his air bags so they wouldn't deploy, getting in his way in case he "accidentally" ran some people over.

Then he "accidentally" accelerated directly into a crowded street containing the very people he had just been ranting against. Pure coincidence.

Then he "accidentally" hit the car, killed a pedestrian and injured dozens more.

Then he "accidentally" put the car in reverse and "accidentally" ran over several more, driving a perfectly straight line -- "accidentally" of course --- back up the street to where he could "accidentally" get away.

Then he "accidentally" took off, innocently unaware that leaving the scene of an accident, let alone one where he just killed somebody, was against the law.

This follows a long line of "accidentally" espousing Nazi propaganda as far back as high school.

Coulda happened to anybody.

Yeah you run with this Sparkles.

The guy was/is an evil son of a bitch…

BTW - Airbags did not go off if you hit a deer or something like that you stupid motherfucker I've hit deer at 60-70 mph several times And the air bags have never depolyed.
Either your airbags weren't working, or you're full of shit.
Ladies and Gentlemen of the Jury.
It comes down to this...If you are in your car, and a rioting crowd attacks your vehicle to kill you or your loved ones...And they hit your car with a deadly weapon... Do you have the right of self defense and escape? Or do you have to just submit to the criminals?

Fortunately, none of that ever happened. The car was parked blocks away from the crowd when the man got it and drove toward a crowded street.
And your point is? If someone starts out in a good neighborhood, drives to a bad neighborhood and gets robbed, he obviously wanted to get robbed? Your argument makes no sense.

He must have been going somewhere. Then he encountered the violent crowd.
Upon arriving at the street which was filled with people, he accelerated into the crowd where many didn't see him coming until they were hit.
In the video I see him getting attacked before the collision.
After running into another car which prevented him from going any further forward, he reversed and backed away, only to be later caught by the police blocks away.
If you can't escape one way, try another way. How is this inconsistent with someone running for his life?

He had been in the crowd for quite a while before he attacked. He couldn't help knowing what he as driving into. The people were plainly visible for blocks before he got there. Try to defend all you want. You can't.
The people may have been visible, but I don't blame him for not reading their minds and knowing their intent. Maybe he wrongly assumed they were peaceful protesters that wouldn't try to murder him on sight.

What does his ability to read minds have to do with his choice to turn and drive away from the crowd, or to accelerate into the crowd and injure and kill people?
Turn and drive away? Did you watch the video? People were practically climbing on the car! I doubt it would be possible to turn the car around if the people weren't violent. Add to this the factor that he was in immediate danger and what you're requesting is next to impossible.
[Either your airbags weren't working, or you're full of shit.

Hitting a deer usually would trigger the air bags. But, only someone as ignorant and bigoted as libtard could presume the kid disabled his airbags (but didn't remove his plates) in a plan to rear-end another car (rather than directly plow through the mob).

If the air bags didn't go off, but should have, it just shows the car had been in a previous collusion and the air bags weren't replaced. That white kid is among the most screwed in society, a white guy widely discriminated against and demonized for being white, but is poor. He's not the kind who would rush to spend hundreds, if not a couple thousand, dollars for new air bags.
Yyyyyeah that's the ticket. It was all an "accident".

He just "accidentally" set up his car on an imaginary drag strip after casing the place. Just thinking "what if this were a drag strip?"

That of course was after he "accidentally" stood chanting racist slogans with a Vanguard shield. He just picked it up, he didn't know what it was.

Then he "accidentally" disabled his air bags so they wouldn't deploy, getting in his way in case he "accidentally" ran some people over.

Then he "accidentally" accelerated directly into a crowded street containing the very people he had just been ranting against. Pure coincidence.

Then he "accidentally" hit the car, killed a pedestrian and injured dozens more.

Then he "accidentally" put the car in reverse and "accidentally" ran over several more, driving a perfectly straight line -- "accidentally" of course --- back up the street to where he could "accidentally" get away.

Then he "accidentally" took off, innocently unaware that leaving the scene of an accident, let alone one where he just killed somebody, was against the law.

This follows a long line of "accidentally" espousing Nazi propaganda as far back as high school.

Coulda happened to anybody.

Yeah you run with this Sparkles.

The guy was/is an evil son of a bitch…

BTW - Airbags did not go off if you hit a deer or something like that you stupid motherfucker I've hit deer at 60-70 mph several times And the air bags have never depolyed.
Either your airbags weren't working, or you're full of shit.
No, they are not supposed to go off if you had something like a deer. It Has to be a major object.
You watch too many Hollywood movies dumbass

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