Charlottesville Driver May have Been Panicked into Losing Control of His Car

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Your president preaches violence, as do his fellow white supremacists

I didn’t expect to have to compliment the KKK for having the good sense to wear hoods.

Even the makers of the Tiki Torches that they use has made it clear they do not approve.


Trump CREATED them.

They are his children.

There’s a reason someone initially declines to condemn white supremacist groups then waits a full 48 hours to do so and Trump statement was a direct reflection of the fact that his chief strategist, Steve Bannon, is an alt-right white supremacist sympathizer.

Yeah sure Trump called white supremacists ‘repugnant to everything we hold dear as Americans.’

Big words don

But notice he ain't talked about punishing them ?

Why ?

Because Trump’s entire administration is filled with well-placed promoters of white supremacy, Bannon is just the tip of the iceberg.

See when it comes to black people (unarmed black people) protesting

We get the real deal.


Sorry y'all, but there are videos that show this dude running into the crowd, and then AFTER he'd ran people over, that was when someone hit his rear window with a baseball bat.

If you look at the video at 4 seconds, you would see him plow into the crowd, but more importantly, you would see that his rear window is intact. At about 7 sec. you see a guy go up to the back of the car with a bat and bash a hole in the rear window. The video is only 11 sec. so it won't take much time to watch.

Sorry, but the dude attacked with the car FIRST, then he was attacked by the crowd.

You can also see him toss it into reverse and plow through more people, with victims from the first thrust already on the ground.

No doubt that was an "accident" in the Apologist Universe too. He thought "R" stood for "Repent". Or perhaps "Repair victims". Yeah that's it.
Yes, lots of cars stopped. But one floored the gas, and ran into the crowd. The same one that had already posted his hate on the internet. Pretty damned obvious that was not accidental.
Not the point.

The point is, the assembly appears to be in an area the police had not cordoned off. Police cordon off assembly areas. And, the reason it appears it is not cordoned off is the presense of several blocked by the crowd. Cars likely unaware they would be blocked because it was a street not cordoned off.

It's dangerous to assemble in the middle of the road. I learned that from my parents when I was a child.

Great, when the next white power rally occurs, then I have the right to pick off any of the participants that stray outside the permit lines, right? Go ahead and support these nazi bastards all you want, as they are returning home, many are finding they no longer have jobs. Time for making them outcasts, period.
Well, in fairness, any KKK or white supremacists may have started it. That said, you can argue the left started it, by forcing their FUCKING free-lance methods down our throats.

uh HUH. ----- So you're saying right-wing terrorists have so little self-control they'll ram cars into people as a result of "free-lance methods", whatever that is. And yet you dance around trying to find excuses for them.

Besides, you know, some of our founding fathers owned slaves, womanized and stuff. They weren't progressive, at least not to today's high standard (cough!). Chelsea Manning, Spike Lee and George Soros are some nice alternatives for new world order. Hillary too, maybe Bernie.

Here's a guy who's not only desperate to change the subject, he actually tries to bring in SIX other subjects from the founding fthers to frickin' Spike Lee.

Pogo's Law writ large.
How the fuck does someone believe Trump created white supremacists?

It's a moronic statement.
How the fuck does someone believe Trump created white supremacists?

It's a moronic statement.

They suffer from mental illness man i'm telling you , these fks are beyond retarded if they can even believe that.

The public schools have created idiots, sadly some of these idiots even have PHD's, whats worse you can have six PHD's but one can never get a degree in " Common Sense" nor " LOGIC" > ......

The lack the D2D gene which is why liberalism is a mental illness.
Sorry y'all, but there are videos that show this dude running into the crowd, and then AFTER he'd ran people over, that was when someone hit his rear window with a baseball bat.

If you look at the video at 4 seconds, you would see him plow into the crowd, but more importantly, you would see that his rear window is intact. At about 7 sec. you see a guy go up to the back of the car with a bat and bash a hole in the rear window. The video is only 11 sec. so it won't take much time to watch.

Sorry, but the dude attacked with the car FIRST, then he was attacked by the crowd.

Ah, now I see it, thank you. Still down't mean he wasn't attacked beforehand, but at the moment, I don't see evidence of it.

Well, if he had been attacked beforehand, there is certainly no evidence of it on the car. They didn't attack the car until AFTER he had plowed into the crowd. And, like I said, if you look at the 7 sec. point, you see the guy with the baseball bat go after the rear window, as well as all the other people gathering around and hitting the car.

Nope, sorry................this was intentional, and the dude in the car wasn't being hassled until after he'd ran the people over.

Who you saying sorry to? From my angle hang him high. You on board with that?
How the fuck does someone believe Trump created white supremacists?

It's a moronic statement.

No one believes that.

But he did create orange supremacists. Population: one
Meh...a guy posted it a post or few above mine. Poster seemed sincere in the belief. Others have said the same.

It's ridiculous...glad to see you think the same.

No doubt Trump has an's funny as hell sometimes, too. :lol:

His tweets are great entertainment sometimes. I am totally OK with that. Change is hard sometimes.
Yyyyyeah that's the ticket. It was all an "accident".

He just "accidentally" set up his car on an imaginary drag strip after casing the place. Just thinking "what if this were a drag strip?"

That of course was after he "accidentally" stood chanting racist slogans with a Vanguard shield. He just picked it up, he didn't know what it was.

Then he "accidentally" disabled his air bags so they wouldn't deploy, getting in his way in case he "accidentally" ran some people over.

Then he "accidentally" accelerated directly into a crowded street containing the very people he had just been ranting against. Pure coincidence.

Then he "accidentally" hit the car, killed a pedestrian and injured dozens more.

Then he "accidentally" put the car in reverse and "accidentally" ran over several more, driving a perfectly straight line -- "accidentally" of course --- back up the street to where he could "accidentally" get away.

Then he "accidentally" took off, innocently unaware that leaving the scene of an accident, let alone one where he just killed somebody, was against the law.

This follows a long line of "accidentally" espousing Nazi propaganda as far back as high school.

Coulda happened to anybody.

Yeah you run with this Sparkles.

where is it proven he disabled the airbags? i see nothing online to verify this.

not arguing but collecting facts,n putting down speculation

That's the prosecuting attorney's job, and presumably has already been investigated locally on the impounded car. But it's clear from the photos of the front of the car, after impact, that no air bags deployed.

Airbags have been a standard requirement since the 1990s, well within the vintage of this Dodge. The only two reasons they wouldn't deploy would be that they're inoperative, or they're deliberately turned off. Of all the various systems on a car the most reliable function has to be the air bag. Clearly this car was not old and derelict. The only other reason they wouldn't deploy is that they were deliberately disabled before that by the operator.

Disabling the car's air bags points to a pre-planned intentional collision. He knew what he was going to do and what would happen with the airbag upon impact, and he didn't want that getting in the way. If, again, I were the prosecuting attorney, I'd be all over this.
How the fuck does someone believe Trump created white supremacists?

It's a moronic statement.
But we know for sure that ISIS was create thanks to Obama

No, we know no such thing. Actually it was created by a power vacuum triggered by an ill-advised invasion of Iraq that somebody did, I can't remember who.

But --- the Dixie Chicks, right?
Just curious....anyone seen any women in the pics of the white inferiorists?
Just curious....anyone seen any women in the pics of the white inferiorists?

In this recent event, or in general?

We see the latter here and there. There was even a whole women's division of the Klan.


I haven't seen or scanned pics of the Charlottesville people other than the car incident, and a few of the Tiki :gay: torches the night before. But I'd expect we'd find about as many women in the population as we would in the population of mass shooters.

Y'all just don't know how to exercise rampant testosterone poisoning.
How the fuck does someone believe Trump created white supremacists?

It's a moronic statement.

No one believes that.

But he did create orange supremacists. Population: one

Actually, there would be two if my dad were alive. He was a blonde with thin hair as well. Sometimes he went orange, because he was vain and an entertainer. He did a comb over as well. He was very gifted, semi-pro Yankee ball until injury, equal to a golden glove boxer (1920s), and he'd put a hurt on those who thought to challenge the skinny guy with large mitts and ego. Great violinist, respectable conductor, composer, arranger, and class entertainer. Greatest generation guy, my mother was half his age when they married. He was also a drunk. The stories are remarkable. Skips a generation, I can't even handle much more than a drink before a headache. Alcohol sucks. :boohoo:

He identified himself as a Democrat. Today he'd be conservative.
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Sorry y'all, but there are videos that show this dude running into the crowd, and then AFTER he'd ran people over, that was when someone hit his rear window with a baseball bat.

If you look at the video at 4 seconds, you would see him plow into the crowd, but more importantly, you would see that his rear window is intact. At about 7 sec. you see a guy go up to the back of the car with a bat and bash a hole in the rear window. The video is only 11 sec. so it won't take much time to watch.

Sorry, but the dude attacked with the car FIRST, then he was attacked by the crowd.

Ah, now I see it, thank you. Still down't mean he wasn't attacked beforehand, but at the moment, I don't see evidence of it.

Well, if he had been attacked beforehand, there is certainly no evidence of it on the car. They didn't attack the car until AFTER he had plowed into the crowd. And, like I said, if you look at the 7 sec. point, you see the guy with the baseball bat go after the rear window, as well as all the other people gathering around and hitting the car.

Nope, sorry................this was intentional, and the dude in the car wasn't being hassled until after he'd ran the people over.

Who you saying sorry to? From my angle hang him high. You on board with that?

Works for me. Either that or a firing squad.

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