Charlottesville Driver May have Been Panicked into Losing Control of His Car

Yeah, I'm afraid they are. Also, they are anarchists.
What is your proof they are communists?
Oh, I dont know...




Is there any context for the pictures? I have no idea what might be going on in the first one. The guy in the second one has his face masked as some Antifa members do, but to be honest, that shirt looks like it could be photoshopped in. The contrast of the red shirt with the dark jacked and mask just looks a bit off to me. The third photo also has a masked person, and a group in which some are carrying flags, so appears the most likely to be a group of Antifa people. The last picture looks like it could be some sort of pro-Soviet march rather than Antifa.

I'm not saying these are not pictures of Antifa people, just that showing some pictures of people carrying hammer and sickle flags with no context isn't particularly strong evidence that they are Antifa.
bgrouse, post: 17975398
It's 16 seconds between when he passes the camera and when you hear "go go go." Those are your markers, stupid!

Yepp 8 seconds to impact with the convertible 4 seconds to get into reverse and up to speed and 4 seconds To 1/3 back. Then it's go go go and 6 seconds after that your Nazi passes the camera on the way out.

22 seconds. All at 30 mph going in and a little slower backing out.

It's average speed you know.

Just look at this liberal moron's "facts" change as the evidence points against his ridiculous theory! He goes from:

when he passed the camera I counted 8 seconds from the moment the car passed the camera until someone shouted go go go

Yepp 8 seconds to impact with the convertible 4 seconds to get into reverse and up to speed and 4 seconds To 1/3 back. Then it's go go go

See how easily he double's the driver's speed by just pulling shit out of his ass? Why not just say he spent 16 seconds fumbling with his transmission? Then you can argue he plowed into the crowd at the speed of light! Liberal "mathematics."
bgrouse, post: 17923215,
I got startled once when I hit a curb. Accidentally hit the gas instead of brake. If the curb hadn't been that tall, I'd have kept going, maybe hitting someone.

You think it's ok to speed aggressively toward pedestrians in the street. I'm surprised it happened only once.

I'm surprised you have not killed someone yet.

He was driving on a public and open thoroughfare they were illegally blocking tge street.
And he still goes to jail for running over 20 pedestrians.
Well, till I read about some conservative posing as Antifa and carrying a communist flag, I will continue to 'conjecture' that there are in fact Antifa.

Are you attempting to tie communist violent Antifa elements to the mainstream left and Democratic Party? If so it would be certainly appropriate to tie Charlottesville killer Nazi to the right and mainstream Republicans/conservatives such as yourself.

I don't see where you are going with this.

I oppose any organized group that promotes inititiating violence and destroying property.

Those doing it should be arrested and convicted just like anyone else.

But choosing between the two sides brawling with each during protest festivities, I would rather Antifa come out on top rather than the white supremacist fascist Nazis.

How about you. Which side would you prefer if those are your two choices.
Call Sign Chaos, post: 17975842
You're a lying faggot both openly advocate for and engage in unlawful violence against civilians and civilian property, fucking kill yourself cock sucker. Black live splatter! #freeJamesAlexFields a true hero and freedom fighter.

If there is a way to put a KKK hood on your head when expressing views on a message board CSC has found the words to do it.
And then he legally murdered a woman? You white supremacist piece of shit.

Self defense, he was attacked with a club.

Looks like the country is on my side, because we shut your hating ass down in Boston. Your little Proud Boys ended their march early, rather than face a crowd of 40,000 people.

Proud boys were not dispatched because of the Boston mayors blanket stand down order you stupid fuck.
Black lives splattered all over the sidewalk, James Alex Fields is a true hero and freedom fighter, Heather Heyer is a dead monkey dick taking terrorist whore who got what she had coming.
And you're a tough guy talking pussy who couldn't fight his way out of a paper bag.
Are you attempting to tie communist violent Antifa elements to the mainstream left and Democratic Party? If so it would be certainly appropriate to tie Charlottesville killer Nazi to the right and mainstream Republicans/conservatives such as yourself.

I don't see where you are going with this.

I oppose any organized group that promotes inititiating violence and destroying property.

Those doing it should be arrested and convicted just like anyone else.

But choosing between the two sides brawling with each during protest festivities, I would rather Antifa come out on top rather than the white supremacist fascist Nazis.

How about you. Which side would you prefer if those are your two choices.
Most of ANTIFA are good people with good intentions. They just don't get all MLK when provoked.
Are you attempting to tie communist violent Antifa elements to the mainstream left and Democratic Party? If so it would be certainly appropriate to tie Charlottesville killer Nazi to the right and mainstream Republicans/conservatives such as yourself.

I don't see where you are going with this.

I oppose any organized group that promotes inititiating violence and destroying property.

Those doing it should be arrested and convicted just like anyone else.

But choosing between the two sides brawling with each during protest festivities, I would rather Antifa come out on top rather than the white supremacist fascist Nazis.

How about you. Which side would you prefer if those are your two choices.
Most of ANTIFA are good people with good intentions. They just don't get all MLK when provoked.

They are a violent terrorist organization and legitimate targets for extrajudicial execution.
He was driving on a public and open thoroughfare they were illegally blocking tge street.
And then he legally murdered a woman? You white supremacist piece of shit.

Looks like the country is on my side, because we shut your hating ass down in Boston. Your little Proud Boys ended their march early, rather than face a crowd of 40,000 people.

he 'legally murdered' a woman?

Didn't know the trial was over, and the verdict published
Proud boys were not dispatched because of the Boston mayors blanket stand down order you stupid fuck.
Your days are numbered Nazi boy. This country is not going to tolerate your hate. You are a pariah.


"Look ma I'm road kill!"

I have a question ; was she a Antifa or not ? the mother said that she went there to protest in a peace way.

The crowd she was marching with was Antifa and BLM.
Is she one of the idiots who bumped into the car? We did not see where she's really is located in the video but I think she got struck after the car was put in reverse.

I know this will not evenb penetrate into the minds of our SJWs who just wanna have ANY reason at all to hate some random white guy, but it seems that the driver was hit with a bat and that might have panicked him.

It might be that the driver in Charlottesville was panicked into losing control of his car, and did not intentionally run his car into the crowd.
VIDEO: Protesters Attacked Charlottesville Driver's Car With Baseball Bat

Yes. every time I feel a bump on the left rear of my car, I end up running over people and killing as many as I can.

--- and then peeling out in reverse to get away.

No doubt it was slipping on a banana peel that caused him to pose with the Vanguard shield and all that shit beforehand too. A mere accident.

Holy SHIT the hoops some apologists will jump through........
Yeah, those negro people with bats and chains surrounding to kill the young man was not an illusion.

Damn, how you wish that young white man used a gun.


Car and color of skin will do though.

Oh, and why again are you ignoring the negro people with bats and chains?

Is it because they are negro people?
Is she one of the idiots who bumped into the car? We did not see where she's really is located in the video but I think she got struck after the car was put in reverse.

Is she one of the idiots who bumped into the car? We did not see where she's really is located in the video but I think she got struck after the car was put in reverse.

She can be the girl we see in front who is hit at first who wears black pants and and purple sweater with a small little blue T-Shirt and after she lie down at the right and the hair color matches.

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