Charlottesville Police Come Forward: We Were Told to “STAND DOWN” to Ignite Race War

You must take a lot of drugs yourself kid as you appear to be severely delusional. Now if I am wrong and you do not take lots of drugs, then it's time to start. You are the only halfwit arguing, everyone else is agreeing with and thanking me.

Is this you?


Some other idiots agree with you and you think that makes you right??


Imbecile.... your source is, who repeated the story from Not exactly the paragon of veracity.

Ya know I like you, but then I enjoy hemorrhoids with whipped cream too.............

This is your trusted news source, watch the mongoloid explain how Trump can't win. On MSNBC, the nations most trusted comedy network


Great, you're triggered again.

MSNBC isn't a news source I trust.

Do you ever tire of making a complete ass of yourself? :lol:

As if anyone was predicting a Trump victory. Oh, Michael Moore.

I was on this very site saying it could happen if he could run up the white vote in the Rust Belt.

Which is exactly what happened.

You must take a lot of drugs yourself kid as you appear to be severely delusional. Now if I am wrong and you do not take lots of drugs, then it's time to start. You are the only halfwit arguing, everyone else is agreeing with and thanking me.

Is this you?


Some other idiots agree with you and you think that makes you right??


Imbecile.... your source is, who repeated the story from Not exactly the paragon of veracity.

Ya know I like you, but then I enjoy hemorrhoids with whipped cream too.............

This is your trusted news source, watch the mongoloid explain how Trump can't win. On MSNBC, the nations most trusted comedy network


Great, you're triggered again.

MSNBC isn't a news source I trust.

Do you ever tire of making a complete ass of yourself? :lol:

As if anyone was predicting a Trump victory. Oh, Michael Moore.

I was on this very site saying it could happen if he could run up the white vote in the Rust Belt.

Which is exactly what happened.

You must take a lot of drugs yourself kid as you appear to be severely delusional. Now if I am wrong and you do not take lots of drugs, then it's time to start. You are the only halfwit arguing, everyone else is agreeing with and thanking me.

Is this you?


Some other idiots agree with you and you think that makes you right??


Imbecile.... your source is, who repeated the story from Not exactly the paragon of veracity.

Ya know I like you, but then I enjoy hemorrhoids with whipped cream too.............

This is your trusted news source, watch the mongoloid explain how Trump can't win. On MSNBC, the nations most trusted comedy network


Great, you're triggered again.

MSNBC isn't a news source I trust.

Do you ever tire of making a complete ass of yourself? :lol:

As if anyone was predicting a Trump victory. Oh, Michael Moore.

I was on this very site saying it could happen if he could run up the white vote in the Rust Belt.

Which is exactly what happened.

Without GOPer Comey running his mouth against all protocol, you would have been wrong. GD idiot.
The mayor and governor permitted hostilities that were causal to her death
Thank you, you may now take your seat in jury box number 1
I hope you're Fields' attorney... you actually claimed there were no other drivers on that street....

I noticed you tucked your tail betwixt your hind legs rather than answer the question....

What caused Fields' car to stop advancing further into that crowd?

So, why to you think the cops stood by and let the riot happen?
Strawman. Did they do enough? No. Did they stand down to let the two sides fight? There's no evidence to support that.

The mayor complemented the cops on the job they did. He seems to think they did fine.

Seems odd that a mayor who had a deadly riot in his streets would be happy with the job the cops did.
Sorry, you're gonna have to supply links to verifiable sites. Your word means nothing more than newspunch's.

I do not have to do anything, and nothing is going to be won here. See only 20 people in the World are ever going to read this, you with your grandiose delusions think that you are saving the World. Listen to your President tonight for guidance and please take your Zoloft already.

LOL, delusions of grandeur explained

A delusion of grandeur is the fixed, false belief that one possesses superior qualities such as genius, fame, omnipotence, or wealth. It is most often a symptom of schizophrenia, but can also be a symptom found in psychotic or bipolar disorders, as well as dementia (such as Alzheimer’s).

People with a delusion of grandeur often have the conviction of having some great but unrecognized talent or insight. They may also believe they have made some important discovery that others don’t understand or appreciate.

Less commonly, the individual may have the delusion of having a special relationship with a prominent person (such as being an adviser to the President). Or the person may believe that actually are a very prominent and important person, in which case the actual person may be regarded as an imposter.

Grandiose delusions may have religious content, such as the person believes he or she has received a special message from God or another deity.

Sometimes, in popular language, this disorder may be known as “megalomania,” but is more accurately referred to as narcissistic personality disorder if it is a core component of a person’s personality and identity. In such disorders, the person has a greatly out-of-proportion sense of their own worth and value in the world. People with this issue can also sometimes have a taste for the finer, more extravagant things in life.

Sometimes drug use or abuse can intensify or bring on episodes of delusion of grandeur. People who take phencyclidine (PCP) or amphetamines are especially at risk. People who are high and experience a delusion of grandeur may be at increased risk for physically harmful behavior. For instance, if you believe you are capable of flying after taking PCP, and try to jump off a 10-story building based upon that false belief, you may be at serious risk of death.
^^^ triggered again.


Putz, that post wasn't even directed at you. :eusa_doh:

Triggered liberal knows that Hillary wants the bill of rights abolished

Your mom most likely

Some other idiots agree with you and you think that makes you right??


Imbecile.... your source is, who repeated the story from Not exactly the paragon of veracity.

Ya know I like you, but then I enjoy hemorrhoids with whipped cream too.............

This is your trusted news source, watch the mongoloid explain how Trump can't win. On MSNBC, the nations most trusted comedy network


Great, you're triggered again.

MSNBC isn't a news source I trust.

Do you ever tire of making a complete ass of yourself? :lol:

As if anyone was predicting a Trump victory. Oh, Michael Moore.

I was on this very site saying it could happen if he could run up the white vote in the Rust Belt.

Which is exactly what happened.


Some other idiots agree with you and you think that makes you right??


Imbecile.... your source is, who repeated the story from Not exactly the paragon of veracity.

Ya know I like you, but then I enjoy hemorrhoids with whipped cream too.............

This is your trusted news source, watch the mongoloid explain how Trump can't win. On MSNBC, the nations most trusted comedy network


Great, you're triggered again.

MSNBC isn't a news source I trust.

Do you ever tire of making a complete ass of yourself? :lol:

As if anyone was predicting a Trump victory. Oh, Michael Moore.

I was on this very site saying it could happen if he could run up the white vote in the Rust Belt.

Which is exactly what happened.


Some other idiots agree with you and you think that makes you right??


Imbecile.... your source is, who repeated the story from Not exactly the paragon of veracity.

Ya know I like you, but then I enjoy hemorrhoids with whipped cream too.............

This is your trusted news source, watch the mongoloid explain how Trump can't win. On MSNBC, the nations most trusted comedy network


Great, you're triggered again.

MSNBC isn't a news source I trust.

Do you ever tire of making a complete ass of yourself? :lol:

As if anyone was predicting a Trump victory. Oh, Michael Moore.

I was on this very site saying it could happen if he could run up the white vote in the Rust Belt.

Which is exactly what happened.

Without GOPer Comey running his mouth against all protocol, you would have been wrong. GD idiot.

Without the vile lies the media were blasting 24/7, it would have been a Trump landslide.

Says the man that was right that Trump could win, and described ahead of time HOW HE DID IT.
The mayor and governor permitted hostilities that were causal to her death
Thank you, you may now take your seat in jury box number 1
I hope you're Fields' attorney... you actually claimed there were no other drivers on that street....

I noticed you tucked your tail betwixt your hind legs rather than answer the question....

What caused Fields' car to stop advancing further into that crowd?

Should the police have blocked the street...................?
If the police had blocked the street, would Heather have been run over?
Do police ever block streets during demonstrations?

The prosecution rest.

You have the brain of a fly, now take your Zyprexa and go to sleep
Charlottesville Police Come Forward: We Were Told to "STAND DOWN" to Ignite Race War (Video)

A Charlottesville police officer has come forward to express his outrage at being told to “stand down” by the city mayor during violent clashes between protesters.

The officer also claims the protests, which pitched “white supremacists” against members of Antifa, were “set up” to allow for the groups to ignite into exactly what happened.

We [Charlotesville police] were ordered to bring the rival groups together. As soon as they were in contact with each other, we were told to stand down. It was outrageous. We weren’t allowed to arrest anyone without asking the mayor first. We weren’t even allowed to stop the driver as he sped away.

The event was being set up as far back as at least May and it went like clockwork.”

At no point is the car that plowed into the crowd of protesters pursued by police – there is not a police car in sight leading into the area, or out.

When this is over Trump is a shoe in for 2020

Fake news. Belongs in badlands.
Charlottesville Police Come Forward: We Were Told to "STAND DOWN" to Ignite Race War (Video)

A Charlottesville police officer has come forward to express his outrage at being told to “stand down” by the city mayor during violent clashes between protesters.

The officer also claims the protests, which pitched “white supremacists” against members of Antifa, were “set up” to allow for the groups to ignite into exactly what happened.

We [Charlotesville police] were ordered to bring the rival groups together. As soon as they were in contact with each other, we were told to stand down. It was outrageous. We weren’t allowed to arrest anyone without asking the mayor first. We weren’t even allowed to stop the driver as he sped away.

The event was being set up as far back as at least May and it went like clockwork.”

At no point is the car that plowed into the crowd of protesters pursued by police – there is not a police car in sight leading into the area, or out.

When this is over Trump is a shoe in for 2020

Fake news. Belongs in badlands.

So a girl was not run over on a street that the police could have and should have blocked off for this demonstration?

You been ignorant your entire life, or did you study.

There will be a hundred million dollar civil suit no matter what comes of this post.

Got that kid.............................?
Charlottesville Police Come Forward: We Were Told to "STAND DOWN" to Ignite Race War (Video)

A Charlottesville police officer has come forward to express his outrage at being told to “stand down” by the city mayor during violent clashes between protesters.

The officer also claims the protests, which pitched “white supremacists” against members of Antifa, were “set up” to allow for the groups to ignite into exactly what happened.

We [Charlotesville police] were ordered to bring the rival groups together. As soon as they were in contact with each other, we were told to stand down. It was outrageous. We weren’t allowed to arrest anyone without asking the mayor first. We weren’t even allowed to stop the driver as he sped away.

The event was being set up as far back as at least May and it went like clockwork.”

At no point is the car that plowed into the crowd of protesters pursued by police – there is not a police car in sight leading into the area, or out.

When this is over Trump is a shoe in for 2020

Fake news. Belongs in badlands.

So a girl was not run over on a street that the police could have and should have blocked off for this demonstration?

You been ignorant your entire life, or did you study.

There will be a hundred million dollar civil suit no matter what comes of this post.

Got that kid.............................?

No, you moronic fucking troll. I never said that the girl wasn't run over, she certainly was by a right wing piece of shit. No police were "ordered" to stand down in order to ignite a race war, you ridiculous fool. Stop polluting the forum with bullshit fake news, asshole.
Charlottesville Police Come Forward: We Were Told to "STAND DOWN" to Ignite Race War (Video)

A Charlottesville police officer has come forward to express his outrage at being told to “stand down” by the city mayor during violent clashes between protesters.

The officer also claims the protests, which pitched “white supremacists” against members of Antifa, were “set up” to allow for the groups to ignite into exactly what happened.

We [Charlotesville police] were ordered to bring the rival groups together. As soon as they were in contact with each other, we were told to stand down. It was outrageous. We weren’t allowed to arrest anyone without asking the mayor first. We weren’t even allowed to stop the driver as he sped away.

The event was being set up as far back as at least May and it went like clockwork.”

At no point is the car that plowed into the crowd of protesters pursued by police – there is not a police car in sight leading into the area, or out.

When this is over Trump is a shoe in for 2020
Anonymous source.

From a rabid RWNJ (alt right, fascist, nazi) blog.

OP - post a link.

I couldn't find one.


Im afraid i actually have to agree with you. Without a name, this could very well just be just a forgery. Not unlike the Russian dossier
The mayor and governor permitted hostilities that were causal to her death
Thank you, you may now take your seat in jury box number 1
I hope you're Fields' attorney... you actually claimed there were no other drivers on that street....

I noticed you tucked your tail betwixt your hind legs rather than answer the question....

What caused Fields' car to stop advancing further into that crowd?

Should the police have blocked the street...................?
If the police had blocked the street, would Heather have been run over?
Do police ever block streets during demonstrations?

The prosecution rest.

You have the brain of a fly, now take your Zyprexa and go to sleep

You're still running like a pussy :gay: from my question??

What caused Fields' car to stop advancing further into that crowd?

Had police blocked streets, it's entirely possible she'd be alive. Just as it's entirely possible some police might be dead had Fields decided to run a police barricade. The reality is, no one knows what could have happened; but we do know what did happen. Traffic was open on that street and not a problem for the other drivers, pedestrians, protesters, police, or anyone -- until a rightwing terrorist decided to kill protesters.

That's not on the police. That's not on the protesters. That's not on the alt-right.

That's on James Fields.
Charlottesville Police Come Forward: We Were Told to "STAND DOWN" to Ignite Race War (Video)

A Charlottesville police officer has come forward to express his outrage at being told to “stand down” by the city mayor during violent clashes between protesters.

The officer also claims the protests, which pitched “white supremacists” against members of Antifa, were “set up” to allow for the groups to ignite into exactly what happened.

We [Charlotesville police] were ordered to bring the rival groups together. As soon as they were in contact with each other, we were told to stand down. It was outrageous. We weren’t allowed to arrest anyone without asking the mayor first. We weren’t even allowed to stop the driver as he sped away.

The event was being set up as far back as at least May and it went like clockwork.”

At no point is the car that plowed into the crowd of protesters pursued by police – there is not a police car in sight leading into the area, or out.

When this is over Trump is a shoe in for 2020

Fake news. Belongs in badlands.

So a girl was not run over on a street that the police could have and should have blocked off for this demonstration?

You been ignorant your entire life, or did you study.

There will be a hundred million dollar civil suit no matter what comes of this post.

Got that kid.............................?
Spits the flaming moron who actually believes there were no other drivers on that street.

Flaming moron ... What caused Fields' car to stop advancing further into that crowd?
Charlottesville Police Come Forward: We Were Told to "STAND DOWN" to Ignite Race War (Video)

A Charlottesville police officer has come forward to express his outrage at being told to “stand down” by the city mayor during violent clashes between protesters.

The officer also claims the protests, which pitched “white supremacists” against members of Antifa, were “set up” to allow for the groups to ignite into exactly what happened.

We [Charlotesville police] were ordered to bring the rival groups together. As soon as they were in contact with each other, we were told to stand down. It was outrageous. We weren’t allowed to arrest anyone without asking the mayor first. We weren’t even allowed to stop the driver as he sped away.

The event was being set up as far back as at least May and it went like clockwork.”

At no point is the car that plowed into the crowd of protesters pursued by police – there is not a police car in sight leading into the area, or out.

When this is over Trump is a shoe in for 2020

Charlottesville Police Come Forward: We Were Told to "STAND DOWN" to Ignite Race War (Video)

A Charlottesville police officer has come forward to express his outrage at being told to “stand down” by the city mayor during violent clashes between protesters.

The officer also claims the protests, which pitched “white supremacists” against members of Antifa, were “set up” to allow for the groups to ignite into exactly what happened.

We [Charlotesville police] were ordered to bring the rival groups together. As soon as they were in contact with each other, we were told to stand down. It was outrageous. We weren’t allowed to arrest anyone without asking the mayor first. We weren’t even allowed to stop the driver as he sped away.

The event was being set up as far back as at least May and it went like clockwork.”

At no point is the car that plowed into the crowd of protesters pursued by police – there is not a police car in sight leading into the area, or out.

When this is over Trump is a shoe in for 2020

Fake news. Belongs in badlands.

So a girl was not run over on a street that the police could have and should have blocked off for this demonstration?

You been ignorant your entire life, or did you study.

There will be a hundred million dollar civil suit no matter what comes of this post.

Got that kid.............................?

No, you moronic fucking troll. I never said that the girl wasn't run over, she certainly was by a right wing piece of shit. No police were "ordered" to stand down in order to ignite a race war, you ridiculous fool. Stop polluting the forum with bullshit fake news, asshole.

Lets examine what you said. You say that 200 police stood bye and did nothing without being told to do so. They also ALL CAME WITH RIOT GEAR because NO ONE TOLD THEM TOO COME WITH RIOT GEAR.

Do 200 police often assemble in neat lines in full riot gear without being told to do so?

The prosecution rest, the Governor of Virginia and the mayor or the Charlottsville slums will now join Blagovich in the Pokey

The mayor and governor permitted hostilities that were causal to her death
Thank you, you may now take your seat in jury box number 1
I hope you're Fields' attorney... you actually claimed there were no other drivers on that street....

I noticed you tucked your tail betwixt your hind legs rather than answer the question....

What caused Fields' car to stop advancing further into that crowd?

Should the police have blocked the street...................?
If the police had blocked the street, would Heather have been run over?
Do police ever block streets during demonstrations?

The prosecution rest.

You have the brain of a fly, now take your Zyprexa and go to sleep

You're still running like a pussy :gay: from my question??

What caused Fields' car to stop advancing further into that crowd?

Had police blocked streets, it's entirely possible she'd be alive. Just as it's entirely possible some police might be dead had Fields decided to run a police barricade. The reality is, no one knows what could have happened; but we do know what did happen. Traffic was open on that street and not a problem for the other drivers, pedestrians, protesters, police, or anyone -- until a rightwing terrorist decided to kill protesters.

That's not on the police. That's not on the protesters. That's not on the alt-right.

That's on James Fields.

The car was blocked because Heather Heyers body acted as a tire chock and or got twisted up into the wheel well ripping off the front bumper when the idiot put the car in reverse because a body was preventing forward motion
Charlottesville Police Come Forward: We Were Told to "STAND DOWN" to Ignite Race War (Video)

A Charlottesville police officer has come forward to express his outrage at being told to “stand down” by the city mayor during violent clashes between protesters.

The officer also claims the protests, which pitched “white supremacists” against members of Antifa, were “set up” to allow for the groups to ignite into exactly what happened.

We [Charlotesville police] were ordered to bring the rival groups together. As soon as they were in contact with each other, we were told to stand down. It was outrageous. We weren’t allowed to arrest anyone without asking the mayor first. We weren’t even allowed to stop the driver as he sped away.

The event was being set up as far back as at least May and it went like clockwork.”

At no point is the car that plowed into the crowd of protesters pursued by police – there is not a police car in sight leading into the area, or out.

When this is over Trump is a shoe in for 2020

Fake news. Belongs in badlands.

So a girl was not run over on a street that the police could have and should have blocked off for this demonstration?

You been ignorant your entire life, or did you study.

There will be a hundred million dollar civil suit no matter what comes of this post.

Got that kid.............................?

No, you moronic fucking troll. I never said that the girl wasn't run over, she certainly was by a right wing piece of shit. No police were "ordered" to stand down in order to ignite a race war, you ridiculous fool. Stop polluting the forum with bullshit fake news, asshole.

Do you always NOT do anything that resembles research.

Confirmed: Police Told to Stand Down in Charlottesville—Did Nothing as War Broke Out

Charlottesville Police Come Forward: We Were Told to “STAND DOWN” to Ignite Race War | Galactic Connection

Confirmed: Police Told to Stand Down in Charlottesville—Did Nothing as War Broke Out | Global Research - cgsmonitor
Ya know I like you, but then I enjoy hemorrhoids with whipped cream too.............

This is your trusted news source, watch the mongoloid explain how Trump can't win. On MSNBC, the nations most trusted comedy network


Great, you're triggered again.

MSNBC isn't a news source I trust.

Do you ever tire of making a complete ass of yourself? :lol:

As if anyone was predicting a Trump victory. Oh, Michael Moore.

I was on this very site saying it could happen if he could run up the white vote in the Rust Belt.

Which is exactly what happened.

Ya know I like you, but then I enjoy hemorrhoids with whipped cream too.............

This is your trusted news source, watch the mongoloid explain how Trump can't win. On MSNBC, the nations most trusted comedy network


Great, you're triggered again.

MSNBC isn't a news source I trust.

Do you ever tire of making a complete ass of yourself? :lol:

As if anyone was predicting a Trump victory. Oh, Michael Moore.

I was on this very site saying it could happen if he could run up the white vote in the Rust Belt.

Which is exactly what happened.

Ya know I like you, but then I enjoy hemorrhoids with whipped cream too.............

This is your trusted news source, watch the mongoloid explain how Trump can't win. On MSNBC, the nations most trusted comedy network


Great, you're triggered again.

MSNBC isn't a news source I trust.

Do you ever tire of making a complete ass of yourself? :lol:

As if anyone was predicting a Trump victory. Oh, Michael Moore.

I was on this very site saying it could happen if he could run up the white vote in the Rust Belt.

Which is exactly what happened.

Without GOPer Comey running his mouth against all protocol, you would have been wrong. GD idiot.

Without the vile lies the media were blasting 24/7, it would have been a Trump landslide.

Says the man that was right that Trump could win, and described ahead of time HOW HE DID IT.

How is the Hillary prosecutor coming, dupe? The vile lies were all on your side. For 30 years now.
Charlottesville Police Come Forward: We Were Told to "STAND DOWN" to Ignite Race War (Video)

A Charlottesville police officer has come forward to express his outrage at being told to “stand down” by the city mayor during violent clashes between protesters.

The officer also claims the protests, which pitched “white supremacists” against members of Antifa, were “set up” to allow for the groups to ignite into exactly what happened.

We [Charlotesville police] were ordered to bring the rival groups together. As soon as they were in contact with each other, we were told to stand down. It was outrageous. We weren’t allowed to arrest anyone without asking the mayor first. We weren’t even allowed to stop the driver as he sped away.

The event was being set up as far back as at least May and it went like clockwork.”

At no point is the car that plowed into the crowd of protesters pursued by police – there is not a police car in sight leading into the area, or out.

When this is over Trump is a shoe in for 2020

Fake news. Belongs in badlands.

So a girl was not run over on a street that the police could have and should have blocked off for this demonstration?

You been ignorant your entire life, or did you study.

There will be a hundred million dollar civil suit no matter what comes of this post.

Got that kid.............................?

No, you moronic fucking troll. I never said that the girl wasn't run over, she certainly was by a right wing piece of shit. No police were "ordered" to stand down in order to ignite a race war, you ridiculous fool. Stop polluting the forum with bullshit fake news, asshole.

Lets examine what you said. You say that 200 police stood bye and did nothing without being told to do so. They also ALL CAME WITH RIOT GEAR because NO ONE TOLD THEM TOO COME WITH RIOT GEAR.

Do 200 police often assemble in neat lines in full riot gear without being told to do so?

The prosecution rest, the Governor of Virginia and the mayor or the Charlottsville slums will now join Blagovich in the Pokey

"The prosecution rest..."

Squeals the retard who actually said...
There were no problems with any other drivers.
There were no other drivers asswipe.....................

What caused Fields' car to stop advancing further into that crowd?

Great, you're triggered again.

MSNBC isn't a news source I trust.

Do you ever tire of making a complete ass of yourself? :lol:
As if anyone was predicting a Trump victory. Oh, Michael Moore.

I was on this very site saying it could happen if he could run up the white vote in the Rust Belt.

Which is exactly what happened.

Great, you're triggered again.

MSNBC isn't a news source I trust.

Do you ever tire of making a complete ass of yourself? :lol:
As if anyone was predicting a Trump victory. Oh, Michael Moore.

I was on this very site saying it could happen if he could run up the white vote in the Rust Belt.

Which is exactly what happened.

Great, you're triggered again.

MSNBC isn't a news source I trust.

Do you ever tire of making a complete ass of yourself? :lol:
As if anyone was predicting a Trump victory. Oh, Michael Moore.

I was on this very site saying it could happen if he could run up the white vote in the Rust Belt.

Which is exactly what happened.
Without GOPer Comey running his mouth against all protocol, you would have been wrong. GD idiot.

Without the vile lies the media were blasting 24/7, it would have been a Trump landslide.

Says the man that was right that Trump could win, and described ahead of time HOW HE DID IT.
How is the Hillary prosecutor coming, dupe? The vile lies were all on your side. For 30 years now.

Hillary is currently hiding in Canada because of the Wasserman Putz spy ring that Trump busted
The mayor and governor permitted hostilities that were causal to her death
Thank you, you may now take your seat in jury box number 1
I hope you're Fields' attorney... you actually claimed there were no other drivers on that street....

I noticed you tucked your tail betwixt your hind legs rather than answer the question....

What caused Fields' car to stop advancing further into that crowd?

Should the police have blocked the street...................?
If the police had blocked the street, would Heather have been run over?
Do police ever block streets during demonstrations?

The prosecution rest.

You have the brain of a fly, now take your Zyprexa and go to sleep

You're still running like a pussy :gay: from my question??

What caused Fields' car to stop advancing further into that crowd?

Had police blocked streets, it's entirely possible she'd be alive. Just as it's entirely possible some police might be dead had Fields decided to run a police barricade. The reality is, no one knows what could have happened; but we do know what did happen. Traffic was open on that street and not a problem for the other drivers, pedestrians, protesters, police, or anyone -- until a rightwing terrorist decided to kill protesters.

That's not on the police. That's not on the protesters. That's not on the alt-right.

That's on James Fields.

The car was blocked because Heather Heyers body acted as a tire chock and or got twisted up into the wheel well ripping off the front bumper when the idiot put the car in reverse because a body was preventing forward motion
There were at least 2 cars in front of him. You dupes are ALWAYS wrong...
Charlottesville Police Come Forward: We Were Told to "STAND DOWN" to Ignite Race War (Video)

A Charlottesville police officer has come forward to express his outrage at being told to “stand down” by the city mayor during violent clashes between protesters.

The officer also claims the protests, which pitched “white supremacists” against members of Antifa, were “set up” to allow for the groups to ignite into exactly what happened.

We [Charlotesville police] were ordered to bring the rival groups together. As soon as they were in contact with each other, we were told to stand down. It was outrageous. We weren’t allowed to arrest anyone without asking the mayor first. We weren’t even allowed to stop the driver as he sped away.

The event was being set up as far back as at least May and it went like clockwork.”

At no point is the car that plowed into the crowd of protesters pursued by police – there is not a police car in sight leading into the area, or out.

When this is over Trump is a shoe in for 2020

Fake news. Belongs in badlands.

So a girl was not run over on a street that the police could have and should have blocked off for this demonstration?

You been ignorant your entire life, or did you study.

There will be a hundred million dollar civil suit no matter what comes of this post.

Got that kid.............................?

No, you moronic fucking troll. I never said that the girl wasn't run over, she certainly was by a right wing piece of shit. No police were "ordered" to stand down in order to ignite a race war, you ridiculous fool. Stop polluting the forum with bullshit fake news, asshole.

Lets examine what you said. You say that 200 police stood bye and did nothing without being told to do so. They also ALL CAME WITH RIOT GEAR because NO ONE TOLD THEM TOO COME WITH RIOT GEAR.

Do 200 police often assemble in neat lines in full riot gear without being told to do so?

The prosecution rest, the Governor of Virginia and the mayor or the Charlottsville slums will now join Blagovich in the Pokey

"The prosecution rest..."

Squeals the retard who actually said...
There were no problems with any other drivers.
There were no other drivers asswipe.....................

What caused Fields' car to stop advancing further into that crowd?

The driver also could not see with bodies all over his windshield

Do you enjoy embarrassing yourself, or are you really a double working for the prosecution?

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