Chase Oliver, Libertarian nominee, "gets it"

Each situation needs to be evaluated on its own merits. I didn't see any 'ridiculous' spending asked for by Trump. He did relent and allowed the Democrats their ridiculous spending in order to get any of his own policy initiatives funded, otherwise the Democrats would cut him off entirely.

The spending during 2020 was necessarily to keep people from starving or losing everything when government shut down their businesses, jobs, other means to earn a living.

You cant make sense to fringe, purist, contrarian people.
Don't expect to.
They only support people who aren't actually in the race for President.
Your question was irrelevant. It was created from brainwashing and fallacy.

If it was fallacy you would say that I was wrong and then recite the reasons why I am wrong with a plethora of examples.

You don't and can't.

You live in a fantasy world
See? All of this is fact, but Billie denies it. It's crazy
Cultism 101
All this is 'fact' in your mind but you've offered nothing to support it other than your own opinion which in my opinion needs some work.
I can't think of any policy position Trump held or implemented or tried to implement that was terrible policy.
If signing the terrible budget he signed in '17, then vowing he'd never sign a budget that terrible again, then signing three more budgets that were more terrible than the first, doesn't count as terrible policy, what would?
If signing the terrible budget he signed in '17, then vowing he'd never sign a budget that terrible again, then signing three more budgets that were more terrible than the first, doesn't count as terrible policy, what would?

Describe what you see as the VIABLE alternative each time.
Describe what you see as the VIABLE alternative each time.
Nutting up, backing up your alligator mouth with some action, and using the veto.

Gutless pussy republicans, who roll over on cue and make pussy excuses, are the reason he got elected.
If signing the terrible budget he signed in '17, then vowing he'd never sign a budget that terrible again, then signing three more budgets that were more terrible than the first, doesn't count as terrible policy, what would?
Again the alternative would be to shut down the government and hurt millions of people. The President is not a king with any constitutional power of the purse or authority to dictate what the Congress is allowed to spend. And he has to weigh the short and long range effect of a Presidential veto against what is best for the greatest number of people. I think Trump did that. He won some concessions but had to give some too. Evenso spending to GDP ratio was not bad through Trump's term until 2020 which was an unprecedented anomaly.

Also, those spending bills were not Trump's policy but that of an irresponsible Congress.

To control spending, we have to elect reformer minded Republicans in a sufficient majority and with the integrity and courage to risk the vicious anger of certain segments of the population when bad or unnecessary programs are ended and real cuts in spending are made. The most brilliant, competent, right minded person in the world can do little or nothing without a Congress who will support his game plan.
Again the alternative would be to shut down the government and hurt millions of people. The President is not a king with any constitutional power of the purse or authority to dictate what the Congress is allowed to spend. And he has to weigh the short and long range effect of a Presidential veto against what is best for the greatest number of people. I think Trump did that. He won some concessions but had to give some too. Evenso spending to GDP ratio was not bad through Trump's term until 2020 which was an unprecedented anomaly.

To control spending, we have to elect reformer minded Republicans in a sufficient majority and with the integrity and courage to risk the vicious anger of certain segments of the population when bad or unnecessary programs are ended and real cuts in spending are made.
Trump didn't get elected to spew that decades-old weak-assed GOP sellout sauce.....We could've got that by electing that little worm, JEB!
Again the alternative would be to shut down the government and hurt millions of people. The President is not a king with any constitutional power of the purse or authority to dictate what the Congress is allowed to spend. And he has to weigh the short and long range effect of a Presidential veto against what is best for the greatest number of people. I think Trump did that. He won some concessions but had to give some too. Evenso spending to GDP ratio was not bad through Trump's term until 2020 which was an unprecedented anomaly.

Also, those spending bills were not Trump's policy but that of an irresponsible Congress.

To control spending, we have to elect reformer minded Republicans in a sufficient majority and with the integrity and courage to risk the vicious anger of certain segments of the population when bad or unnecessary programs are ended and real cuts in spending are made. The most brilliant, competent, right minded person in the world can do little or nothing without a Congress who will support his game plan.

Of course.

Fringe, purist, contrarians of course will not understand.
Call bluffs and cut fucking spending, like you promised to do.

<<cue the customary weak-assed pussy republican excuses>>>
The President is not a dictator. And is not given any authority whatsoever to spend money not authorized by Congress or dictate to Congress what it can and cannot do.
The President is not a dictator. And is not given any authority whatsoever to spend money not authorized by Congress or dictate to Congress what it can and cannot do.
The president can veto a bill and fight for what he said he would....Trump took the all-too-familiar squishy, gutless GOP coward's way out.

We wouldn't have been any worse off with another Bush.
Once again proving Goldwater correct: there ain't a dime's worth of difference between remocrats and depublicans, Trump included.

Same weak-assed eunuch excuses, different decade.

Purists should work to elect more hard core conservatives to office and learn that 5% is not a Govering majority.
Of course.

Fringe, purist, contrarians of course will not understand.
They honestly have the right idea. They just don't have a solid grasp of how our Constitution works. A great leader as President can do much to direct the agenda and accomplish wonderful things. Trump did that.

But the power to raise and spend government money is given to Congress alone and unless we elect responsible public servants instead of self-serving professional politicians to Congress, the President will be limited in what he can and cannot do financially.

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