Chase Oliver, Libertarian nominee, "gets it"

It's already that way with me. So until the GOP or the LP get their shit together, I'll be enjoying the day of voting by doing something constructive. Like untangling my bluetooth speaker wires. Or taking a nap.

The Constitution Party has a real chance to step up this year. If they don't, then screw them too.
From what I’ve read, admittedly limited, the CP nominee is almost exclusively focused on abortion, which isn’t an animating issue for me.
As for how this relates to Trump, yes, he should own up to Warp Speed being a mistake. Why he hasn't done so is probably related to how he's currently more focused on defending himself from endless litigation and prosecution in our kangaroo court system.

Trump has never, and never will own up to anything he's done wrong. And his supporters won't force him to. He owns them on so many levels.
There's way more important things to hold him accountable for, but they don't have the brains or the balls to do it.

$8 trillion spent in 4 years
Only 1 spending bill veto
12 cr's
Assaulting our 2A
Supporting red flag laws
Trying to replace a national healthcare law with another national healthcare law

^^^^The short list.

The list of things Trump supporters have to bend over for, just to maintain their support is very lengthy. Even more lengthy than Romneys. But when you consider Romney got the RNC's nomination before Trump did, that explains how far left the GOP has gotten. It's one lefty after another. That goes for the house speakership also.
Why would a nation 37 trillion in debt want more welfare recipients to gain citizenship and benefits. Just meeting some DEI quota isn’t going to solve that.

Why should we let anyone of any color into the country so they can have as their primary source of income be welfare?

The insecure red necks are paying the taxes for your illegals welfare. They should maybe have a say don’t you think?

Why would Trump supporters still support Trump after trying to give blacks $500 billion just for being black?
It's already that way with me. So until the GOP or the LP get their shit together, I'll be enjoying the day of voting by doing something constructive. Like untangling my bluetooth speaker wires. Or taking a nap.

The Constitution Party has a real chance to step up this year. If they don't, then screw them too.
2008 Chuck Baldwin was the Constitution Party candidate and he was a damn site better libertarian than Bill Barr the LP candidate. I went with Baldwin.
He continued supporting the Saudi genocide in Yemen. That was pretty terrible.
He continued supporting the Saudi genocide in Yemen. That was pretty terrible.
The Saudis are not committing genocide in Yemen. They were fighting the Iranian backed Houthis who had illegally seized the Yemen government. I am not up enough on the rationale that got the U.S. involved with backing the Saudi led coalition to take out those Houthis to have an opinion on whether Obama or Trump had a reasonable policy there.

Trump's foreign policy was to keep us out of war as much as possible and for the most part he did and also cooled down a lot of hostilities that existed when he took office. The world wasn't perfect, but Trump gave us the closest thing to world peace that any of us had ever experienced.
Trump has never, and never will own up to anything he's done wrong. And his supporters won't force him to. He owns them on so many levels.
There's way more important things to hold him accountable for, but they don't have the brains or the balls to do it.

$8 trillion spent in 4 years
Only 1 spending bill veto
12 cr's
Assaulting our 2A
Supporting red flag laws
Trying to replace a national healthcare law with another national healthcare law

^^^^The short list.

The list of things Trump supporters have to bend over for, just to maintain their support is very lengthy. Even more lengthy than Romneys. But when you consider Romney got the RNC's nomination before Trump did, that explains how far left the GOP has gotten. It's one lefty after another. That goes for the house speakership also.
I want to make something clear. He does have plenty of flaws. He does have a massive ego. The things you listed out that he failed on are valid criticisms.

All I can say is, do you think Biden is better or worse?

The ideal would be a system with more than 2 viable parties, but we have a rigged system currently that favors the 2 party duopoly. Until we implement instant runoff voting or ranked choice voting (or some similar alternative), Dem and GOP are the only real choices for president.

I would consider voting Libertarian as a protest vote if they had nominated someone more akin to the Mises perspective, but Oliver doesn't fit that.
I want to make something clear. He does have plenty of flaws. He does have a massive ego. The things you listed out that he failed on are valid criticisms.

All I can say is, do you think Biden is better or worse?

At a certain point, that no longer matters. Maybe you don't think we're at that point yet, but I do. Neither candidate is worth a vote, and either would be a net negative for the nation if elected. Sorting out which one is worse is irrelevant.

The ideal would be a system with more than 2 viable parties, but we have a rigged system currently that favors the 2 party duopoly. Until we implement instant runoff voting or ranked choice voting (or some similar alternative), Dem and GOP are the only real choices for president.

RCV would really improve things. But the two parties in control will vehemently oppose it. We first have to learn how to tell them "no"- ie quit falling for lesser-of-two-evils. You can call that a "protest" vote, but I think that diminishes its value. Not voting at all is a more powerful statement, and I argue has a greater impact, than "holding your nose" and voting for one of the mainstream party goons.

The Saudis are not committing genocide in Yemen. They were fighting the Iranian backed Houthis who had illegally seized the Yemen government. I am not up enough on the rationale that got the U.S. involved with backing the Saudi led coalition to take out those Houthis to have an opinion on whether Obama or Trump had a reasonable policy there.

Trump's foreign policy was to keep us out of war as much as possible and for the most part he did and also cooled down a lot of hostilities that existed when he took office. The world wasn't perfect, but Trump gave us the closest thing to world peace that any of us had ever experienced.
We have a different definition of genocide then. I define it as the deliberate policy of trying to exterminate a people, which is what Saudi Arabia was doing in Yemen with American assistance.
At a certain point, that no longer matters. Maybe you don't think we're at that point yet, but I do. Neither candidate is worth a vote, and either would be a net negative for the nation if elected. Sorting out which one is worse is irrelevant.

RCV would really improve things. But the two parties in control will vehemently oppose it. We first have to learn how to tell them "no"- ie quit falling for lesser-of-two-evils. You can call that a "protest" vote, but I think that diminishes its value. Not voting at all is a more powerful statement, and I argue has a greater impact, than "holding your nose" and voting for one of the mainstream party goons.
That's a fair assessment. I can't say that I'm particularly enthusiastic about voting for anyone, really. I don't trust our electoral system in general, and I fundamentally disagree with universal suffrage (and several other common Western assumptions/values).
We have a different definition of genocide then. I define it as the deliberate policy of trying to exterminate a people, which is what Saudi Arabia was doing in Yemen with American assistance.
Is that what Saudi Arabia is doing? Not even the U.N. seems to think so. They definitely did not want Iran to control Yemen which is what would happen if the Houthi's illegal seizure of the Yemen government had been allowed to stand unopposed. Saudi Arabia was fighting a military opponent, not trying to wipe out a specific group of people.

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Is that what Saudi Arabia is doing? Not even the U.N. seems to think so. They definitely did not want Iran to control Yemen which is what would happen if the Houthi's illegal seizure of the Yemen government had been allowed to stand unopposed. Saudi Arabia was fighting a military opponent, not trying to wipe out a specific group of people.
And yet they have largely succeeded at the latter.
Not for people like you. You just ignore it or flat out deny it.

A couple things in this is misrepresented, but it's better than trump or Biden.

Then he should probably actually run for President, not just play pretend.
Amazingly can’t find that on google now. It was there. But let’s just go back to his own website. Do you agree with this?

It's basically what is on his website and it isn't horrible.
I can't think of any policy position Trump held or implemented or tried to implement that was terrible policy. "On the Issues" does not editorialize or evaluate policy that they post on their website but use the person's own voting record or statements.
His attacks on the second? What about giving hundreds of billions to neighborhoods based on their skin color? What about daca and amnesty?
What about his ridiculous spending?
None of that is bad policy?

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