Chase Oliver, Libertarian nominee, "gets it"

That'd be his argument right up until he convinces me to vote for whoever he doesn't like, then I'd be evil or dumb or something.
I dunno. I've met quite a few "true believers" who preach the gospel that everyone should vote. I always ask, "Really? Everyone? Even your KKK neighbor? Why would you want him to vote? You should take him out for drinks on election night instead."
Not for people like you. You just ignore it or flat out deny it.
He has some good policy positions and a lot of bad ones:
--No gun laws at all
--Effectively for open borders, unlimited immigration
--He's okay with men in women's sports
--Against mandatory sentences
--Wouldn't give opinion on freedom of religion (most Libertarians oppose it.)
--No restrictions at all on abortion
--Privatize social security--get it out of government
--End death penalty and mandatory sentences
--Cut defense spending to pay for college loans
A couple things in this is misrepresented, but it's better than trump or Biden.
And it says nothing of the sort. He just wants to make it easier. Like we used to do. With a good vetting process. I would like some clarification on that part though.
Doing checks on medical history and background to only be complicated in days, would require a big extension of current immigration employees. I don't see how they would want to get rid of ice and such when they will need them more. More meaning many more people than employed now.
Amazingly can’t find that on google now. It was there. But let’s just go back to his own website. Do you agree with this?

Amazingly can’t find that on google now. It was there. But let’s just go back to his own website. Do you agree with this?

Are there parts of this you disagree with?
I dunno. I've met quite a few "true believers" who preach the gospel that everyone should vote. I always ask, "Really? Everyone? Even your KKK neighbor? Why would you want him to vote? You should take him out for drinks on election night instead."
Some societies take it even further by having compulsory voting. Australia has that insanity.
I dunno. I've met quite a few "true believers" who preach the gospel that everyone should vote. I always ask, "Really? Everyone? Even your KKK neighbor? Why would you want him to vote? You should take him out for drinks on election night instead."
I don't know how many true believers I've ever encountered, maybe some. Usually I've found it devolves into, "If you don't vote you're really voting for <whoever I dislike>."
The most feeble of defenses is that he was lied to, which he was.

But after three years of getting fucked over by those he foolishly allowed to get too close to him, he should have learned his lesson by then.

Trump only picks the best people.
Not for people like you. You just ignore it or flat out deny it.

A couple things in this is misrepresented, but it's better than trump or Biden.
It’s kind of like if you took the best republican parts and mashed it together with the worst democrat parts there’s your guy.
Yep. Me too.
"Full welfare benefits"?

I think you're lying. Quote it or fess up!
Which I already knew. Open Borders and the flood of illegals using a FAKE ASYLUM CLAIM which is Bankrupting States and pushing wages down as they will work for less.
Yep. Me too.
"Full welfare benefits"?

I think you're lying. Quote it or fess up!
Federal laws limit access to welfare. Federal law restricts how much welfare immigrants can receive, and they receive 30 percent less federal and state aid than native-born Americans. They join the workforce, boosting productivity - and ironically, native-born wages - and they spend more than native-borns.

What do you think that means?
Not for people like you. You just ignore it or flat out deny it.

A couple things in this is misrepresented, but it's better than trump or Biden.
I can't think of any policy position Trump held or implemented or tried to implement that was terrible policy. "On the Issues" does not editorialize or evaluate policy that they post on their website but use the person's own voting record or statements.
I can't think of any policy position Trump held or implemented or tried to implement that was terrible policy. "On the Issues" does not editorialize or evaluate policy that they post on their website but use the person's own voting record or statements.
He continued supporting the Saudi genocide in Yemen. That was pretty terrible.

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