Chase Oliver, Libertarian nominee, "gets it"

I honestly don't know much about this guy, I know there were a couple other candidates I would have considered voting for but I don't think I'll bother voting for Oliver. Certainly won't vote for Biden or Trump. Happy to sit out another pointless election.
I know enough to know he's good with mentally ill men being in womens' spaces.

That's good enough for a hard pass from me.
I don't know why Trump supporters oppose the shot so much. And the weird thing about it, they'll bash anyone who got it, but don't say a words about how Trump pushed it. Then said he saved 10's of millions of lives by getting it out to the public.

If Biden had said something to that effect, they'd have been on him like white on rice. But with Trump, it was crickets.
The shot was basically a barely tested experimental technology for gene therapy that was altered to be a vaccine. The J & J one was a traditional vaccine, but pretty much all of the other ones involved mRNA as a vector. The general public was essentially the clinical trial.

We're now discovering (not surprisingly) that the lack of GMP standards for the production of the vaccines resulted in a wide variety of batch quality. Some batches were safe, while others caused a lot of ill effects -- some permanently disabling.

There are a myriad of good reasons to distrust these vaccines and Big Pharma in general. COVID showed the true colors of most of the world's governments and of many people in general. Most people are sheep that are willing to oppress others in pursuit of feeling "safe." It's precisely why universal suffrage eventually leads to authoritarianism.

As for how this relates to Trump, yes, he should own up to Warp Speed being a mistake. Why he hasn't done so is probably related to how he's currently more focused on defending himself from endless litigation and prosecution in our kangaroo court system.
I know enough to know he's good with mentally ill men being in womens' spaces.

That's good enough for a hard pass from me.
Yeah, I'm not particularly impressed by that, but to play devil's advocate it's not my idea of a presidential level issue. I'd call that a state issue at the maximum, and would prefer it to be even more locally decided. But yeah I suppose it does give an insight into who he is. I don't expect third-parties to be all that relevant to this election regardless, so I guess it is what it is.
I honestly don't know much about this guy, I know there were a couple other candidates I would have considered voting for but I don't think I'll bother voting for Oliver. Certainly won't vote for Biden or Trump. Happy to sit out another pointless election.

You are a huge part of the problem.
Regardless, I'm actually for no-passport open borders....If you're a citizen of country X, you can have legit non-counterfeitable ID to prove that you're home is there...100% freedom of travel.

One non-nogotiable proviso: No welfare state, at any level...Then anyone who came to our shores would either have the means to support themselves, or get a job and do so.....You want to be a permanent citizen, that's another set of criteria to meet.
That don't sound bad at all, honestly.
Thank you for the videos.
I would like to see the actual messages about the trans stuff. His border policy really isn't that bad. i would like to hear how he plans to vet people from countries that don't have a process for that. Or people from countries that are our enemy that could just lie.
As far as his drag show stance, I see the logic in what he is saying, but I would love to see an example of drag queen at story hour reading traditional literature.
Eh, better be careful. This guy also wants all border patrol eliminated along with ICE. No border restrictions, drag queen story hour for all kids.

He’s a fucking loon.
Do you have a source for him not wanting border patrol agents and to abolish ice? No border restrictions is incorrect. Drag queen thingy, is up for debate.

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