Chase Oliver, Libertarian nominee, "gets it"

I don't know why Trump supporters oppose the shot so much. And the weird thing about it, they'll bash anyone who got it, but don't say a words about how Trump pushed it. Then said he saved 10's of millions of lives by getting it out to the public.

If Biden had said something to that effect, they'd have been on him like white on rice. But with Trump, it was crickets.
because the shot doesnt work and hasnt been properly tested,,
They wanted Ron Paul, but they decided on RuPaul instead
Oliver claims to be "Armed and gay." Or something retarded like that. That's "identity politics." Something the R & D's have coined. The LP is supposed to too grown up for such things. But the pink/blue haired leftist weirdo's that have infiltrated the LP, has brought the party back to it's high school daze.

Angela McCardle and the Mises Caucus tried to get rid of those type of libertarians. But she simply wasn't the one for the job. As much as I like Justin Amash, he wasn't the right one for the job either.

Chases nomination, coupled with those in the LP that support Trump, will deliver a death blow to the LP. The civil war in the party will be short and sweet.
I suspect by this time next year, the Constitution Party will have more members and will take 3rd place.
Gary Johnson already drove a stake into what was left of the LP, with his tapping of the drunken "original libertarian", Marxtaxachusetts "republican" Bill Weld, as his veep.

The old "Party of Principle" now wouldn't know a principle if it hit them over the head.
I don't know why Trump supporters oppose the shot so much. And the weird thing about it, they'll bash anyone who got it, but don't say a words about how Trump pushed it. Then said he saved 10's of millions of lives by getting it out to the public.
The most feeble of defenses is that he was lied to, which he was.

But after three years of getting fucked over by those he foolishly allowed to get too close to him, he should have learned his lesson by then.
There are many things to like about Libertarianism, particularly on the economics side of things. Unfortunately, going full libertarian doesn't work very well on things like immigration, when you have a system in place that is a numbers game.

If you have universal suffrage, open immigration just means you end up with whatever laws are favored by the people who procreate the fastest and arrive in the largest numbers. More often than not, said people tend to be statist.
The most feeble of defenses is that he was lied to, which he was.

But after three years of getting fucked over by those he foolishly allowed to get too close to him, he should have learned his lesson by then.

No reasonable person would blame anything covid related on President Trump.
If he didn't go along, they would have impeached him over that, or worse
Anarchy leads to despotism, because people will demand law and order.

This is why I hate the Libertarian stance on such things as the death penalty and embracing an open border.

We need to maintain law and order or the Left is strengthened via lawlessness.

After all, if society has the morality of a jail cell, then all that can be done is build a wall around society and hire a warden.

This is the goal of the Left and why they are out to be kind to the violent as they let killers and drug dealers go free and oppress those that are kind as Joe and Garland hunt down Nuns and Priests.

Society that is turned into a jail is the Left-wing utopia.

After all, food and shelter and clothing is "free", and it is a gun free zone. Best of all, every day is gay pride day!!

I would say there's no single libertarian position on those issues. Plenty of libertarians support restrictions on immigration, and plenty of libertarians support the death penalty.
I would say there's no single libertarian position on those issues. Plenty of libertarians support restrictions on immigration, and plenty of libertarians support the death penalty.

Their positions only matter as to how they vote.

When they vote for a D or an R

Those are the only 2 that matter
No reasonable person would blame anything covid related on President Trump.
If he didn't go along, they would have impeached him over that, or worse
I blame him for still falling for the bullshit artists and monkewrenchers in his midst, that he should have known were trying to fuck him over at any opportunity....Especially so for getting chumped by the "two weeks to flatten the curve" ruse.
I blame him for still falling for the bullshit artists and monkewrenchers in his midst, that he should have known were trying to fuck him over at any opportunity....Especially getting chumped by the "two weeks to flatten the curve" ruse.

Same response.

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