Chase Oliver, Libertarian nominee, "gets it"

Regardless, I'm actually for no-passport open borders....If you're a citizen of country X, you can have legit non-counterfeitable ID to prove that you're home is there...100% freedom of travel.

One non-nogotiable proviso: No welfare state, at any level...Then anyone who came to our shores would either have the means to support themselves, or get a job and do so.....You want to be a permanent citizen, that's another set of criteria to meet.
I used to take a stance like this, but even in the absence of a welfare state, you run across a Constitutional issue due to our citizenship by birth policy. Open borders mean people can show up and have kids here that become citizens automatically. Even with no welfare state, that can be problematic over time. We need a jus sanguinis policy instead of a jus soli one for open borders to be truly feasible.
I don't know why Trump supporters oppose the shot so much. And the weird thing about it, they'll bash anyone who got it, but don't say a words about how Trump pushed it. Then said he saved 10's of millions of lives by getting it out to the public.

If Biden had said something to that effect, they'd have been on him like white on rice. But with Trump, it was crickets.
It's contradictory. Some of them can even do it in one post. I just laugh.
Some people just care about democracy. A lot!

I can take it or leave it. Inflicting the will of the majority on everyone else is frequently abusive and usually unnecessary.
That'd be his argument right up until he convinces me to vote for whoever he doesn't like, then I'd be evil or dumb or something.
I could find him saying it but here’s his platform.

A lot of just let everyone in there. And some other crazy shit.
And it says nothing of the sort. He just wants to make it easier. Like we used to do. With a good vetting process. I would like some clarification on that part though.
Doing checks on medical history and background to only be complicated in days, would require a big extension of current immigration employees. I don't see how they would want to get rid of ice and such when they will need them more. More meaning many more people than employed now.
I used to take a stance like this, but even in the absence of a welfare state, you run across a Constitutional issue due to our citizenship by birth policy. Open borders mean people can show up and have kids here that become citizens automatically. Even with no welfare state, that can be problematic over time. We need a jus sanguinis policy instead of a jus soli one for open borders to be truly feasible.
There should be no welfare state for citizens either.
I'm not saying I agree with everything, that's just the clarity of it. Not some partisan BS fear mongering
Very compactly stated...

Oliver is an activist from Atlanta who previously ran for the U.S. Senate and U.S. House from Georgia. On his campaign website, he calls for major cuts to the federal budget with a view toward balancing the budget, abolishing the death penalty, closing all overseas military bases and ending military support to Israel and Ukraine
He has some good policy positions and a lot of bad ones:
--No gun laws at all
--Effectively for open borders, unlimited immigration
--He's okay with men in women's sports
--Against mandatory sentences
--Wouldn't give opinion on freedom of religion (most Libertarians oppose it.)
--No restrictions at all on abortion
--Privatize social security--get it out of government
--End death penalty and mandatory sentences
--Cut defense spending to pay for college loans

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