Chase Oliver, Libertarian nominee, "gets it"

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I give you the link. He actually says you’re more likely to be a criminal than the illegal. Which is crazy since they’re illegal and already broke the law. So you are a worse person than the 100% of criminals that are already criminals.
Federal laws limit access to welfare. Federal law restricts how much welfare immigrants can receive, and they receive 30 percent less federal and state aid than native-born Americans. They join the workforce, boosting productivity - and ironically, native-born wages - and they spend more than native-borns.
It's a statement of fact. How do get from that to "Full welfare benefits"? You can't just make shit up in your head and pretend it's real.
It's a statement of fact. How do get from that to "Full welfare benefits"? You can't just make shit up in your head and pretend it's real.
You agreed to getting in as many as possible and making them citizens...

Then turn around and say prove it??

Then say we are the idiots. LMAO
It's a statement of fact. How do get from that to "Full welfare benefits"? You can't just make shit up in your head and pretend it's real.
He wants to make them all citizens. I’m not sure how good you are at math but their benefits will increase to 100%. The rest is him telling you how much better they are as people and preferable to you.

So, like I said, he continued supporting the Saudi genocide in Yemen.
And??? That was also a Civil War there bought and paid for by Iran.

Saudi Arabia has a right to fight back there, same as Israel in Gaza.

It is a brutal Relugious War.

You are for open borders. You admitted it.

Anyway. Doesnt matter. Libertarian party for the most part has Zero effect on the outcome. Run ant gay ads right before the vote and they will flock to Chase and not vote Dem
He wants to make them all citizens. I’m not sure how good you are at math but their benefits will increase to 100%. The rest is him telling you how much better they are as people and preferable to you.

Oh, I see. You're walking back your equivocation. Good. You were trying to insinuate Oliver wanted to give full welfare benefits to illegal aliens. Now you're just saying that he wants to make them citizens (me too!). And that then they'll get full welfare rights. Yep. So what?

Listen, you people who get your panties in wad over brown people just aren't compelling. You just sound like really insecure rednecks. Sorry.
He wants to make them all citizens. I’m not sure how good you are at math but their benefits will increase to 100%. The rest is him telling you how much better they are as people and preferable to you.
Libertarian are open border freaks just like the left.

It is Bankrupting States and they dont care.
Oh, I see. You're walking back your equivocation. Good. You were trying to insinuate Oliver wanted to give full welfare benefits to illegal aliens. Now you're just saying that he wants to make them citizens (me too!). And that then they'll get full welfare rights. Yep. So what?

Listen, you people who get your panties in wad over brown people just aren't compelling. You just sound like really insecure rednecks. Sorry.
They come here through legal paths or not at all.

This is where your leftist views are OBVIOUS. You want our border flooded regardless of the damage.
And you admitted you like to piss in your cereal and have that for breakfast. That's fucked up, dude! Don't do that!

Then why all the fuss? Why do you care so much?
Very soon there’ll be the not voting for x is a vote for y fallacy.

It's already that way with me. So until the GOP or the LP get their shit together, I'll be enjoying the day of voting by doing something constructive. Like untangling my bluetooth speaker wires. Or taking a nap.

The Constitution Party has a real chance to step up this year. If they don't, then screw them too.
Oh, I see. You're walking back your equivocation. Good. You were trying to insinuate Oliver wanted to give full welfare benefits to illegal aliens. Now you're just saying that he wants to make them citizens (me too!). And that then they'll get full welfare rights. Yep. So what?

Listen, you people who get your panties in wad over brown people just aren't compelling. You just sound like really insecure rednecks. Sorry.
Why would a nation 37 trillion in debt want more welfare recipients to gain citizenship and benefits. Just meeting some DEI quota isn’t going to solve that.

Why should we let anyone of any color into the country so they can have as their primary source of income be welfare?

The insecure red necks are paying the taxes for your illegals welfare. They should maybe have a say don’t you think?

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