Chase Oliver, Libertarian nominee, "gets it"

It's not in libertarian canon that anyone can commit aggression against another peaceful individual....Vax mandates are such an aggression.

I'm fine with open borders, in the context of no more welfare state....But not a moment before that precondition is satisfied.
I dont know if "open borders" is the correct terminology honestly. He wants to make it easier to become a citizen and such, sure. But not like gary johnson or anything. At least the people will be getting vetted in a timely manner, and not running the streets for years.
Very compactly stated...

Oliver is an activist from Atlanta who previously ran for the U.S. Senate and U.S. House from Georgia. On his campaign website, he calls for major cuts to the federal budget with a view toward balancing the budget, abolishing the death penalty, closing all overseas military bases and ending military support to Israel and Ukraine

Who cares?

What does it matter?
I dont know if "open borders" is the correct terminology honestly. He wants to make it easier to become a citizen and such, sure. But not like gary johnson or anything. At least the people will be getting vetted in a timely manner, and not running the streets for years.
Regardless, I'm actually for no-passport open borders....If you're a citizen of country X, you can have legit non-counterfeitable ID to prove that you're home is there...100% freedom of travel.

One non-nogotiable proviso: No welfare state, at any level...Then anyone who came to our shores would either have the means to support themselves, or get a job and do so.....You want to be a permanent citizen, that's another set of criteria to meet.
Regardless, I'm actually for no-passport open borders....If you're a citizen of country X, you can have legit non-counterfeitable ID to prove that you're home is there...100% freedom of travel.

One non-nogotiable proviso: No welfare state, at any level...Then anyone who came to our shores would either have the means to support themselves, or get a job and do so.....You want to be a permanent citizen, that's another set of criteria to meet.

That would only work in a truly free society.

And, regardless of popular opinion, the USA just ain't it.

Generally speaking, though, I agree with your thought on it.
Regardless, I'm actually for no-passport open borders....If you're a citizen of country X, you can have legit non-counterfeitable ID to prove that you're home is there...100% freedom of travel.
One non-nogotiable proviso: No welfare state, at any level...Then anyone who came to our shores would either have the means to support themselves, or get a job and do so.....You want to be a permanent citizen, that's another set of criteria to meet.
In that case biden voters would become MAGAs and demand that we build the wall and deport the illegals already here
And if he got the Murderous Fraud Vax and the boosters, he doesn't understand basic biology, and if he really got the vax and isn't just lying, he is a huge risk to die before the first term ends...

Sorry, he lost me....


You're fickke
No they didn't...They nominated another dopey SJW, over a Mises candidate and the philosophical powerhouse Jacob Hornberger.

They're little more than the rainbow bong, that the Bee mocked them as, anymore.

Oliver claims to be "Armed and gay." Or something retarded like that. That's "identity politics." Something the R & D's have coined. The LP is supposed to too grown up for such things. But the pink/blue haired leftist weirdo's that have infiltrated the LP, has brought the party back to it's high school daze.

Angela McCardle and the Mises Caucus tried to get rid of those type of libertarians. But she simply wasn't the one for the job. As much as I like Justin Amash, he wasn't the right one for the job either.

Chases nomination, coupled with those in the LP that support Trump, will deliver a death blow to the LP. The civil war in the party will be short and sweet.
I suspect by this time next year, the Constitution Party will have more members and will take 3rd place.
Oliver claims to be "Armed and gay." Or something retarded like that. That's "identity politics." Something the R & D's have coined. The LP is supposed to too grown up for such things. But the pink/blue haired leftist weirdo's that have infiltrated the LP, has brought the party back to it's high school daze.

Angela McCardle and the Mises Caucus tried to get rid of those type of libertarians. But she simply wasn't the one for the job. As much as I like Justin Amash, he wasn't the right one for the job either.

Chases nomination, coupled with those in the LP that support Trump, will deliver a death blow to the LP. The civil war in the party will be short and sweet.
I suspect by this time next year, the Constitution Party will have more members and will take 3rd place.

There is no 3rd fucking place.

It's a binary system.

Chase Oliver

I am also vaccinated and boosted and while I wish they were 100% effective, I made the choice to get mine based on available data in consultation with my doctorMy preferred method to fight disease is listening to a doctor.And vaccine mandates are still wrong 100%

I don't know why Trump supporters oppose the shot so much. And the weird thing about it, they'll bash anyone who got it, but don't say a words about how Trump pushed it. Then said he saved 10's of millions of lives by getting it out to the public.

If Biden had said something to that effect, they'd have been on him like white on rice. But with Trump, it was crickets.

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