Chase Oliver, Libertarian nominee, "gets it"

Chase Oliver will get the usual 1-2% vote that the Libertarian presidential candidate normally gets

And thats as far as he goes
Very compactly stated...

Oliver is an activist from Atlanta who previously ran for the U.S. Senate and U.S. House from Georgia. On his campaign website, he calls for major cuts to the federal budget with a view toward balancing the budget, abolishing the death penalty, closing all overseas military bases and ending military support to Israel and Ukraine
I wouldnt vote for him "Abolishing the death penalty" right there is against my Libertarian views. You do something really bad, like murdering someone, you should be executed for the crime.
Most of the maga goons are statists. To them, government should control every goddamned thing. Just like the Dems.
Anarchy leads to despotism, because people will demand law and order.

This is why I hate the Libertarian stance on such things as the death penalty and embracing an open border.

We need to maintain law and order or the Left is strengthened via lawlessness.

After all, if society has the morality of a jail cell, then all that can be done is build a wall around society and hire a warden.

This is the goal of the Left and why they are out to be kind to the violent as they let killers and drug dealers go free and oppress those that are kind as Joe and Garland hunt down Nuns and Priests.

Society that is turned into a jail is the Left-wing utopia.

After all, food and shelter and clothing is "free", and it is a gun free zone. Best of all, every day is gay pride day!!

Chase Oliver will get the usual 1-2% vote that the Libertarian presidential candidate normally gets

And thats as far as he goes
libertarians act as a check on both parties "policies."

Well, not so much the dems cause the progs must have pics of Hunter and Joe doing something.
I didnt know about his stance on kids receiving life altering medications for delusion and/or being children. Thats fucked up.
I am going to try and remember to watch those videos later.
Yeah. I'm not entirely sold on him yet either. But none of the nonsense the duopoly goons have come up with is compelling.
Growing up the narrative for Republicans was that government bad, corporations good, and for democrats it was that government is good but corporations were bad.

Who knew they were both right and wrong at the same time?
YES REALITY has the answer, takes real effort by both party's to balance out the insanity of one group rule.
Oh boy the not A REPUBLICAN or A member FROM ANY PARTY,
They Just PICK ON any person running that's not a MAGA FOLOWER.
His policies are 10% good

But thats not enough to earn my vote

Because his other ideas range from blah to horrible

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