Chase Oliver, Libertarian nominee, "gets it"

He's fine with corporate vax mandates, as a condition of employment...IOW he's in favor of corporate aggression against the individual, as long as it's not the gubmint engaging in it.

He sucks.
Its their company. People can leave. I know I sure in the hell would.
He's fine with corporate vax mandates, as a condition of employment...IOW he's in favor of corporate aggression against the individual, as long as it's not the gubmint engaging in it.

He sucks.

And if he got the Murderous Fraud Vax and the boosters, he doesn't understand basic biology, and if he really got the vax and isn't just lying, he is a huge risk to die before the first term ends...

Sorry, he lost me....

Hornberger very clearly lined out a number of aspects where the LP isn't libertarian anymore.

They're now little more than GOP Lite.

It has appeared that since 2008 the Libertarian nominees have been more like W than a true libertarian...
gary johnson was bad enough,, then they came up with that hag jorganson

Bob Barr was the last good one, and faux Ron Paul told his supporters not to support Barr.

Barr was a leader in the Gingrich years, the best years America ever had.
The hoopla seems to be over these comments made back in 2021.

The problem is the retards of the Right don't understand nuance and so don't understand the difference between government mandates and mandates by a private employer nor do they understand the relationship between property rights and those mandates by private entities. Essentially its no different than you as a home owner requiring everyone who enters your house take off their shoes. Vaccine mandates might seem like a more invasive ask but at the end of the day neither the home or the business belong to you.
Where you do see that?
Oliver defends the rights of businesses, the rights of anyone, to refuse to associate with people who aren't vaccinated. He's also adamantly against the government mandating such policies. But MAGA dolts don't understand the difference.
Sorry*, but NOBODY has any right to tell you what to ingest, even if it means obtaining/keeping a job.

*Not sorry
No, I understand. But it isnt the govts place to get involved with it. Its between the company and the employee.
Barr was a GOP retread, who was the first clue that the party had lost its way.

Disagree. Barr was one of the best Republicans who was chased out of the GOP by the Zionist 911 W "Biden Republicans"

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