Chase Oliver, Libertarian nominee, "gets it"

The President is not a dictator. And is not given any authority whatsoever to spend money not authorized by Congress or dictate to Congress what it can and cannot do.

The biggest difference between the two parties is that Democrats recognize Republicans as their opposition.
While Republicans see each other as opposition.

Fringe people and purists.
Bleck -
They honestly have the right idea. They just don't have a solid grasp of how our Constitution works. A great leader as President can do much to direct the agenda and accomplish wonderful things. Trump did that.

But the power to raise and spend government money is given to Congress alone and unless we elect responsible public servants instead of self-serving professional politicians to Congress, the President will be limited in what he can and cannot do financially.
As though that bilge hasn't been pumped over and over and over and over again, ad nauseum, since the bloody 1960s?

Since Reagan, republicans across the country have won more elections than they've lost....Yet everything is worse, and we STILL get the ole "we ain't got the powwwwer" rigmarole.

Then just vote for another Bush, Romney, Haley, or any other of the neocon weasel corps, and quit pretending that we're going to get anything better with Trump.
The president can veto a bill and fight for what he said he would....Trump took the all-too-familiar squishy, gutless GOP coward's way out.

We wouldn't have been any worse off with another Bush.
If the President cares about those he harms by a presidential veto, he can easily decide that is more important than his personal convictions about how it should be. That should be our attitude too actually.

The Clinton administration passed a line item veto in 1996 that SCOTUS struck down on the basis that it interfered with Congress's ability to manage its own internal affairs.. George W. Bush tried to come up with new legislation but the amended effort didn't have sufficient support.

A 2009 bill introduced by the Democrats also failed to receive sufficient support.

I think we should try again when Trump is re-elected. There has to be a way to veto millions for gender studies in Pakistan--yes there was such spending attached to a COVID relief bill--without hampering Congress's ability to do its job.

If I had any power I would have Congress pass an omnibus bill to fund the necessary functions of government, but funding for ANYTHING more than that whether a grant or program or initiative or whatever would have to be introduced and voted on--on the record--as a stand alone bill that the President could sign or veto.
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If the President cares about those he harms by a presidential veto, he can easily decide that is more important than his personal convictions about how it should be. That should be our attitude too actually.

The Clinton administration passed a line item veto in 1996 that SCOTUS struck down on the basis that it interfered with Congress's ability to manage its own internal affairs.. George W. Bush tried to come up with new legislation but the amended effort didn't have sufficient support.

A 2009 bill introduced by the Democrats also failed to receive sufficient support.

I think we should try again when Trump is re-elected. There has to be a way to veto millions for gender studies in Pakistan--yes there was such spending attached to a COVID relief bill--without hampering Congress's ability to do its job.

If I had any power I would have Congress pass an omnibus bill to fund the necessary functions of government, but funding for ANYTHING more than that whether a grant or program or initiative or whatever would have to be introduced and voted on--on the record--as a stand alone bill that the President could sign or veto.
C'mon Charlie Brown, kick the football!
As though that bilge hasn't been pumped over and over and over and over again, ad nauseum, since the bloody 1960s?

Since Reagan, republicans across the country have won more elections than they've lost....Yet everything is worse, and we STILL get the ole "we ain't got the powwwwer" rigmarole.

Then just vote for another Bush, Romney, Haley, or any other of the neocon weasel corps, and quit pretending that we're going to get anything better with Trump.
Again if we want real reform, we have to elect people with the courage to pass it in CONGRESS and also elect a President who will sign it into law. You cannot blame the President for not overruling 535 elected representatives of the people for no other reason than he doesn't want to sign it. He would be an irresponsible executive if he did. He should veto only legislation that he believes is harmful.
The biggest difference between the two parties is that Democrats recognize Republicans as their opposition.
While Republicans see each other as opposition.

Fringe people and purists.
Bleck -
The only real difference between most in the two parties is the constituency they serve. So long as we elect professional politicians to Congress, we won't see much courage but rather will see people who vote their own interests. The difference is in the kind of bones they throw their constituencies to keep them happy. Republicans throw a lot better bones that are better for everybody than the Democrats do.

A President can do only so much with that reality. Trump accomplished more by sheer genius of thinking outside the box than any other President has accomplished even with a supportive Congress. Imagine what he could do with congressional majority of representatives and senators who shared his perspective and goals.
C'mon Charlie Brown, kick the football!
I doubt I could kick it very far anymore. But I do feel very strongly about this. President Trump can be credited with good things that happened in his administration because he got ZERO help from the Democrats in Congress and very little from gutless or self serving neocon Republicans.

But somebody like Biden takes personal credit for something good that happened in spite of his terrible, destructive policies.

Republicans did step up and gave Trump most of the economic reform he wanted and that gave us the best economy any of us have seen for a very long time. When the Democrats took over in 2019, they didn't try to overturn that because he would have vetoed it and they didn't have the votes to override a presidential veto.

If Trump is not re-elected this year, the Democrats are on record that they will not renew or make permanent the Trump economic reforms that are scheduled to go away at the end of 2025. That will cost Americans huge amounts of money in addition to the trillions in new taxes Biden has pledged to enact.

If Biden gets in with a Democrat majority in 2025, I'm pretty sure we're done as a democratic republic. If we get Trump without a GOP majority in the House and Senate, we likely will lose the economic reforms anyway.
What's the issue there?
It’s a flat-out lie…Our diversity is our demise. There is no data that proves Mexicans improve and or enhance ANY part of America. All the data proves they destroy every community, city and state they inhabit.
As bad as he is, we cannot forget this shit show
Oliver is an activist from Atlanta who previously ran for the U.S. Senate and U.S. House from Georgia. On his campaign website, he calls for major cuts to the federal budget with a view toward balancing the budget, abolishing the death penalty, closing all overseas military bases and ending military support to Israel and Ukraine
You expect a candidate who wants to cut military spending to win an election?
Not the lesser evil, just

Equal rights regardless of color; even black transgender​

He wants to work on criminal justice reform, push for accountability for police through the Ending Qualified Immunity Act, end cash bail, improve healthcare, add LGBTQ people to the Civil Rights Act and end the country's war on drugs and immigrants. "I'm absolutely looking to support any kind of legislation that will help our LGBTQ brothers and sisters live a more free and equal life in our country," Oliver said

As an out teenager in a state where laws against sodomy were aggressively enforced until the state supreme court invalidated them in 2003, Oliver launched his high school's gay-straight alliance. Oliver remembers screening Brokeback Mountain when it opened in 2005 and being so moved that he dragged his straight friends to the theater to see it the very next week. He thought, "This is what's gonna get all my friends to understand the struggle," he says. "But they did not have the same experience. They were like, 'It was a good movie, but you kinda oversold it.'"
Not the lesser evil, just

Equal rights regardless of color; even black transgender​

He wants to work on criminal justice reform,

Trump already fixed that. Notice how many violent blacks are just getting a slap on the wrist now. He even bragged about it at LP convention. And anywhere a black person might be.

It's a perfect pretense at democracy. They give us pretend choices and we pretend it matters which one wins. And of course shame anyone who mentions that the emperor is naked.

All we have to do is say "no".

All that requires is you convincing a majority you are a better and viable option. Plenty of us see a discernable difference between Biden and Trump or Democrats and Republicans, even if a Sad Boy political nihilist like yourself doesn't. :itsok:

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