Chase Oliver, Libertarian nominee, "gets it"

All that requires is you convincing a majority you are a better and viable option. Plenty of us see a discernable difference between Biden and Trump or Democrats and Republicans, even if a Sad Boy political nihilist like yourself doesn't. :itsok:

You have very good imaginations.
You have very good imaginations.
No. I have a different perspective. It's not my imagination that there's a difference between accepting or refusing election results for instance. It's only your opinion that dictates how much a difference it makes to you. Also there's a difference between a claim and your ability to prove that claim. When you can find an example of me proclaiming fantasy as the foundation for things I believe to be objectively true you feel free to let me know. :itsok:
They honestly have the right idea. They just don't have a solid grasp of how our Constitution works. A great leader as President can do much to direct the agenda and accomplish wonderful things. Trump did that.

But the power to raise and spend government money is given to Congress alone and unless we elect responsible public servants instead of self-serving professional politicians to Congress, the President will be limited in what he can and cannot do financially.
"Made many calls and had meetings at Trump International in Palm Beach, Florida. Why would politicians not want to give people $2000, rather than only $600? It wasn't their fault, it was China. Give our people the money!" Trump tweeted.

It’s a flat-out lie…Our diversity is our demise. There is no data that proves Mexicans improve and or enhance ANY part of America. All the data proves they destroy every community, city and state they inhabit.

But the lawns are immaculate.
Very compactly stated...

Oliver is an activist from Atlanta who previously ran for the U.S. Senate and U.S. House from Georgia. On his campaign website, he calls for major cuts to the federal budget with a view toward balancing the budget, abolishing the death penalty, closing all overseas military bases and ending military support to Israel and Ukraine
He's also an antifa member and an open borders advocate so his eventual goal is the destruction of this country.

So, fuck that little piece of shit and any moron who supports him.
The only real difference between most in the two parties is the constituency they serve. So long as we elect professional politicians to Congress, we won't see much courage but rather will see people who vote their own interests. The difference is in the kind of bones they throw their constituencies to keep them happy. Republicans throw a lot better bones that are better for everybody than the Democrats do.

A President can do only so much with that reality. Trump accomplished more by sheer genius of thinking outside the box than any other President has accomplished even with a supportive Congress. Imagine what he could do with congressional majority of representatives and senators who shared his perspective and goals.
You are so funny....The weak-willed, feckless, career capitulator republicans don't even have to make their own excuses...You take the low expectations that their cowardice has conditioned into you, and make their excuses for them.

Pelosi had a slim majority and got things done for her party...Republicans get a similar slim majority, and the only thing that gets rolling is the cop-out train.

This right here is one of the litany of reasons I ceased supporting republicans back in '95.
He's also an antifa member and an open borders advocate so his eventual goal is the destruction of this country.
Antifa member??? I'm not gonna take your word for something so silly. Support this or admit you're just making it up.
Opposing the death penalty, but the party is for self-defense and lethal force. The L Party is also for small gov't and even smaller taxes. If an individual commits the worst of the worst crimes, shows no remorse or the capacity to live in a free society, why should the tax payers pay for free housing and food? Seems some of the positions of the Libertarian Party are at odds with the death penalty.
Opposing the death penalty, but the party is for self-defense and lethal force. The L Party is also for small gov't and even smaller taxes. If an individual commits the worst of the worst crimes, shows no remorse or the capacity to live in a free society, why should the tax payers pay for free housing and food? Seems some of the positions of the Libertarian Party are at odds with the death penalty.
I always liked Heinlein's take on the death penalty. He opposed it for government, but not for individuals. In other words, if you think someone did something so horrible they deserve to die, go for it. But it's up to you to prove it was warranted. Or else you to jail for murder.

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