Chase Oliver, Libertarian nominee, "gets it"

Why does it matter if he is gay?

I do not understand why that is a virtue.

Who fucking cares?

Dave Smith is a Jew. He does not lead with that every time he talks.
Faggots don’t run nations, they certainly shouldn’t.
Faggots are fucked in the head…faggotry in unnatural.
You are inferring we are sustained now. Which is complete horseshit. Spend baby, SPEND!
How has that war on drugs worked out for us?
Our population of third worlders grows by the day. Who is going to stop that? Trump? :rofl: If covid didnt save his ass on illegals, he wouldnt be far behind biden.
Trump actually did stop the invasion.
You are inferring we are sustained now. Which is complete horseshit. Spend baby, SPEND!
How has that war on drugs worked out for us?
Our population of third worlders grows by the day. Who is going to stop that? Trump? :rofl: If covid didnt save his ass on illegals, he wouldnt be far behind biden.
Does that mean you can’t explain how such ideals work?
I’m certainly not defending the way things are…SHIT, atleast Republicans talk about ending the lunacy…ya’ll seem willing to expand upon it….no?
Trump actually did stop the invasion.
Notice that upward trend? Notice how everything doubled in 19? Then covid hit and the numbers plummeted. Covid saved his ass.
Lets analyze something on the surface. Help me understand.
Like yourself TNHarley Harpy Eagle JWBooth buttercup pknopp and others I too get a huge boner at the thought of a smaller less intrusive government that only spends when it absolutely has to with the peoples consent.
So here’s the kicker….how do you increase the population of desperate, illiterate third-worlders, tell them they can do all the drugs they want LEGALLY, reduce government size and scope, spend less and sustain a first-world civil society?
This tells me all I need to know about how ignorant the LibLite Party is. Change my mind. GO!!

They aren't looking for any solutions
They are just complainers.
They think that by not participating that puts them above it all.
It's delusion for sure.

Just bitching is much easier than actually putting in any work.
They aren't looking for any solutions
They are just complainers.
They think that by not participating that puts them above it all.
It's delusion for sure.

Just bitching is much easier than actually putting in any work.
The only work your guys put in is being the democrats bitches. Congrats. Yall retarded mother fuckers cant even impeach biden :rofl:
Notice that upward trend? Notice how everything doubled in 19? Then covid hit and the numbers plummeted. Covid saved his ass.
The EO's that he had to cobble together to stop the invasion took time. Remember, EVERY democrat was working against him, and a large majority of the repubs too. So it took time for him to figure out how to work around them.

As far as the red flag law you quoted. As soon as he was educated on the subject he rescinded his statement.

Why do you ignore the fact that when he gets educated on a subject, he changes his mind?

No other politician does that.
You are inferring we are sustained now. Which is complete horseshit. Spend baby, SPEND!
We have become a nation accepting of debt….Nobody is really affected by our national debt, many see themselves living better lives with debt. Sad but true.
How has that war on drugs worked out for us?
Like the war on rape and the war on murder? It keeps happening…should we stop the WAR?
The imposition of law is a “war on ______”
Who came up with this crazy ass shit?
Our population of third worlders grows by the day. Who is going to stop that? Trump? :rofl: If covid didnt save his ass on illegals, he wouldnt be far behind biden.
Again, Trump at least he says he intends to close the border and conduct the largest deportation mission ever seen.
You say you’ll roll the red carpet out and invite more in.
Racing to irrelevancy!



I just do not get this.

The LP has been taken over by vax mandating communists!

Mises should caucus with the Pubs. They totally denounced this PIECE OF SHIT OLIVER.
The EO's that he had to cobble together to stop the invasion took time. Remember, EVERY democrat was working against him, and a large majority of the repubs too. So it took time for him to figure out how to work around them.

As far as the red flag law you quoted. As soon as he was educated on the subject he rescinded his statement.

Why do you ignore the fact that when he gets educated on a subject, he changes his mind?

No other politician does that.
Yes covid played no part in it.
Trump also managed to slow migration worldwide. Nope, not covid. Trump did.
Very compactly stated...

Oliver is an activist from Atlanta who previously ran for the U.S. Senate and U.S. House from Georgia. On his campaign website, he calls for major cuts to the federal budget with a view toward balancing the budget, abolishing the death penalty, closing all overseas military bases and ending military support to Israel and Ukraine
He doesn't get it at all. Even he admits he will only get about 2% of the vote. So, apparently he doesn't get it.
How would that help, nonparticipate?
Thats how worthless your people are.
All we heard was "impeach" "impeach" and look. Now biden is ignoring supreme court rulings. Possible witness tampering in his sons federal case.
And you people sit on your hands saying "nu-uh!" while dems impeached your peaches-n-chief twice.
Thats how worthless your people are.
All we heard was "impeach" "impeach" and look. Now biden is ignoring supreme court rulings. Possible witness tampering in his sons federal case.
And you people sit on your hands saying "nu-uh!" while dems impeached your peaches-n-chief twice.
hahaha…a fence-sitter casting meaningless votes talking about “sitting on hands”…you can’t be serious?
As crazy as Biden has been you LibLites are hell-bent on helping him get re-elected.

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