Chase Oliver, Libertarian nominee, "gets it"

They invited him to speak. Nothing to rig in that. Just BS TDS
Trump had a large contingent of DC Young Republicans show up early to occupy the reserved seating for the LP delegates.

Then when confronted, the Trump stormtroopers refused to give up the seats to the delegates.

Now imagine Democrats showing up to the Republican National Convention and occupying the delegates' seats.

Don't even try to pretend you would not be foaming at the mouth over that, because we both know you would be.

Well, that's exactly what Trump attempted to do. He tried to hijack a political party's nominating convention.

So the LP delegates surrounded the invading assholes and held up signs so they could not see Trump. They then started booing Trump all during his speech.

Trump tried his usual weak-ass pandering, promising to put a Libertarian in his Cabinet. An obvious blatant lie which the Libertarians didn't fall for because they aren't as stupid as Trump supporters who swallow every morsel of bullshit he feeds them.

RFK jr was there earlier and gave the Libertarians some rubber chickens they could throw at Trump, but Trump had them confiscated by the Secret Service so he would not be humiliated.

Trump tried to stage the LP convention the same way he staged that bodega visit. Flood the room with his supporters, and then attempt to make it look like the locals were huge admirers.

It didn't work this time.
Trump had a large coterie of DC Young Republicans show up early to occupy the reserved seating for the LP delegates.

Then when confronted, the Trump stormtroopers refused to give up the seats to the delegates.

Now imagine Democrats showing up to the Republican National Convention and occupying the delegates' seats.

Don't even try to pretend you would not be foaming at the mouth over that, because we both know you would be.

Well, that's exactly what Trump attempted to do. He tried to hijack a political party's nominating convention.

So the LP delegates surrounded the invading assholes and held up signs so they could not see Trump. They then started booing Trump all during his speech.

Trump tried his usual weak-ass pandering, promising to put a Libertarian in his Cabinet. An obvious blatant lie which the Libertarians didn't fall for because they aren't as stupid as Trump supporters who swallow every morsel of bullshit he feeds them.

RFK jr as there earlier and gave the Libertarians some rubber chickens they could throw at Trump, but Trump had them confiscated by the Secret Service so he would not be humiliated.

Trump tried to stage the LP convention the same way he staged that bodega visit. Flood the room with his supporters, and then attempt to make it look like the locals were huge admirers.

It didn't work this time.
I dont care. He was invited.

If he wasnt invited perhaps you would have something to bitch about.
I dont care. He was invited.

If he wasnt invited perhaps you would have something to bitch about.
He was invited and proceeded to grossly abuse the privilege. That's what he does.

And the Libertarians bitch slapped him for it.

People need to learn to never invite the devil into your house.

Look at the utter destruction he has wreaked on the Republican house. They may never recover.
I think progressive hunter is just too used to battling progressives.

I commend you on admitting that there were things about this candidate you find disturbing, and PH, who I have great respect for, shouldn't have kicked you in the teeth for being honest.

You're a good dude, and an honest poster. We may not agree on everything, but IMO, you're true to your beliefs, and that's all I can ask for from anyone.
Thanks, man.
Trump had a large contingent of DC Young Republicans show up early to occupy the reserved seating for the LP delegates.

Then when confronted, the Trump stormtroopers refused to give up the seats to the delegates.

Now imagine Democrats showing up to the Republican National Convention and occupying the delegates' seats.

Don't even try to pretend you would not be foaming at the mouth over that, because we both know you would be.

Well, that's exactly what Trump attempted to do. He tried to hijack a political party's nominating convention.

So the LP delegates surrounded the invading assholes and held up signs so they could not see Trump. They then started booing Trump all during his speech.

Trump tried his usual weak-ass pandering, promising to put a Libertarian in his Cabinet. An obvious blatant lie which the Libertarians didn't fall for because they aren't as stupid as Trump supporters who swallow every morsel of bullshit he feeds them.

RFK jr was there earlier and gave the Libertarians some rubber chickens they could throw at Trump, but Trump had them confiscated by the Secret Service so he would not be humiliated.

Trump tried to stage the LP convention the same way he staged that bodega visit. Flood the room with his supporters, and then attempt to make it look like the locals were huge admirers.

It didn't work this time.
We will never see Libertarian ways here. Joe and the gang have started even more programs. What we live in now is consolidating the excesses in all ways in some of them if we can.
Lets analyze something on the surface. Help me understand.
Like yourself TNHarley Harpy Eagle JWBooth buttercup pknopp and others I too get a huge boner at the thought of a smaller less intrusive government that only spends when it absolutely has to with the peoples consent.
So here’s the kicker….how do you increase the population of desperate, illiterate third-worlders, tell them they can do all the drugs they want LEGALLY, reduce government size and scope, spend less and sustain a first-world civil society?
This tells me all I need to know about how ignorant the LibLite Party is. Change my mind. GO!!
The brown people are gonna git ya!
TNHarley dblack and the LibLites somehow see value in third-worlders…they can’t share any data to prove their value which proves they aren’t serious about much…All they say is “brown people gonna getcha” if you oppose the invasion.
They are. They're gonna get ya! Are you wearing your Depends?
The brown people are gonna git ya!

They are. They're gonna get ya! Are you wearing your Depends?
See what I’m talking about TNHarley
Ya’ll can’t answer the simplest of questions because you can’t defend the indefensible.
The Libbish platform is irrational on it’s face and everyone not a weird megalomaniac trying to play both sides because it’s fun knows it.
See what I’m talking about TNHarley
Ya’ll can’t answer the simplest of questions because you can’t defend the indefensible.
The Libbish platform is irrational on it’s face and everyone not a weird megalomaniac trying to play both sides because it’s fun knows it.
Just not interested in placating all your pathetic insecurities. See a shrink.
Shucks. Seems to me it'd be the people who keep voting for trash and being shocked when they get it.
I'll tell you the number one thing I like about Donald Trump.

He tells you what he's going to do...then he does it.

It doesn't always work, and he's not always successful.

Me, I like about 80%.

Controlling immigration, reducing regulation, ending foreign entanglement, tariffs to level the playing field with foreign markets, appointing Conservative Judges, moving the American Embassy to Jerusalem, charging other NATO countries their fair share.

Yeah, he's brash, narcissistic (they all are, but some are just better at hiding it), and a what?

His biggest mistake was believing the Establishment Republicans were on his team. That's what I blame for the majority of the unforced errors Oddball referenced.

Anyhow... That's my take.
Everyone who doesn't vote is responsible for the idiotic choices of those who do. That's just common sense.
More like there's more at stake than the fact that you don't like so-and-so cuz he just going to (full in the blank).

Lots of little decisions are made by our big government... I'd rather have those decisions made by someone I agree with even slightly more than someone who doesn't...because all those little decisions affect people just as much as the big ones.
Just not interested in placating all your pathetic insecurities. See a shrink.
Hold on a minute….you want the Lib-ish Party to run America but you Lib-ish voters don’t want to address the two biggest issues on voters mind right now….immigration and public safety/crime?
Are those concerns “insecurities”?
You don’t because you really can’t…right?
Gee, I wonder why only 3% percent of voters agree with you.
I'll tell you the number one thing I like about Donald Trump.

He tells you what he's going to do...then he does it.

It doesn't always work, and he's not always successful.

Me, I like about 80%.

Controlling immigration, reducing regulation, ending foreign entanglement, tariffs to level the playing field with foreign markets, appointing Conservative Judges, moving the American Embassy to Jerusalem, charging other NATO countries their fair share.

Yeah, he's brash, narcissistic (they all are, but some are just better at hiding it), and a what?

His biggest mistake was believing the Establishment Republicans were on his team. That's what I blame for the majority of the unforced errors Oddball referenced.

Anyhow... That's my take.
Who in the establishment made MADE HIM appoint Bolton NSA, Haspell to the CIA, Barr to AG, or any of the other truly shitty appointments he made?

Who in the establishment MADE HIM sign three budgets that were shittier than the shitty one signed in '17, that he promised to never sign again ?

Nobody, that's who.

You get to like him for all the criteria that you mentioned....I don't take that away from anyone....But let's not pretend that he didn't make a fuckton of amateur errors that nobody forced him into.

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