"Cheap" renewable energy was always a ruse!

LoL...as I've said for 12 years in here, costs don't matter to progressives. It does to the rest of the world though...:deal:

The losses are piling up...yuk...yuk...

Bloomberg - Are you a robot?

The climate crusaders have been lying their asses off for many years on this topic in this forum.

Wonder why solar/wind still providing such laughably low amounts of grid electricity?

Well...here ya go....:hello77:
For solar on a clear sunshine day we will be lucky to get 900 W/M2 at the earth's surface. That is only when it is clear and not at night.

We are lucky to get 10% of that into usable electricity. Solar collectors are usually only 15% efficient and then you lose a third with an inverter so 10% (90W/M2) is in the ball park.

The typical American home uses about 7,000 Wh a day so go figure the amount of surface area needed. The average size of an American single family dwelling roof is about 140/M2. That is about 1.2 KW output under perfect conditions providing all the collectors are facing the sun, which is most likely not the case. And that is only under idea conditions during the summer when the sun is the highest. Much less efficiently during the fall/winter/spring months when the sun is lower.

Solar is nothing more than an Environmental Wacko's wet dream and does not equate to reality.

By the way, 7KWh is about what is needed to charge an EV. So to run a house and charge your Environmental Wacko Mobile you would need 14KWhs that day. Of course you don't have to fully charge it every day but it would add a significant burden to your solar array. Don't plan to have electrity in your home or go any anywhere in your EV if there is a week of overcast skies, which is frequent in many parts of the US.
How could anybody believe in AG out of the blue and " cold" ? Only a gullible fool would.
But I have been following and researching the matter for the last two decades . I have more than just a head's start.
I've been following physics for five decades and there isn't a lot of room for such a thing.
To further comment usefully I would have to summarise all that I have learned and request you to immerse yourself in the same detail.
That's not going to happen.
Hmm... Surely you can provide some sort of overview. How much energy is required?
This next statement/ question proves nothing :-
But find me any better informed narrative for connecting the dots than the one I offered ? I have never heard of one .
The narrative contained in the IPCC's Assessment Reports fits extremely well.
Perhaps concentrate on the desperate need of the Cabal for total control and then you can understand far more easily this "need" to reduce population by 90% . Because you don't need a huge slave population when Energy is literally free !!And the smaller the population , the more easy it is to administer and enforce control .
Of what cabal do you speak? Why do they have a desperate need for total control?
I am really full of it today, but I see Climate change as entirely separate and more linked to another huge hidden truth -- we face a mini ice age and no sort of climate change in the warming sense .
It has been decided short term that this truth would lead to uncontrollable panic and madness and that therefore deflection is the name of the game .For awhile . All imho.
So... you don't believe the Earth is warming?
Am leaving on indefinite holiday leave . Now
Have a pleasant trip. Try not to worry.
For solar on a clear sunshine day we will be lucky to get 900 W/M2 at the earth's surface. That is only when it is clear and not at night.
At the ToA, solar irradiance is 1,360 Wm^-2. The US average intensity at the surface is roughly 1,000 Wm^-2 Solar Radiation.
We are lucky to get 10% of that into usable electricity. Solar collectors are usually only 15% efficient and then you lose a third with an inverter so 10% (90W/M2) is in the ball park.
I think static inverter efficiency is significantly higher than that. To lose a third to the inverter you'd have to be using less than 3% of the output power.

The typical American home uses about 7,000 Wh a day so go figure the amount of surface area needed. The average size of an American single family dwelling roof is about 140/M2. That is about 1.2 KW output under perfect conditions providing all the collectors are facing the sun, which is most likely not the case. And that is only under idea conditions during the summer when the sun is the highest. Much less efficiently during the fall/winter/spring months when the sun is lower.
"In 2021, the average annual electricity consumption for a U.S. residential utility customer was 10,632 kilowatthours (kWh), an average of about 886 kWh per month." --https://www.eia.gov/tools/faqs/faq.php?id=97&t=3#:~:text=In%202021%2C%20the%20average%20annual,about%20886%20kWh%20per%20month.
That comes to (886 x 12)/365 = 29.13 kWh/day. So, you're off by a factor of 4 or so. Divide that by 24 and take sleep time into account and 5kW source would cover even a large home's continuous load and 10 kW would handle a large home's starting current load. 140 m^2 x 700Wm^-2 = 9.8 kW. Even after the inverter, the panels on this average house would fairly easily cover the load while the sun was shining. Add a Tesla home battery and perhaps a small wind turbine and you can cut your power lines for good.
Solar is nothing more than an Environmental Wacko's wet dream and does not equate to reality.
I disagree.
By the way, 7KWh is about what is needed to charge an EV. So to run a house and charge your Environmental Wacko Mobile you would need 14KWhs that day. Of course you don't have to fully charge it every day but it would add a significant burden to your solar array. Don't plan to have electrity in your home or go any anywhere in your EV if there is a week of overcast skies, which is frequent in many parts of the US.
I agree that adding an EV to the mix significantly increases the load. But keep in mind the idea you've been trying to shoot down here is someone supporting all their needs with rooftop solar. You can still add a wind turbine and a solar water heater to cut down your load and OUR HOMES ARE STILL CONNECTED TO THE GRID.


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At the ToA, solar irradiance is 1,360 Wm^-2. The US average intensity at the surface is roughly 1,000 Wm^-2 Solar Radiation.

I think static inverter efficiency is significantly higher than that. To lose a third to the inverter you'd have to be using less than 3% of the output power.

"In 2021, the average annual electricity consumption for a U.S. residential utility customer was 10,632 kilowatthours (kWh), an average of about 886 kWh per month." --https://www.eia.gov/tools/faqs/faq.php?id=97&t=3#:~:text=In%202021%2C%20the%20average%20annual,about%20886%20kWh%20per%20month.
That comes to (886 x 12)/365 = 29.13 kWh/day. So, you're off by a factor of 4 or so. Divide that by 24 and take sleep time into account and 5kW source would cover even a large home's continuous load and 10 kW would handle a large home's starting current load. 140 m^2 x 700Wm^-2 = 9.8 kW. Even after the inverter, the panels on this average house would fairly easily cover the load while the sun was shining. Add a Tesla home battery and perhaps a small wind turbine and you can cut your power lines for good.

I disagree.

I agree that adding an EV to the mix significantly increases the load. But keep in mind the idea you've been trying to shoot down here is someone supporting all their needs with rooftop solar. You can still add a wind turbine and a solar water heater to cut down your load and OUR HOMES ARE STILL CONNECTED TO THE GRID.
You can post your silly Environmental Wacko shit all you want but the fact remains that the average home in the US that has solar only gets about 600 Watts output from their rooftop solar setup that cost them an arm and a leg. It is more in the Southwest (where not many people live) and it will be more on some days in other places but the actual average output is very low.

I live in The Sunshine State. My neighbor down the street put solar on his roof. He is the one that I mentioned had to use a generator after Hurricane Irma just like the rest of us. He told his neighbor, who is a good friend of mine, that he doesn't even average 500 W on a sunny day. For that it cost him almost $30K. That is not a very good payback, especially nowadays with Potatohead's high interest rates because of his inflation.

The solar output above the atmosphere is about 1300W/m2 but it is more like 900 at most of the surfaces in the US. It will be closer to 1000 in the Arizona desert but even under ideal conditions at least 10% less other places and that is only on a clear day. The land portion of the Northern Hemisphere, where most of the people on earth lives, doesn't have that many sunny days and the areas that do like the Sahara, Gobi, US SW deserts are not very populated.

Solar is shitty technology. Only an idiot or somebody that has to live off the grid would have it.
You can post your silly Environmental Wacko shit all you want but the fact remains that the average home in the US that has solar only gets about 600 Watts output from their rooftop solar setup that cost them an arm and a leg. It is more in the Southwest (where not many people live) and it will be more on some days in other places but the actual average output is very low.
I assume you mean "per panel". A typical panel produces 250-400 watts and a typical rooftop installation has 28-34 panels. That gives you a spread between 7,000 to 13,600 watts. How Much Solar Power Can My Roof Generate? - Sunrun. and How Many Solar Panels Do I Need?
I live in The Sunshine State.
Me too!
My neighbor down the street put solar on his roof.
My daughter and her husband put solar on their roof.
He is the one that I mentioned had to use a generator after Hurricane Irma just like the rest of us. He told his neighbor, who is a good friend of mine, that he doesn't even average 500 W on a sunny day. For that it cost him almost $30K. That is not a very good payback, especially nowadays with Potatohead's high interest rates because of his inflation.
If he is only getting 500W from a normal installation than he needs to contact his installer and get it repaired or replaced.
The solar output above the atmosphere is about 1300W/m2 but it is more like 900 at most of the surfaces in the US. It will be closer to 1000 in the Arizona desert but even under ideal conditions at least 10% less other places and that is only on a clear day. The land portion of the Northern Hemisphere, where most of the people on earth lives, doesn't have that many sunny days and the areas that do like the Sahara, Gobi, US SW deserts are not very populated.
Umm.. the Sahara and the Gobi deserts are not parts of the United States.
Solar is shitty technology.
Your neighbor's solar is shitty technology and he should get it fixed.
Only an idiot or somebody that has to live off the grid would have it.
That is false.
5kW source would cover even a large home's continuous load and 10 kW would handle a large home's starting current load. 140 m^2 x 700Wm^-2 = 9.8 kW. Even after the inverter, the panels on this average house would fairly easily cover the load while the sun was shining. Add a Tesla home battery and perhaps a small wind turbine and you can cut your power lines for good.
The flaw in your argument is that you haven't done this.
NYTimes airhead @ezraklein:

"Clean, abundant energy is the foundation on which a more equal, just and humane world can be built."

Two points:

1. Wind power made the trans-Atlantic slave trade possible.
That you should be stupid enough to think that has any bearing on the Ezra Klein book review is, I guess, unsurprising. Don't you ever get tired of embarrassing yourself like that?
2. Modern 'clean' energy has been a disaster. Opinion | The Dystopia We Fear Is Keeping Us From the Utopia We Deserve

Steve Milloy (@JunkScience)
January 9, 2023
And an OpEd? Why did you bother posting this?
Even after the inverter, the panels on this average house would fairly easily cover the load while the sun was shining. Add a Tesla home battery and perhaps a small wind turbine and you can cut your power lines for good.
I don't know where you come up with that bullshit but that doesn't happen any place in the US except where solar is way over built at a great cost.

The load is not "fairly easy" to cover anywhere in the real world like on my street where the idiot put in solar and only averages about 30% of the power he needs to run his house at a cost of $30K. It comes close in a narrow band in the SW but hardly where most of the people in the US live.

By the way those Tesla batteries cost a lot of money and they don't last forever so they have to replaced further increasing the damn cost of the system.

Solar is shitty technology that only a stupid uneducated Environmental Wackos would try to justify.

I agree that adding an EV to the mix significantly increases the load. But keep in mind the idea you've been trying to shoot down here is someone supporting all their needs with rooftop solar. You can still add a wind turbine and a solar water heater to cut down your load and OUR HOMES ARE STILL CONNECTED TO THE GRID.

The stupidity that you are spouting there is ignoring the tremendous cost of the system. Yes, you can produce some electricity and yes that would help the grid but the cost is very uneconomical.

It is so uneconomical that any large scale solar production facilities are subsidized by the filthy government and they have to get tax subsidies and rebates to individuals to put it on their homes.

Without all the government interference nobody would ever build or install a system because it would be too costly compared to real sources of energy.

Of course we have the fact that these shitheads that have power in the government now have artificially run up the cost of energy and that is despicable. Solar and wind are not comparable to fossil fuels and nuclear in a free market.

You need to pull your head out of your Moon Bat ass. You get everything wrong when you post your bullshit.
I don't know where you come up with that bullshit but that doesn't happen any place in the US except where solar is way over built at a great cost.
I got most of it from the internet. You?
The load is not "fairly easy" to cover anywhere in the real world like on my street where the idiot put in solar and only averages about 30% of the power he needs to run his house at a cost of $30K.
Earlier you said he was getting 500W. In either case, if he is getting less than he was promised, something is wrong and he needs to talk to the vendor.
It comes close in a narrow band in the SW but hardly where most of the people in the US live.
I live in Florida and solar PV here is pretty effective.
By the way those Tesla batteries cost a lot of money and they don't last forever so they have to replaced further increasing the damn cost of the system.
No such thing as a free lunch. But if it saves you, say, $200/month on a power bill for twenty years ($48,000) it might just pay for itself.
Solar is shitty technology that only a stupid uneducated Environmental Wackos would try to justify.
Opinions are like assholes.
The stupidity that you are spouting there is ignoring the tremendous cost of the system.
They are expensive. That's why I don't have one.
Yes, you can produce some electricity and yes that would help the grid but the cost is very uneconomical.
Costs have been coming down for some time and I'm quite certain that is a trend that will continue.
It is so uneconomical that any large scale solar production facilities are subsidized by the filthy government and they have to get tax subsidies and rebates to individuals to put it on their homes.
FP&L has installed an enormous amount of solar capacity and they are quite happy with it. And why do you call the government "filthy"? It is a democracy after all.
Without all the government interference nobody would ever build or install a system because it would be too costly compared to real sources of energy.
It is a real source of energy, but you are correct, there would be much less of it. But the governmetn does so because it is in the government's and the people's best interests to reduce CO2 emissions.
Of course we have the fact that these shitheads that have power in the government now have artificially run up the cost of energy and that is despicable.
No, they have not.
Solar and wind are not comparable to fossil fuels and nuclear in a free market.
Solar has had a lower cost per kWh than coal or natural gas for some time.

New U.S. renewable energy investment rose 28% to a record $55.5 billion in 2019 despite pro-fossil fuel Trump administration efforts, U.S. solar installations could hit a record 19 gigawatts (GW) in 2020 despite federal tax incentives phasing out, and grid regulators estimate 330 GW of wind and solar will come online by 2029.
LCOE measures the total cost of building and operating a facility over its lifetime, and shows renewables beating fossil fuels by ever-larger margins even without subsidies – with that trend forecast to continue for decades to come. Renewable Energy Prices Hit Record Lows: How Can Utilities Benefit From Unstoppable Solar And Wind?

You need to pull your head out of your Moon Bat ass. You get everything wrong when you post your bullshit.
No, I have not. You, on the other hand...
How much are you spending on electricity that $200/month in savings is even possible?
Editorial license. My summertime electric bills can exceed $200. I have an old house with old insulation.

And a wife who starts to swelter at 72.
I assume you mean "per panel". A typical panel produces 250-400 watts and a typical rooftop installation has 28-34 panels. That gives you a spread between 7,000 to 13,600 watts. How Much Solar Power Can My Roof Generate? - Sunrun. and How Many Solar Panels Do I Need?

Me too!

My daughter and her husband put solar on their roof.

If he is only getting 500W from a normal installation than he needs to contact his installer and get it repaired or replaced.

Umm.. the Sahara and the Gobi deserts are not parts of the United States.

Your neighbor's solar is shitty technology and he should get it fixed.

That is false.
Do you have solar on your roof?

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