Check Your Progressive Privilege.....


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Jul 21, 2009
Headmaster's Office, Hogwarts
Progressives have transformed America into what they feel is just. What was once a privileged class is now under attack from those they once oppressed. At least that is what the left claims. The reality is something different.

The reality is this: Those who were once oppressors have been given a choice to join the progressives in transforming America, or be destroyed by any means possible.


Using social media, progressives have ushered in an era of censorship and fear. If you support progressive causes you can threaten conservatives, threaten to kill their children. At the same time if you're a conservative you cannot say that Islam is violent religion.You will be banned from Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, Instagram,....have I missed anyone?


There exists in America a two-tiered legal system. If you support leftist causes, you are one of the privileged few. If you don't, you're screwed. You may come under attack from race hustlers and gay activists making false claims of racism, Islamophobia, or homophobia. You don't have the right anymore to hold beliefs that once were considered protected by the constitution. Now, Progressives tell you what you have the right to. If you want safety, join the club. If you insist on hanging onto your principles you'll get rolled by the mob. Your business taken from you. You're life ruined. If you're a progressive you can get away with murder.


Leftist have long dreamed of a revolution where everyone becomes equal. However, they're really only interested in a society where THEY become the privileged and the rich become the oppressed. The problem always seems to be that so many of these revolutionaries always end up getting rich themselves.

A perfect example is AOC. In a matter of months she went from begging for donations to purchase a decent Washington style wardrobe, to taking over $800,000 in campaign funds and placing it in a private LLC that she controls. Ocasio-Cortez denies dark-money allegations in FEC complaint: ‘There is no violation’
In another case we can see how an ideologue like Bernie Sanders got railroaded by the DNC, with the help of Debbie Washerman-Schultz, and cheated out of the Democrat nomination. There were rumors that Bernie was going to dispute the results and fight Hillary. Shortly after a closed door meeting with President Obama Bernie found some cash and he was somehow able to purchase a beachfront vacation home in an upscale neighborhood in Burlington VT. This stunk to high-heaven but no investigation into this obvious bribe was forthcoming. Bernie Sanders Buys $575,000 Summer Home, Prompting Controversy

Progressives don't like equality. They prefer a stacked deck. They claim they want wage equality and diversity, but this is just word salad designed to misinform people who feel oppressed by others in some manner. They really want to create fear and force everyone into doing their bidding.

"In 1971, liberal political philosopher John Rawls proposed in his influential book A Theory of Justice what is perhaps the most famous and compelling progressive thought experiment ever considered. He called it the “original position,” and it can be summarized as follows:

“Imagine you are designing the world and all of its social and cultural landscapes. You are doing so from an original position of assumed equality (‘all men/persons are created equal’), giving the thought experiment its name. In this world, according to your designs, some people may be advantaged while others will be relatively disadvantaged, or they will not be. That’s up to you. You can make the world however you would like, but there’s a catch: before you enter this world, you will be given no foreknowledge of who you will be within it. Rawls called this assumption a veil of ignorance and posited that it is a worthy method of determining the morality of social and political issues. So, if you design a world rife with injustices, you have no way to guarantee that you’ll be on the better side of those. Given these constraints, who would design a world that is profoundly unjust? The answer is surely no one who understands the constraints of the thought experiment.”

The point of Rawls’ thought experiment is straightforward. No one would knowingly design a world in which they could, by mere accident of birth, come out on the short end of the privilege stick. While those who understand human psychology and the operations of society may design a world containing inequalities, it’s unlikely many would design a world that generates those inequalities for fundamentally arbitrary reasons, such as racial or mere sexual or gender identity. That is, Rawls put forth an extremely compelling way to think about systemic inequalities and injustices in society and why there is a bedrock imperative to minimize and ultimately eradicate arbitrary social inequalities like those that arise from racism, sexism, and other forms of bigotry. This is, in essence, the heart of gold at the center of social and cultural progressivism (upon which economic progressivism partially rests): progressivism is in essence the noble ambition to minimize or eradicate arbitrary unfairness of opportunity, including discrimination, bigotry, disenfranchisement, and all forms that stack the deck in the favor of some and against others over mere accidents of birth."
Democrat/Progressives preach diversity 24/7, but every once in awhile we often discover that they're the most racist bigots on the planet. Tensions flare as Dems struggle to calm furor over Omar
The Democrat Party is in a full-scale crisis as we speak. Some of the newest members of the new Democrat controlled congress are less prone to hiding their true feelings and are being caught acting like the very people they have been attacking.
Democrats are investigating Trump. Why? Because he won. What are they using as evidence of a crime? They claim Trump colluded with Russians. How did do they know this? Because Wikileaks showed the world emails that the DNC wanted to keep private. What was so damaging in those emails? Not only was Top Secret information being exchanged, but proof of the hypocrisy of the Hillary campaign and the DNC was shown in great detail. Democrats are pissed that people found out that they're bigots and elitist assholes, something that conservatives already knew, but somehow the Democrat base refuses to admit.

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Yes, Regressives are liars and hypocrites, but so are conservatives, so you get what you give.
Bernie sold his soul cheap. He should have gotten a $10M book deal at the very least.
Yes, Regressives are liars and hypocrites, but so are conservatives, so you get what you give.
That doesn't fly.....dishonesty is one thing....but criminal conspiracy to overthrow the government, destruction of the economy, ruining the lives of business owners and corporate leaders, to name a few....I think it goes beyond just telling a few fibs.
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