Cheering About Keeping Gitmo Open?!?!?

Persons have civil rights under our Constitution.

Not if the don't come on our shore.
Any law must be pursuant to our Constitution.

Poor Daniel, he's right, if they aren't IN our Country they have no Constitutional standing. Hence Gitmo. Military Tribunals are the order of the day.
Nobody takes the right wing seriously about the law.

Any law must come from some authority.

We have a Constitution.

We have a pOst Office ClaUse with a pursuant special pleading.

Whatever happened to Official Poverty?
The right wing prefers their socialism on a national basis.

Will Trump?
Hope not.
It matters for civil rights purposes. Natural rights don't end without due process as long as government functions and the courts are open.

Terrorists are not due civil rights. They made that decision when they opted to be an enemy combatant. They have valuable information, and we want and need that information.

Persons have civil rights under our Constitution.
Citizens have rights under our Constitution, not foreign enemy combatants.
We store terrorists at Gitmo. Baltimore is already full.
No doubt, They keep on saying they want to close club gitmo but they don’t want them fuckers in their area. I say execute the motherfuckers take them out and shoot them in the head. Then throw their corpses over the wall in Cuba and let the fucking socialists eat them.
Didn't Hussein dupe his worshippers into believing he was gonna close GITMO? At least Trump never vowed to shut GITMO down. He's doing what his constituents expect of him. Hussein flat-out lied to his worshippers, yet you never heard one bit of outrage from them. Buncha disingenuous hypocrites.
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That's what the Republican party has been reduced to?

Is that something we should be PROUD of? Seriously?!??


I'm sorry Moron, when did I miss the memo sent out by the Muslim savages that the age of terrorism was now over and a new age of Islamic peace, tolerance and fair playing by the rules had been ushered in? I think maybe we ought to open a SECOND Gitmo, this one on the coast of Japan, facing North Korea.

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