Cheering About Keeping Gitmo Open?!?!?

That's what the Republican party has been reduced to?

Supporting keeping open a prison for terrorists to keep terrorists whose own countries don't want them / refuse to take them back, instead or returning them to the battlefields and world where they can carry-on their missions of killing American troops and innocent men, women, and Barry did?!

Yeah, I can live with that.

Barak Obama attempted to keep his promise to close GITMO, and in doing so he eventually committed TREASON.

He released a lot of 'low-level' terrorists, but he was NEVER going to be able to close GITMO as long as the 'Taiban 5' - the 5 leaders of the enemy with who we were at war with in Afghanistan - were in GITMO. So he used the Bo Bergdahl hostage event as a cover to let them go.

Bo Bergdahl was taken hostage after deserting his post / the military by the Haqqani network. The Haqqani network are terrorists LOOSELY connected with the Taliban, mostly IN NAME ONLY. (In a family tree they would be something like the nephew of his 2nd cousin's sister's step-daughter, twice removed). They had nothing to do with the Taliban. They hated the Taliban They never met the Taliban 5. They never talked to the Taliban 5.

The Haqqani network also did not ASK for the Taliban 5 to be released as part of the Bo Bergdahl release. Their 'MO' is to kidnap and ransom people for money to support their terrorist activities. They ASKED for MONEY for Bergdahl. They were given MONEY to release Bo Bergdahl.

Obama, again, took advantage of the situation by LYING, claiming the Haqqani network had demanded the release of the Taliban 5. While the Haqqani network was being PAID for the release of Bergdahl Obama was releasing the Taliban Qatar...not haning them over to the Haqqani network.

After being released, one of the Talban 5's armies attacked a village that helped in the capture of their leader - they killed every man, woman, and child in the village. Their blood, along with many, many more, is on Barry's hands....because he was trying to keep a CAMPAIGN PROMISE to close GITMO.

Again, releasing the leaders of the enemy with whom the US was at war was / is TREASON.

'Trying to keep a campaign promise' is a pi$$-poor reason for committing TREASON!
Why does management believe in lower taxes and not higher taxes?
Do you mean this "It costs the US tax payer $445 million a year to keep the remaining 41 detainees held in Guantánamo. This means that it costs $29,000 per prisoner per night to keep Guantánamo open – far more than any federal prison."

They want smaller government that spends more money. Hypocrites, the whole lot of them.
Social services promote the general welfare; general warfare and common offense spending should be cut first.

Common clause promotes common defense to be general warfare

I am hoping that Gitmo is being kept open to house deep state operatives like Mueller, Comey, Barrypuppet, the Hildebeast, McCabe, Clapper, Brennan, etc, etc..........because that is where they belong until they stand before the very same tribunal courts that they wanted to place on us "dissenters".....
That's what the Republican party has been reduced to?

Is that something we should be PROUD of? Seriously?!??


If Obama had actually closed it, they might not be cheering.
That's what the Republican party has been reduced to?

Is that something we should be PROUD of? Seriously?!??


Poor Marc, tell us, how long does the Geneva Convention say that "Enemy Combatants" can be held?
What "enemy combatants"? Our Constitution has no provision for the general warfare or the common offense.

Persons have to be charged with a crime or be set free.
That's what the Republican party has been reduced to?

Is that something we should be PROUD of? Seriously?!??


Poor Marc, tell us, how long does the Geneva Convention say that "Enemy Combatants" can be held?
What "enemy combatants"? Our Constitution has no provision for the general warfare or the common offense.

Persons have to be charged with a crime or be set free.

Yawn. Nope, sorry.
That's what the Republican party has been reduced to?

Is that something we should be PROUD of? Seriously?!??


Poor Marc, tell us, how long does the Geneva Convention say that "Enemy Combatants" can be held?
What "enemy combatants"? Our Constitution has no provision for the general warfare or the common offense.

Persons have to be charged with a crime or be set free.

Yawn. Nope, sorry.
Can you cite the powers used for our current regime?

Letters of marque and reprisal or declaration of war, are specifically enumerated.

The right wing is simply clueless and Causeless if they believe we can win any war as nebulous as an abstraction such crime, drugs, and terror.

Anything over two years, is too long.
That's what the Republican party has been reduced to?

Is that something we should be PROUD of? Seriously?!??


Poor Marc, tell us, how long does the Geneva Convention say that "Enemy Combatants" can be held?
What "enemy combatants"? Our Constitution has no provision for the general warfare or the common offense.

Persons have to be charged with a crime or be set free.

Yawn. Nope, sorry.
Can you cite the powers used for our current regime?

Letters of marque and reprisal or declaration of war, are specifically enumerated.

The right wing is simply clueless and Causeless if they believe we can win any war as nebulous as an abstraction such crime, drugs, and terror.

Anything over two years, is too long.

LOL dumbass. Perhaps we should start with National ID cards...then we can figure out how to use the Commerce Clause to get it closed. You aren't a bright one are you? We aren't talking about "crime, drugs or terror". We're talking about war, Obama inherited Afghanistan and Iraq, he added Libya and Syria. We ARE signatories to the GC and that means we ARE bound by it. Now, HOW long does it say we can hold enemy combatants?

The Leftwing are clueless pacifistic women filled with estrogen.
That's what the Republican party has been reduced to?

Is that something we should be PROUD of? Seriously?!??


Poor Marc, tell us, how long does the Geneva Convention say that "Enemy Combatants" can be held?
What "enemy combatants"? Our Constitution has no provision for the general warfare or the common offense.

Persons have to be charged with a crime or be set free.

Yawn. Nope, sorry.
Can you cite the powers used for our current regime?

Letters of marque and reprisal or declaration of war, are specifically enumerated.

The right wing is simply clueless and Causeless if they believe we can win any war as nebulous as an abstraction such crime, drugs, and terror.

Anything over two years, is too long.

LOL dumbass. Perhaps we should start with National ID cards...then we can figure out how to use the Commerce Clause to get it closed. You aren't a bright one are you? We aren't talking about "crime, drugs or terror". We're talking about war, Obama inherited Afghanistan and Iraq, he added Libya and Syria. We ARE signatories to the GC and that means we ARE bound by it. Now, HOW long does it say we can hold enemy combatants?

The Leftwing are clueless pacifistic women filled with estrogen.
The right wing doesn't really care about the law. How illegal.
Poor Marc, tell us, how long does the Geneva Convention say that "Enemy Combatants" can be held?
What "enemy combatants"? Our Constitution has no provision for the general warfare or the common offense.

Persons have to be charged with a crime or be set free.

Yawn. Nope, sorry.
Can you cite the powers used for our current regime?

Letters of marque and reprisal or declaration of war, are specifically enumerated.

The right wing is simply clueless and Causeless if they believe we can win any war as nebulous as an abstraction such crime, drugs, and terror.

Anything over two years, is too long.

LOL dumbass. Perhaps we should start with National ID cards...then we can figure out how to use the Commerce Clause to get it closed. You aren't a bright one are you? We aren't talking about "crime, drugs or terror". We're talking about war, Obama inherited Afghanistan and Iraq, he added Libya and Syria. We ARE signatories to the GC and that means we ARE bound by it. Now, HOW long does it say we can hold enemy combatants?

The Leftwing are clueless pacifistic women filled with estrogen.
The right wing doesn't really care about the law. How illegal.

LOL, sure thing kid. How long does the GC say we can hold enemy combatants?
What "enemy combatants"? Our Constitution has no provision for the general warfare or the common offense.

Persons have to be charged with a crime or be set free.

Yawn. Nope, sorry.
Can you cite the powers used for our current regime?

Letters of marque and reprisal or declaration of war, are specifically enumerated.

The right wing is simply clueless and Causeless if they believe we can win any war as nebulous as an abstraction such crime, drugs, and terror.

Anything over two years, is too long.

LOL dumbass. Perhaps we should start with National ID cards...then we can figure out how to use the Commerce Clause to get it closed. You aren't a bright one are you? We aren't talking about "crime, drugs or terror". We're talking about war, Obama inherited Afghanistan and Iraq, he added Libya and Syria. We ARE signatories to the GC and that means we ARE bound by it. Now, HOW long does it say we can hold enemy combatants?

The Leftwing are clueless pacifistic women filled with estrogen.
The right wing doesn't really care about the law. How illegal.

LOL, sure thing kid. How long does the GC say we can hold enemy combatants?
Are we formally at war, and are there no Courts, open?

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