
Was a great day today......"Homeland" and "The Affair" just keep getting better. Have to wait 2 weeks for the next episode.......arghhhhh...........

Hello and Happy Turkey Day all!

Done for the day...happy to say that the temperature is below 60 and I have good reason to put wood in my chiminea and light a nice fire.

Has anyone checked out the podcast "Serial" that I mentioned the other day? The next new episode is going to be posted on December 4th. You can get caught up if you start now!!!! Trust will enjoy it.

Darren Wilson's testimony is hard to believe.

We are not going to have all of our kids home for Thanksgiving for the first time. Kind of bummed about that. My little girl will be spending the day in Rochester, my sister's house. Next best thing, I suppose.

I will begin a "What I am thankful for" thread in GD. Let's see how long it takes a nutter to mention Obama. Over/under is 7 posts.

Drinks on me!!
Happy Turkey Eve! I am about to craft some Bombay Sapphire martinis at my parent's house. Bottoms up.

To us!

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