Chelsea Bomber Found Because They Knew His History And Didn't Act Because Of Political-Correctness

Hey, Muddy, why do the Muslims need to destroy us when we are doing a bangup jobs ourselves?

You guys are crapping yourselves over a Dumpster fire set by a Muslim and ignoring the fact that 70 Americans were killed by gun violence.

I heard a Muslim neglected to return a library book. It's chaos, I tell you, chaos!!!

Yep. No doubt the most inept terror attacks ever.
Tell that to the folks pulling shrapnel out of their faces.

"Oh least you're not dead!"

No one was seriously injured but keep shitting yourself over it.
Nobody's shitting themselves other than rag huggers like you every time one of these oxygen-thiefs try to kill innocent people in this country. You idiots literally trip over each other to be the first to defend them.
Mud comes in again using the talking points Trump gave him and he vomits it up verbatim.

Tell me more about how you blame the cops.

I'm just using common-sense. Something you have very little of.

Its just a coincidence you are repeating the bs that cops were scared right after Trump did? And you want us to believe that?
I don't give a shit what Trump said. I 've been to anti-terrorism school. I've trained on this shit. What Obama and Hillary are saying is pure unadulterated Bovine Excrement.

The best way to make sure a terrorist is no longer a threat is double-tap em in the chest and eye thump em to make sure they're dead.

They give every Special Forces (Green Beret) 'A' Team member extensive anti-terrorism training. On top of that, I finished SOT training at Ft Bragg NC.

That's where they teach you how to kill folks like Osama Bin Laden.....even though Obama took credit for it. He wouldn't know the first thing about taking down a target, much less know breaching and MOP/CQB tactics, or Urban Warfare for that matter. My job in the military was training foreign troops to do just that.

More like a cook.
You're not believable. You don't have the bearing of a serious soldier.
Hey, Muddy, why do the Muslims need to destroy us when we are doing a bangup jobs ourselves?

You guys are crapping yourselves over a Dumpster fire set by a Muslim and ignoring the fact that 70 Americans were killed by gun violence.

I heard a Muslim neglected to return a library book. It's chaos, I tell you, chaos!!!

Yep. No doubt the most inept terror attacks ever.
Tell that to the folks pulling shrapnel out of their faces.

"Oh least you're not dead!"

No one was seriously injured but keep shitting yourself over it.
Nobody's shitting themselves other than rag huggers like you every time one of these oxygen-thiefs try to kill innocent people in this country. You idiots literally trip over each other to be the first to defend them.

I didn't defend him in any way. I called him inept.
How many times do they have to learn that lesson? The Bernadino guy was well known too. What a corrupt inept government.

Yeah!!! What we need are more guns in the hands of vigilantes, they'll do the Right (far right) thing, take names and kick ass if the name is not American enough. Why should we give a damn about due process, human rights and those troublesome things in the Bill of Rights, 2nd A. not included.

--Sarcasm Alert---
Hey, Muddy, why do the Muslims need to destroy us when we are doing a bangup jobs ourselves?

You guys are crapping yourselves over a Dumpster fire set by a Muslim and ignoring the fact that 70 Americans were killed by gun violence.

I heard a Muslim neglected to return a library book. It's chaos, I tell you, chaos!!!

Yep. No doubt the most inept terror attacks ever.
Tell that to the folks pulling shrapnel out of their faces.

"Oh least you're not dead!"

No one was seriously injured but keep shitting yourself over it.
Nobody's shitting themselves other than rag huggers like you every time one of these oxygen-thiefs try to kill innocent people in this country. You idiots literally trip over each other to be the first to defend them.

I didn't defend him in any way. I called him inept.
Most of them are.

Problem is, our White House is even more inept.....and that's a problem.

The FBI already knew the bomber before he attacked. He had been questioned and they had a file on him. His prints on one of the bombs led to the announcement that led to a call from a civilian who said he was asleep in front of his place of business. This led to a shootout with the police which led to his capture. Because he is a naturalized immigrant from Afghanistan, he will lawyer-up, and string this out for years. No intelligence will be gathered, thanks to the Obama Administration because he has rights.

Hillary claims that Trump is the reason these guys are attacking us, and Obama says this is a war of words. Nonsense. I was told 23 years ago by a Kuwaiti Intelligence officer that our freedoms will defeat us. It's not that we are evil or we talk bad about Muslims, because this was years before 911. Muslims feel that because we are friends with Israel, we are a target. Democrats are greasing the skids for further attacks with their politically-correct policies. This guy never would have been able to carry out this attack. He never would have been allowed to reenter the US after spending time in terrorist hotspots in the Middle East. This is terrorism 101. Only a fool wants be nice to these people and basically lay out the Red Carpet to attack us.


Hillary is trying to blame Trump for these attacks. She says she's the one with the experience needed to fight domestic terrorism, but for some reason she wants to bring hundreds of thousands of these guys here.
Donald Trump Jr said it's like someone who wants to give you a bowl of Skittles, knowing that in that bowl of Skittles, 3 of them will kill you. Would you want to take them? Of course the CEO of Skittles immediately released a statement objecting to the rationale. How dare a nasty Trump kid insult Skittles.

Okay, lets say somebody gives you a six-pack of beer. One of those beers will kill you. Would you take that six-pack?

You would take them because if you don't, you're a bigot.
This is the problem we're dealing with. Not only are we fighting the enemy, but the Democrats and their Bull Shit Political-Correctness as well.


Hillary being helped with steps after speech

New York bombing: Suspect Ahmad Rahami 'may have been radicalised after visiting Afghanistan', as video emerges of him dragging bag in Chelsea

Donald Trump Jr. compares Syrian refugees to killer Skittles

More than 800 immigrants mistakenly granted citizenship

His family reported there was a problem and feared he might be a threat........... FBI and authorities dismissed him.
FBIpurge - Judicial Watch
Go to pg 21 of the document on this page you can download to get your answer which is they were purged

Why do you name call?

Since I asked first Where does your link say anything about removing all references to Islamic Terror?

Lets take turns
You obviously took your stupid pills this morning.

More names? lmao

Where does your link say anything about removing all references to Islamic Terror?
I think the only dumpster fire here is your argument.

More names?

You guys get so angry when people ask you for proof. All I asked was Where does your link say anything about removing all references to Islamic Terror?

So far I've asked 6 times and all I've gotten is names and deflection almost like....your link didnt say what you claimed
Knife, gun, bomb car, plane..... when terrorist take up armed against americans they are no longer acting as citizens of this country but acting for foreign forces at war with the US. They are not citizens, they are enemies and the US is the battle ground. Rights and laws change.

There is a process but not in civilian courts with all the rights and protections of civilian crimes.

I'm just using common-sense. Something you have very little of.

Its just a coincidence you are repeating the bs that cops were scared right after Trump did? And you want us to believe that?
I don't give a shit what Trump said. I 've been to anti-terrorism school. I've trained on this shit. What Obama and Hillary are saying is pure unadulterated Bovine Excrement.

The best way to make sure a terrorist is no longer a threat is double-tap em in the chest and eye thump em to make sure they're dead.

They give every Special Forces (Green Beret) 'A' Team member extensive anti-terrorism training. On top of that, I finished SOT training at Ft Bragg NC.

That's where they teach you how to kill folks like Osama Bin Laden.....even though Obama took credit for it. He wouldn't know the first thing about taking down a target, much less know breaching and MOP/CQB tactics, or Urban Warfare for that matter. My job in the military was training foreign troops to do just that.

More like a cook.
You're not believable. You don't have the bearing of a serious soldier.

The only cooking I do is at home.

And I don't really care what you think. I have the DD-214 that proves it. What you think doesn't really matter, that much is for sure.

I'm not in uniform so what I say doesn't reflect on the US. When I was an operator, I kept my mouth shut and just observed.

I know a line of bs when I see it, because I was up to my elbows in it. My guess is you weren't.
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Read the motherfucker thing.

*ClosedCaption on ignore due to extreme stupidity*

Good choice. He really is only good for ridicule, the weapons grade stupidity he posts can cause headaches.

What I'm seeing is either extreme incompetence or outright treason, so I have to assume that the actions of the Obama administration are evidence of incompetence. It is a thin line between being naive and stupid, or both. The administration appears to have too many friends who are terrorist sympathizers for this to be simple stupidity. And I doubt that people this cynical are this naive. The average Democrat, yes, but not Obama and Hillary.
How many times do they have to learn that lesson? The Bernadino guy was well known too. What a corrupt inept government.

Yeah!!! What we need are more guns in the hands of vigilantes, they'll do the Right (far right) thing, take names and kick ass if the name is not American enough. Why should we give a damn about due process, human rights and those troublesome things in the Bill of Rights, 2nd A. not included.

--Sarcasm Alert---

Why did Lincoln as well as FDR violate the constitution to preserve National Security? Simply because National Security trumps the you undertand what National Security is?
Hey, Muddy, why do the Muslims need to destroy us when we are doing a bangup jobs ourselves?

You guys are crapping yourselves over a Dumpster fire set by a Muslim and ignoring the fact that 70 Americans were killed by gun violence.

I heard a Muslim neglected to return a library book. It's chaos, I tell you, chaos!!!

Because idiot gang banger killings, and other murders that happen are common in most societies. An ideology with violent followers that wishes to see the entire country burn, and carries out deadly attacks in order to achieve its political goal, isn't as common.

If you are too dumb to know the difference between normal crime and acts of terrorism, perhaps you should stay in the short bus and let the adults take care of the matter.
How many times do they have to learn that lesson? The Bernadino guy was well known too. What a corrupt inept government.

Yeah!!! What we need are more guns in the hands of vigilantes, they'll do the Right (far right) thing, take names and kick ass if the name is not American enough. Why should we give a damn about due process, human rights and those troublesome things in the Bill of Rights, 2nd A. not included.
You missed the point and then went full retard.
Because idiot gang banger killings, and other murders that happen are common in most societies. An ideology with violent followers that wishes to see the entire country burn, and carries out deadly attacks in order to achieve its political goal, isn't as common.

If you are too dumb to know the difference between normal crime and acts of terrorism, perhaps you should stay in the short bus and let the adults take care of the matter.

Uh, guy, there is no difference. YOu are just as dead from "Street crime" as you are from "Terrorism".

This shit isn't "common" in other advanced democracies. They don't let average citizens own guns... and they don't have a gang murder problem.
Because idiot gang banger killings, and other murders that happen are common in most societies. An ideology with violent followers that wishes to see the entire country burn, and carries out deadly attacks in order to achieve its political goal, isn't as common.

If you are too dumb to know the difference between normal crime and acts of terrorism, perhaps you should stay in the short bus and let the adults take care of the matter.

Uh, guy, there is no difference. YOu are just as dead from "Street crime" as you are from "Terrorism".

This shit isn't "common" in other advanced democracies. They don't let average citizens own guns... and they don't have a gang murder problem.

You are a very shallow thinker....failing to understand the difference between warfare and utterly moronic....Islamic Radical Terrorism is just another form of warfare....defined as assymetric warfare...look that up chump.

Asymmetric warfare (or Asymmetric engagement) is war between belligerents whose relative military power differs significantly, or whose strategy or tactics differ significantly. This is typically a war between a standing, professional army and an insurgency or resistance movement.

Unfortunately, you are far from being alone in your ignorance: Bill Clinton...1993 and the first attack on the WTC:
1993: Bill Clinton treated WTC attack as a crime, not as terrorism
Their collective view [of 9/11 by the liberals] is, essentially, "What's the big deal?" They shrug their shoulders along with Michael Moore, who once said, "I don't know why we are making so much of an act of terror. It is three times more likely that you will be struck by lightning than die from an act of terror."
This trivialization of terrorism, essentially treating it like any other crime, is just how the Clinton administration handled the 1993 attack on the World Trade Center. This policy--of failing to recognize that attack as an act of war, instead treating it like any other bombing or murder--led to the failure of both the Clinton and Bush administrations to take advance indications of future terrorist attacks seriously. And this attitude created institutional roadblocks that made 9/11 possible.

Asymmetric Warfare | RAND
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Because idiot gang banger killings, and other murders that happen are common in most societies. An ideology with violent followers that wishes to see the entire country burn, and carries out deadly attacks in order to achieve its political goal, isn't as common.

If you are too dumb to know the difference between normal crime and acts of terrorism, perhaps you should stay in the short bus and let the adults take care of the matter.

Uh, guy, there is no difference. YOu are just as dead from "Street crime" as you are from "Terrorism".

This shit isn't "common" in other advanced democracies. They don't let average citizens own guns... and they don't have a gang murder problem.

Several "advanced democracies" allow people to own guns, Switzerland, Sweden, Norway, Austria, even Germany does. They don't have gang murders like the US because of their demographics. That's what happens when you have less than 2% blacks or Latinos....near zero crime, regardless of gun laws. It's been proven a thousand times on this board but progressives don't care about facts, they only care about their Agenda and any narrativee that supports it.

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