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Chelsea Clinton dismisses Lewinsky question

How much you want to bet that this hosebag gets involved with politics someday?? The public can't get enough of the Number 1 disfunctional family from New Arkanassvile. (inclusive of the New York, home of Orthodox Incest)

A kid, who is as smart as Chelsea is SUPPOSE to be,, would have turned the question into a plug for her mother.. But, instead Chelsea had to go into attack mode just like that hosebag mother of hers.. She could have, and probably should have just gave it a simple few word neutral response.

Chelsea would have impressed me if she had said in reply, something like,,," I don't beleive that my Mom's electibility has been negatively effected by that incident that occured many years ago." Knowing that Hillary got a pass on that episode, and stayed with Slick Willy just so that she could get into a political slot herself isn't news.. She did the PC thing with Bill and it paid off.. I think most people knew that Hillary's motive to stay with Bill wasn't done for BIll, the brat, the country, the Democratic party, but it was done for herself.
Chelsea said she didn't have sex with anyone yet.....

(according to her Daddy, anyway):rofl:
No kidding. Does it hurt her mother's image...

Nope, that's none of the public's business. Considering we're talking about a public image.

Maybe she was just saying it was none of their business if SHE thought it hurt her mother's image...

In which case one must wonder, why is she speaking publicly?

They're elitist crapwads. THey think they're above the rabble, and don't think they need to answer to anyone.
They're elitist crapwads. THey think they're above the rabble, and don't think they need to answer to anyone.

And the Bushes aren't? What bullshit if only the Clintons are.

And so many of the people in the arena here, you know, were underprivileged anyway, so this--this (she chuckles slightly) is working very well for them."

Barbara, not the elitist, Bush.
You're confused. I'm not talking about privileged. I'm talking about elitist, as in believing you're actually better and smarter than everybody else, and don't have to answer to anyone the way the little people do.

In other words, the belief that you can make your own laws, and expect others to respect them.

Bush never did that.
The article said an audience member not a reporter, but IMO, that's besides the point. She was perfectly justified in giving the response she gave. I'm not seeing how Chelsea was being rude or offensive, but the question certainly was rude and offensive.

I believe I already pointed out the error of your opinion.

The question was in fact not rude nor offensive, and very much relevant to the topic of Hillary running for political office.

And no, Chelsea was NOT justified in her response, whether or not it was a member of the media or an "audience member." The media was in attendance.

In case you've missed it, the media has been portraying the Clintons -- even Bill -- as assholes playing dirty against poor little Obama. This just makes her look like another Clinton asshole.
IMO, harping on someone's private life is rude.

There was no harping being done. A question was asked that concerned Hillary's public image as it pertains to her running for office. Simple as that.

You're trying to present the question as something it clearly was not.
I never said that it didn't affect her image.

It's been rehashed in the media so often that at this point there is no need to discuss it any longer. No matter what Chelsea, Hillary, or Billy-boy has to say on the issue, everyone has already formed their own opinion. Therefore it is rude to keep bringing it up.

I'll concede that Chelsea could have just said no and moved on to the next question. I would have had the urge to punch the questioner in the mouth.

Really? Please provide us with some links to these "rehashings in the media" of the specific question. I don't recall her public image as a politician being affected or not affected by Bill's deal with Monica being discussed.

Since she is currently running for office and in this very post you as much as admit that the affair could have an affect on her image, it is NOT rude to bring it up. Seems to me it's more of real concern based on YOUR comments.

Had you punched the questioner in the mouth, not only would you go to jail, you'd surely have damaged your mother's public image AND you'd be paying out the ass for being emotionally immature via civil court when she got doing suing your pants off.
Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm, Isn't that exactly what your Hero George did when he was questioned about his two "teenage" daughters drinking and getting in trouble?

He isn't a Liberal, is he?

There is no correlation except in your partisan mind. The two events are about as dissimilar as two events can be.

DO you think you could quite posting some stupid comment about Bush in every damned thread you come across; especially, the ones that don't have a thing to do with him.

Geez, what a goob ... :rolleyes:
Hi, can you tell us how it felt as a CHILD to know that your dad was getting blowjobs from interns and the entire US nation thinks about your fathers dong all the time? Specifically, how many tears did your mother shed to know that her marriage is the all time greatest parody of the 90s?


legitimate my ass.

If the drivel you posted was the question asked, I might tend to agree with you. Since it was not asked and nothing even close to it was, I don't.

That's nothing but partisan spin and you know it.
A jerk asked a personal question and Chelsea answered as she should have.
But Cheney is anti gay and it is a subject that is divisive within the US. Lewinsky sucking the sav is not anybody's business....

The question wasn't asked about what Lewinsky did or didn't do. The question was whether or not she felt Bill's goings on with Monica affected or hurt Hillary's public image.

Hillary's image is the topic, and whether or not it was negatively affected. Bill's doings with Monica are not.
Marvin Bush, Jeb Bush, Neil "Silverado Bush" Prescott Bush: That family?

I have to ask ...

Are you fucking queer for Bush's gear or what? You have got be the most Bush-obsessed, slobbering partisan hack I've come across. You can't post a fucking thing without mentioning his name. Even if the topic doesn't have a damned thing to do with him.

Grow the fuck up.

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