Chelsea Clinton in Pregnant

Does that make Chelesea a better person than someone who wasn't born with a silver spoon in his or her mouth?

One of my older sisters had a baby when she was 15. She was too young to have a baby and had no income whatsoever. She had to drop out of high school (she did get her GED later on). The father refused to take responsibility (an 18 year old idiot) and moved out of state. But because my family believes that a baby has a right over its body and has a right to "choose" life (since we've never heard of an unborn baby committing suicide) my mom and dad decided to help support my sister.

Today my nephew is a father of 6 children of his own and a successful executive at a manufacturing company. He's loved by everyone who knows him. His mom (my sister) is married and the mother of 5 children and she's doing just fine. So the moral of the story is that University graduates and folks rolling in dough don't necessarily make the best parents.

Original comment: whether Chelsea Clinton "keeps" her baby.

Morphed basis: whether Chelsea Clinton is "too rich".


They're just ticked because she went to a good university (instead of a beauty school), married a successful man (instead of sleeping with some unemployed twerp) and is now pregnant (instead of having a bastard her mother tried to lie about).

They lie about the Obama's, they have always lied about the Clinton's and that's not gonna change.

SSDD for some of the rw's.


I think it's funny. Imagine having a family like the Palins in the White House. It would be like having the Clampets there, except the Clampets were honest, nice, and likeable. Actually, the Palins are not at all like the Clampets, they are just plain white trash.
She went to university. She has a good career. She is married to a man with a good career. How terribly wrong of her to make something out of her life.

Does that make Chelesea a better person than someone who wasn't born with a silver spoon in his or her mouth?

One of my older sisters had a baby when she was 15. She was too young to have a baby and had no income whatsoever. She had to drop out of high school (she did get her GED later on). The father refused to take responsibility (an 18 year old idiot) and moved out of state. But because my family believes that a baby has a right over its body and has a right to "choose" life (since we've never heard of an unborn baby committing suicide) my mom and dad decided to help support my sister.

Today my nephew is a father of 6 children of his own and a successful executive at a manufacturing company. He's loved by everyone who knows him. His mom (my sister) is married and the mother of 5 children and she's doing just fine. So the moral of the story is that University graduates and folks rolling in dough don't necessarily make the best parents.

I was responding to the comment that she was 'well off' because she was a member of the liberal 'ruling class.' My response is that she has made her own life by going to university and having a good career and by marrying a man who did the same. There is no reason to attack her for doing such, but the poster I was responding to seemed to be doing that.

In no way did I suggest she was better than anyone else: that is a conclusion you jumped to for no reason. However, getting pregnant at 15 and missing out on higher education is not the most direct path to financial security. It is not something to be held up to other young women as a path to choose; whereas, going to college or vocational school and building a career before you have children is.

Also, there seems to be an accusation that Clinton would get an abortion if she felt like it; whereas there is absolutely no reason to think so. I am a liberal through and through, and I support abortion rights 100%; however, I would not have an abortion myself, never would have unless having a child would threaten my own life or if the child were 'severely' deformed. I have worked directly with children who were born with severe disabilities, ones that keep them from having any quality of life, who live in pain 24 hours a day, who cannot communicate even with their own parents, who have little or no control over their own bodies, who are unable to go to school or learn anything, who have to be fed and assisted with toileting, etc., and I would not want to bring any soul into the world to spend his or her entire life suffering. Otherwise, I'd never opt for abortion. But I believe in the right for women to make that choice. It is a personal choice.

However, hating Chelsea Clinton because she is a liberal and making snide remarks about her killing her baby: lower than low for the knuckle draggers around here.

Basically he said, "hope she doesn't kill her baby"... then was asked "why would she do that?" and answered, "she's born with a silver spoon in her mouth" (even though born during the first term of a governor of Arkansas). Apples didn't work, so he went to Oranges in mid-chew.

Then he gives an example of a relative pregnant at 15 as an example of how Chelsea Clinton, 24 and married since 2010, is doing it wrong.

Oh the butthurt.
Does that make Chelesea a better person than someone who wasn't born with a silver spoon in his or her mouth?

One of my older sisters had a baby when she was 15. She was too young to have a baby and had no income whatsoever. She had to drop out of high school (she did get her GED later on). The father refused to take responsibility (an 18 year old idiot) and moved out of state. But because my family believes that a baby has a right over its body and has a right to "choose" life (since we've never heard of an unborn baby committing suicide) my mom and dad decided to help support my sister.

Today my nephew is a father of 6 children of his own and a successful executive at a manufacturing company. He's loved by everyone who knows him. His mom (my sister) is married and the mother of 5 children and she's doing just fine. So the moral of the story is that University graduates and folks rolling in dough don't necessarily make the best parents.

I was responding to the comment that she was 'well off' because she was a member of the liberal 'ruling class.' My response is that she has made her own life by going to university and having a good career and by marrying a man who did the same. There is no reason to attack her for doing such, but the poster I was responding to seemed to be doing that.

In no way did I suggest she was better than anyone else: that is a conclusion you jumped to for no reason. However, getting pregnant at 15 and missing out on higher education is not the most direct path to financial security. It is not something to be held up to other young women as a path to choose; whereas, going to college or vocational school and building a career before you have children is.

Also, there seems to be an accusation that Clinton would get an abortion if she felt like it; whereas there is absolutely no reason to think so. I am a liberal through and through, and I support abortion rights 100%; however, I would not have an abortion myself, never would have unless having a child would threaten my own life or if the child were 'severely' deformed. I have worked directly with children who were born with severe disabilities, ones that keep them from having any quality of life, who live in pain 24 hours a day, who cannot communicate even with their own parents, who have little or no control over their own bodies, who are unable to go to school or learn anything, who have to be fed and assisted with toileting, etc., and I would not want to bring any soul into the world to spend his or her entire life suffering. Otherwise, I'd never opt for abortion. But I believe in the right for women to make that choice. It is a personal choice.

However, hating Chelsea Clinton because she is a liberal and making snide remarks about her killing her baby: lower than low for the knuckle draggers around here.

Basically he said, "hope she doesn't kill her baby"... then was asked "why would she do that?" and answered, "she's born with a silver spoon in her mouth" (even though born during the first term of a governor of Arkansas). Apples didn't work, so he went to Oranges in mid-chew.

Then he gives an example of a relative pregnant at 15 as an example of how Chelsea Clinton, 24 and married since 2010, is doing it wrong.Oh the butthurt.

Yeah, these examples really do fly in the face of logic. Comparing the woman who goes on to higher education or vocational training and becomes a financially independent adult before she gets pregnant as somehow a snob and inferior to a woman who gets pregnant in high school, becomes a dropout, and takes years and years to get her life together: unreal.
A liberal which eschews abortion oft is peer reviewed with sad results. Mayhap this particular young lady learned from her father's foibles and is a latent conservative.

Hey Chelsea ! WHO'S YOUR DADDY ?

Don't you realize it's not about Chelsea - It's about Hillary - the sow who bore her.
Raise your hand when you see a pattern here:

Yup, she's a regular fucking SLUT getting pregnant without a husband, what a low rent fucking piece of trash.

I wonder who the Baby is gonna call Grandpa ? Bill the Cigar Man Clinton, or Webb Nubbell - Chelsea Clintons biological father


Two of them suggest the mother might kill her child. One even gives her a gun to do it.

What the fuck is wrong with people? I'm told this derives in some way from something called "you liberals", which presumably is a kaffeklatch group that meets weekly in Dubuque and decides what to think that week in lockstep. But I've never been to Dubuque, so that can't be it.

Actually I have a hunch where it really comes from:

Lush Rimjob said:
You know, she may be the most unattractive presidential daughter in the history of the country.

Lush Rimjob said:
It makes her a slut, rigtht? It makes here a prostitute! ....Does she have more boyfriends? Ha! They're lined up around the block. ....We want you to post the videos online so we can all watch.

A Game of Drones. Obedient puppets, doing what puppets do. :rolleyes:

So hoping that someone who believes a woman should be able to kill her offspring would choose not to is wrong, yet believing that you should be able to kill your offspring is absolutely fine?

The real question is what is wrong with you?
I don't understand the motives - if any - of the OP. However, my first thought was that this would make her mother, Granny Hillary. Can you see that woman cooing and fussy over her grandchild? :(

Yes, and I can also see her teaching her "granddaughter" to be a strong woman! And a well educated woman! :D

Just like the Obama's are teaching their daughters = get an education first, then get married, then get pregnant.

Too old fashioned for some.

Yeah. It is old fashioned for some, like yourself, who keep telling people they dont need to get married or they need to pretend to get married in a same sex relationship. That we should be encouraging promiscuity because we have "free health care" now. That if you make a "mistake" and get pregnant you can just kill the offspring, no big deal.

So why not take joy in the fact that someone got married, got pregnant and isn't going to kill their child? oh wait, that's just wrong to you guys.
Clinton was also lied to about the weapons of mass destruction, which is why she voted for the invasion. DUH

Oh so Bush somehow lied to the Clintons about them before he got into office since they were saying the same thing about WMDs in the 90s?
You gotta admire the clairvoyants who know, so early in a pregnancy, what the prospective mother might or might not elect to do.

They're with us this fine evening because their meeting was cancelled due to unforeseen circumstances.
Yes, and I can also see her teaching her "granddaughter" to be a strong woman! And a well educated woman! :D

Just like the Obama's are teaching their daughters = get an education first, then get married, then get pregnant.

Too old fashioned for some.

Yeah. It is old fashioned for some, like yourself, who keep telling people they dont need to get married or they need to pretend to get married in a same sex relationship. That we should be encouraging promiscuity because we have "free health care" now. That if you make a "mistake" and get pregnant you can just kill the offspring, no big deal.

So why not take joy in the fact that someone got married, got pregnant and isn't going to kill their child? oh wait, that's just wrong to you guys.

Are you a complete idiot? The liberals are the ones in this thread who are taking joy in the fact Chelsea is going to have a baby. No liberal has suggested she would have an abortion. That's ludicrous. It is the conservatives in this thread who even brought up the idea of abortion, not the liberals. It is the conservatives in this thread who started talking about killing babies and about abortion. On the other hand, it is the liberals who are taking joy in the fact someone got married and is going to have a healthy baby. It is the ugly minded, mean spirited conservatives in this thread who brought up the killing of babies, not the liberals. Who have tried to turn a joyous issue into an ugly one. Jeesus H. Christ. If you cannot see that, what are you?
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Whatever you said, I think, her mother won't care a straw for ... Her mother has a strong heart, and didn't even shrink from a shoe thrown at her ...
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Does that make Chelesea a better person than someone who wasn't born with a silver spoon in his or her mouth?

One of my older sisters had a baby when she was 15. She was too young to have a baby and had no income whatsoever. She had to drop out of high school (she did get her GED later on). The father refused to take responsibility (an 18 year old idiot) and moved out of state. But because my family believes that a baby has a right over its body and has a right to "choose" life (since we've never heard of an unborn baby committing suicide) my mom and dad decided to help support my sister.

Today my nephew is a father of 6 children of his own and a successful executive at a manufacturing company. He's loved by everyone who knows him. His mom (my sister) is married and the mother of 5 children and she's doing just fine. So the moral of the story is that University graduates and folks rolling in dough don't necessarily make the best parents.

I was responding to the comment that she was 'well off' because she was a member of the liberal 'ruling class.' My response is that she has made her own life by going to university and having a good career and by marrying a man who did the same. There is no reason to attack her for doing such, but the poster I was responding to seemed to be doing that.

In no way did I suggest she was better than anyone else: that is a conclusion you jumped to for no reason. However, getting pregnant at 15 and missing out on higher education is not the most direct path to financial security. It is not something to be held up to other young women as a path to choose; whereas, going to college or vocational school and building a career before you have children is.

Also, there seems to be an accusation that Clinton would get an abortion if she felt like it; whereas there is absolutely no reason to think so. I am a liberal through and through, and I support abortion rights 100%; however, I would not have an abortion myself, never would have unless having a child would threaten my own life or if the child were 'severely' deformed. I have worked directly with children who were born with severe disabilities, ones that keep them from having any quality of life, who live in pain 24 hours a day, who cannot communicate even with their own parents, who have little or no control over their own bodies, who are unable to go to school or learn anything, who have to be fed and assisted with toileting, etc., and I would not want to bring any soul into the world to spend his or her entire life suffering. Otherwise, I'd never opt for abortion. But I believe in the right for women to make that choice. It is a personal choice.

However, hating Chelsea Clinton because she is a liberal and making snide remarks about her killing her baby: lower than low for the knuckle draggers around here.

Basically he said, "hope she doesn't kill her baby"... then was asked "why would she do that?" and answered, "she's born with a silver spoon in her mouth" (even though born during the first term of a governor of Arkansas). Apples didn't work, so he went to Oranges in mid-chew.

Then he gives an example of a relative pregnant at 15 as an example of how Chelsea Clinton, 24 and married since 2010, is doing it wrong.

Oh the butthurt.

She's 34.
Original comment: whether Chelsea Clinton "keeps" her baby.

Morphed basis: whether Chelsea Clinton is "too rich".


They're just ticked because she went to a good university (instead of a beauty school), married a successful man (instead of sleeping with some unemployed twerp) and is now pregnant (instead of having a bastard her mother tried to lie about).

They lie about the Obama's, they have always lied about the Clinton's and that's not gonna change.

SSDD for some of the rw's.


I think it's funny. Imagine having a family like the Palins in the White House. It would be like having the Clampets there, except the Clampets were honest, nice, and likeable. Actually, the Palins are not at all like the Clampets, they are just plain white trash.

Democrats talking about honesty is I laugh...:lol:
I was responding to the comment that she was 'well off' because she was a member of the liberal 'ruling class.' My response is that she has made her own life by going to university and having a good career and by marrying a man who did the same. There is no reason to attack her for doing such, but the poster I was responding to seemed to be doing that.

In no way did I suggest she was better than anyone else: that is a conclusion you jumped to for no reason. However, getting pregnant at 15 and missing out on higher education is not the most direct path to financial security. It is not something to be held up to other young women as a path to choose; whereas, going to college or vocational school and building a career before you have children is.

Also, there seems to be an accusation that Clinton would get an abortion if she felt like it; whereas there is absolutely no reason to think so. I am a liberal through and through, and I support abortion rights 100%; however, I would not have an abortion myself, never would have unless having a child would threaten my own life or if the child were 'severely' deformed. I have worked directly with children who were born with severe disabilities, ones that keep them from having any quality of life, who live in pain 24 hours a day, who cannot communicate even with their own parents, who have little or no control over their own bodies, who are unable to go to school or learn anything, who have to be fed and assisted with toileting, etc., and I would not want to bring any soul into the world to spend his or her entire life suffering. Otherwise, I'd never opt for abortion. But I believe in the right for women to make that choice. It is a personal choice.

However, hating Chelsea Clinton because she is a liberal and making snide remarks about her killing her baby: lower than low for the knuckle draggers around here.

Basically he said, "hope she doesn't kill her baby"... then was asked "why would she do that?" and answered, "she's born with a silver spoon in her mouth" (even though born during the first term of a governor of Arkansas). Apples didn't work, so he went to Oranges in mid-chew.

Then he gives an example of a relative pregnant at 15 as an example of how Chelsea Clinton, 24 and married since 2010, is doing it wrong.

Oh the butthurt.

She's 34.


Never give me a math problem. :eusa_doh:

So, revised version: a 34-year-old educated professional (in Limblobian, "overeducated white woman"), married since 2010, starts a family and this makes her a "fucking SLUT piece of trash" born of some sort of combined incest and adultery, who should have "a abortion", apparently because she's an "ugly duckling", with "hooves". Webbed hooves I guess.

And that's the way it is here at the USMB community, where we believe in We the People. :eusa_angel:
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Basically he said, "hope she doesn't kill her baby"... then was asked "why would she do that?" and answered, "she's born with a silver spoon in her mouth" (even though born during the first term of a governor of Arkansas). Apples didn't work, so he went to Oranges in mid-chew.

Then he gives an example of a relative pregnant at 15 as an example of how Chelsea Clinton, 24 and married since 2010, is doing it wrong.

Oh the butthurt.

She's 34.


Never give me a math problem. :eusa_doh:

So, revised version: a 34-year-old educated professional (in Limblobian, "overeducated white woman"), married since 2010, starts a family and this makes her a "fucking SLUT piece of trash" born of some sort of combined incest and adultery, who should have "a abortion", apparently because she's an "ugly duckling", with "hooves". Webbed hooves I guess.

And that's the way it is here at the USMB community, where we believe in We the People. :eusa_angel:

And God and Christian values--don't forget, we believe in them too! :eusa_angel:

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