Chelsea Clinton in Pregnant

At least Chelsea's keeping her child. That's a really good thing. I hope the baby will be healthy and happy.

Why wouldn't she?
She is married, has a good job, is capable of raising a child at this time
At least Chelsea's keeping her child. That's a really good thing. I hope the baby will be healthy and happy.

why wouldn't she have it? she planned her family. can afford her family and chose when to start a family.

but at least you wished her well.

I'm simply happy that she didn't play God and issue the death penalty for an innocent, little baby. That's all. It's NEVER the baby's fault that its mother got pregnant. Why should he or she suffer death for someone else's mistake or poor judgment?
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It says they can't hold their abortion shit out of any conversation.

I didn't say anything about abortion, dumbass. I called her a whore.

Yup, she's a regular fucking SLUT getting pregnant without a husband, what a low rent fucking piece of traExcept ahe'ah.

Yeah except she is not a slut and married you abortion hating troll asshole. Question. What is the result when you never had nay kids or been a productive part of society? That was rhetorical. The result is you.
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It says they can't hold their abortion shit out of any conversation.

I didn't say anything about abortion, dumbass. I called her a whore.

Yup, she's a regular fucking SLUT getting pregnant without a husband, what a low rent fucking piece of trash.

Um...If ur talking about Chelsey, she was married for some time before getting pregnant...
If ur taking about Bristol...ur being a bit harsh...considering.

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I wonder who the Baby is gonna call Grandpa ? Bill the Cigar Man Clinton, or Webb Nubbell - Chelsea Clintons biological father
Sadly there are many who kill their children.

You and 007 seem bent on making a happy occasion into a negative.

That's kind of weird. Not sure what it says about y'all.

That's what you liberals did to the Palin's. Why is it so confusing when it's aimed at a Clinton instead of a Palin?

Maybe because I've never posted about the Palins? Ya think??

And what's with the "out of wedlock" song and dance? You're appointing yourself to annul somebody's marriage now? Doesn't make sense.
It says they can't hold their abortion shit out of any conversation.

I didn't say anything about abortion, dumbass. I called her a whore.

Yup, she's a regular fucking SLUT getting pregnant without a husband, what a low rent fucking piece of trash.

Ummmm.... who do you think "Marc" refers to in the OP article? Marc Antony?

Hey, aren't you the same Karnak who posted something about rounding up all the Muslims after the Ivan Lopez shooting thing, then when it turned out to be not a Muslim, disappeared from the thread altogether rather than admit you were wrong?

Seeya next time then... :bye1:

Good lord what a diarrheaic stream of butthurt. Young lady gets pregnant, out come the naysayers to slaughter the innocents...
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So the 'Ugly Duckling' is pregnant, who gives a shit!!

The only "ugly" here is ur attitude...What's the matter w u people?

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Yes, the attitude is very ugly.

Also, I wonder what they and their families look like. I doubt most of those who call her ugly have any right to make disparaging comments about other peoples' looks.
At least Chelsea's keeping her child. That's a really good thing. I hope the baby will be healthy and happy.

Why wouldn't she?
She is married, has a good job, is capable of raising a child at this time

Of course she is well off - she is a member of the ruling class Democratic Party Socio-Fascist Elite

She went to university. She has a good career. She is married to a man with a good career. How terribly wrong of her to make something out of her life.
Raise your hand when you see a pattern here:

Yup, she's a regular fucking SLUT getting pregnant without a husband, what a low rent fucking piece of trash.

I wonder who the Baby is gonna call Grandpa ? Bill the Cigar Man Clinton, or Webb Nubbell - Chelsea Clintons biological father

So the 'Ugly Duckling' is pregnant, who gives a shit!!

Good for here. I hope she keeps it.

What a strange series of comments...

Why wouldn't she keep it? Isn't that what parents do?

Sadly there are many who kill their children.

Having a baby outside of wedlock... what a whore.

The future little scumbag will undoubtedly have hooves.

Chelsea to new baby, as Bill walks into the hospital room:

"Meet your daddy, and your granddaddy !"

There is one abortion I wouldn't oppose.

We hadn't thought of that conspiracy theory yet Dr. Douche bag, but how many of your homey's get a press conference when they're about to have another kid? Welfare cheese? Anything? A colt .45?


Two of them suggest the mother might kill her child. One even gives her a gun to do it.

What the fuck is wrong with people? I'm told this derives in some way from something called "you liberals", which presumably is a kaffeklatch group that meets weekly in Dubuque and decides what to think that week in lockstep. But I've never been to Dubuque, so that can't be it.

Actually I have a hunch where it really comes from:

Lush Rimjob said:
In, cute kid in the White House. Out, cute dog in the White House. Could we show the cute dog in the White House who’s out, and they put up a picture of Chelsea Clinton back in the crew.

Lush Rimjob said:
You know, she may be the most unattractive presidential daughter in the history of the country.

Lush Rimjob said:
It makes her a slut, rigtht? It makes here a prostitute! ....Does she have more boyfriends? Ha! They're lined up around the block. ....We want you to post the videos online so we can all watch.

A Game of Drones. Obedient puppets, doing what puppets do. :rolleyes:
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Raise your hand when you see a pattern here:

Yup, she's a regular fucking SLUT getting pregnant without a husband, what a low rent fucking piece of trash.

I wonder who the Baby is gonna call Grandpa ? Bill the Cigar Man Clinton, or Webb Nubbell - Chelsea Clintons biological father


Two of them suggest the mother might kill her child. One even gives her a gun to do it.

What the fuck is wrong with people? I'm told this derives in some way from something called "you liberals", which presumably is a kaffeklatch group that meets weekly in Dubuque and decides what to think that week in lockstep. But I've never been to Dubuque, so that can't be it.

Actually I have a hunch where it really comes from:

Lush Rimjob said:
You know, she may be the most unattractive presidential daughter in the history of the country.

Lush Rimjob said:
It makes her a slut, rigtht? It makes here a prostitute! ....Does she have more boyfriends? Ha! They're lined up around the block. ....We want you to post the videos online so we can all watch.

A Game of Drones. Obedient puppets, doing what puppets do. :rolleyes:

Yes, it is not hard to tell where those creepy, stupid, hateful comments come from. Ugly spirited, low intelligence, weak minded people parroting their gross and putrid thought leader. Sad and very disturbing.
Evidence that Chelsea is Webb Hubbell’s daughter is strong and has been out there for quite a while. I first heard it from Chris Ruddy around 1994. He said it was all over Arkansas.” Chris Ruddy, a journalist and the owner of NewsMax, was a long time Clinton antagonist. Ruddy has now made some sort of a deal and has “gone over to the dark side” with the Clintons, to the puzzlement and dismay of his conservative friends who just shake their heads whenever Ruddy’s name comes up.

Chelsea Clinton is the biological daughter of Webb Hubbell and not Bill Clinton | Conspiracy Theories
Evidence that Chelsea is Webb Hubbell’s daughter is strong and has been out there for quite a while. I first heard it from Chris Ruddy around 1994. He said it was all over Arkansas.” Chris Ruddy, a journalist and the owner of NewsMax, was a long time Clinton antagonist. Ruddy has now made some sort of a deal and has “gone over to the dark side” with the Clintons, to the puzzlement and dismay of his conservative friends who just shake their heads whenever Ruddy’s name comes up.

Chelsea Clinton is the biological daughter of Webb Hubbell and not Bill Clinton | Conspiracy Theories

What passes for journalism with the right wing
U GO girl...shake n' bake that lil' baby to be born to enjoy the future being built by her grandparents and their supporters..
CAN U BELIEVE that there actually r right wingers who insist that Clintons "timed" Chelsea's pregnancy to support Hillary's run for prez?...

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We hadn't thought of that conspiracy theory yet Dr. Douche bag, but how many of your homey's get a press conference when they're about to have another kid? Welfare cheese? Anything? A colt .45?

While its true that $arah tried to lie about and hide Bristol's bastard, its also true that Hillary/Chelsea did not have a press conference announce Chelsea's pregnancy.

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