Chelsea Clinton in Pregnant

It says they can't hold their abortion shit out of any conversation.

I didn't say anything about abortion, dumbass. I called her a whore.

Yup, she's a regular fucking SLUT getting pregnant without a husband, what a low rent fucking piece of trash.

You're thinking of $arah's little tramp, Bristol. She's the one who had a bastard child thata $arah tried to lie about. Here's a photo of Chelsea and her husband at their wedding as well as a link to an article about it.

Chelsea has always been off limits for political intrigue and rightfully so.

Actually, no.

The right was nasty and vicious to her when she was very young.

Amy Carter had it much worse

Actually Amy Carter was the subject of one of those Limblob quotes:
"You know, she may be the most unattractive presidential daughter in the history of the country."

That appears to be where this latter-day misogyny starts, both in general at from Limblob himself. Anyone remember invective like this directed in their day at Tricia or Julie Nixon? Lynda or Luci Johnson? Caroline Kennedy?

Me neither.

It's a mark in time, I'm tellin' ya.
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Why wouldn't she?
She is married, has a good job, is capable of raising a child at this time

Of course she is well off - she is a member of the ruling class Democratic Party Socio-Fascist Elite

She went to university. She has a good career. She is married to a man with a good career. How terribly wrong of her to make something out of her life.

Does that make Chelesea a better person than someone who wasn't born with a silver spoon in his or her mouth?

One of my older sisters had a baby when she was 15. She was too young to have a baby and had no income whatsoever. She had to drop out of high school (she did get her GED later on). The father refused to take responsibility (an 18 year old idiot) and moved out of state. But because my family believes that a baby has a right over its body and has a right to "choose" life (since we've never heard of an unborn baby committing suicide) my mom and dad decided to help support my sister.

Today my nephew is a father of 6 children of his own and a successful executive at a manufacturing company. He's loved by everyone who knows him. His mom (my sister) is married and the mother of 5 children and she's doing just fine. So the moral of the story is that University graduates and folks rolling in dough don't necessarily make the best parents.
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What this is really about is the desperation on the right because not one R candidate can beat Hillary. They think that if they can say Hillary is gonna be too busy being a grand mother to run the country, they might have a chance at winning the WH.

They're wrong.
I don't understand the motives - if any - of the OP. However, my first thought was that this would make her mother, Granny Hillary. Can you see that woman cooing and fussy over her grandchild? :(
I don't understand the motives - if any - of the OP. However, my first thought was that this would make her mother, Granny Hillary. Can you see that woman cooing and fussy over her grandchild? :(

Yes, and I can also see her teaching her "granddaughter" to be a strong woman! And a well educated woman! :D
Elect Hillary and you elect a dynasty!

And a despot who may even be more dangerous and subversive than O-bomb-a. She's as cold-hearted as a dead polar bear.

Yeah, because Bill Clinton started two wars and ran us deep into debt.

Oh wait, that was the Bush dynasty.

You people are just plain brain dead.

May I remind you that I'm not a Republican. I'm an Independent. I've said it before and I'll say it again. I didn't appreciate being told that there were "weapons of mass destruction" when there weren't any. I didn't appreciate our southern border remaining WIDE OPEN during Bush's two terms. And I didn't (and don't) appreciate the Dept. of Homeland Security or the Patriot Act. I'm opposed to huge government whether its growth takes place under a Dummicrat or a RINO.

But remember, your goddess, H. Clinton, voted FOR Bush's war in Iraq. Remember?
I don't understand the motives - if any - of the OP. However, my first thought was that this would make her mother, Granny Hillary. Can you see that woman cooing and fussy over her grandchild? :(

Yes, and I can also see her teaching her "granddaughter" to be a strong woman! And a well educated woman! :D

Just like the Obama's are teaching their daughters = get an education first, then get married, then get pregnant.

Too old fashioned for some.
Of course she is well off - she is a member of the ruling class Democratic Party Socio-Fascist Elite

She went to university. She has a good career. She is married to a man with a good career. How terribly wrong of her to make something out of her life.

Does that make Chelesea a better person than someone who wasn't born with a silver spoon in his or her mouth?

One of my older sisters had a baby when she was 15. She was too young to have a baby and had no income whatsoever. She had to drop out of high school (she did get her GED later on). The father refused to take responsibility (an 18 year old idiot) and moved out of state. But because my family believes that a baby has a right over its body and has a right to "choose" life (since we've never heard of an unborn baby committing suicide) my mom and dad decided to help support my sister.

Today my nephew is a father of 6 children of his own and a successful executive at a manufacturing company. He's loved by everyone who knows him. His mom (my sister) is married and the mother of 5 children and she's doing just fine. So the moral of the story is that University graduates and folks rolling in dough don't necessarily make the best parents.

Original comment: whether Chelsea Clinton "keeps" her baby.

Morphed basis: whether Chelsea Clinton is "too rich".

And a despot who may even be more dangerous and subversive than O-bomb-a. She's as cold-hearted as a dead polar bear.

Yeah, because Bill Clinton started two wars and ran us deep into debt.

Oh wait, that was the Bush dynasty.

You people are just plain brain dead.

May I remind you that I'm not a Republican. I'm an Independent. I've said it before and I'll say it again. I didn't appreciate being told that there were "weapons of mass destruction" when there weren't any. I didn't appreciate our southern border remaining WIDE OPEN during Bush's two terms. And I didn't (and don't) appreciate the Dept. of Homeland Security or the Patriot Act. I'm opposed to huge government whether its growth takes place under a Dummicrat or a RINO.

But remember, your goddess, H. Clinton, voted FOR Bush's war in Iraq. Remember?
[MENTION=47390]DriftingSand[/MENTION] - How would I know, and why would I care what you SAY you are?

You also SAY you're a christian and we've all seen how seriously you take that.

Hillary Clinton is not my goddess. She is, however, probably my candidate.
She went to university. She has a good career. She is married to a man with a good career. How terribly wrong of her to make something out of her life.

Does that make Chelesea a better person than someone who wasn't born with a silver spoon in his or her mouth?

One of my older sisters had a baby when she was 15. She was too young to have a baby and had no income whatsoever. She had to drop out of high school (she did get her GED later on). The father refused to take responsibility (an 18 year old idiot) and moved out of state. But because my family believes that a baby has a right over its body and has a right to "choose" life (since we've never heard of an unborn baby committing suicide) my mom and dad decided to help support my sister.

Today my nephew is a father of 6 children of his own and a successful executive at a manufacturing company. He's loved by everyone who knows him. His mom (my sister) is married and the mother of 5 children and she's doing just fine. So the moral of the story is that University graduates and folks rolling in dough don't necessarily make the best parents.

Original comment: whether Chelsea Clinton "keeps" her baby.

Morphed basis: whether Chelsea Clinton is "too rich".


They're just ticked because she went to a good university (instead of a beauty school), married a successful man (instead of sleeping with some unemployed twerp) and is now pregnant (instead of having a bastard her mother tried to lie about).

They lie about the Obama's, they have always lied about the Clinton's and that's not gonna change.

SSDD for some of the rw's.

Yeah, because Bill Clinton started two wars and ran us deep into debt.

Oh wait, that was the Bush dynasty.

You people are just plain brain dead.

May I remind you that I'm not a Republican. I'm an Independent. I've said it before and I'll say it again. I didn't appreciate being told that there were "weapons of mass destruction" when there weren't any. I didn't appreciate our southern border remaining WIDE OPEN during Bush's two terms. And I didn't (and don't) appreciate the Dept. of Homeland Security or the Patriot Act. I'm opposed to huge government whether its growth takes place under a Dummicrat or a RINO.

But remember, your goddess, H. Clinton, voted FOR Bush's war in Iraq. Remember?
@DriftingSand - How would I know, and why would I care what you SAY you are?

You also SAY you're a christian and we've all seen how seriously you take that.

Hillary Clinton is not my goddess. She is, however, probably my candidate.

You once again sidestep the point. First, you attempt to tie all Conservatives to Bush by proxy when it's not necessarily the case that Bush spoke or acted on behalf of all Conservatives. Secondly, you accuse Bush of a war that "your candidate" voted for.

So ... you're guilty of false accusations and for embracing a double standard. But I'm not at all surprised.

As for my being a Christian -- I believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of God and God in the flesh and I believe that I'm a sinner in need of a Savior. I'm not too sure I can "act" a different way. I pray daily. I read Scripture daily. I give to charity. I help anyone I know of that could use my help. And I do my best to walk an upright lifestyle. Am I perfect? No sir. But that doesn't make me a non-Christian.
Yeah, because Bill Clinton started two wars and ran us deep into debt.

Oh wait, that was the Bush dynasty.

You people are just plain brain dead.

May I remind you that I'm not a Republican. I'm an Independent. I've said it before and I'll say it again. I didn't appreciate being told that there were "weapons of mass destruction" when there weren't any. I didn't appreciate our southern border remaining WIDE OPEN during Bush's two terms. And I didn't (and don't) appreciate the Dept. of Homeland Security or the Patriot Act. I'm opposed to huge government whether its growth takes place under a Dummicrat or a RINO.

But remember, your goddess, H. Clinton, voted FOR Bush's war in Iraq. Remember?
[MENTION=47390]DriftingSand[/MENTION] - How would I know, and why would I care what you SAY you are?

You also SAY you're a christian and we've all seen how seriously you take that.

Hillary Clinton is not my goddess. She is, however, probably my candidate.

Clinton was also lied to about the weapons of mass destruction, which is why she voted for the invasion. DUH
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Of course she is well off - she is a member of the ruling class Democratic Party Socio-Fascist Elite

She went to university. She has a good career. She is married to a man with a good career. How terribly wrong of her to make something out of her life.

Does that make Chelesea a better person than someone who wasn't born with a silver spoon in his or her mouth?

One of my older sisters had a baby when she was 15. She was too young to have a baby and had no income whatsoever. She had to drop out of high school (she did get her GED later on). The father refused to take responsibility (an 18 year old idiot) and moved out of state. But because my family believes that a baby has a right over its body and has a right to "choose" life (since we've never heard of an unborn baby committing suicide) my mom and dad decided to help support my sister.

Today my nephew is a father of 6 children of his own and a successful executive at a manufacturing company. He's loved by everyone who knows him. His mom (my sister) is married and the mother of 5 children and she's doing just fine. So the moral of the story is that University graduates and folks rolling in dough don't necessarily make the best parents.

I was responding to the comment that she was 'well off' because she was a member of the liberal 'ruling class.' My response is that she has made her own life by going to university and having a good career and by marrying a man who did the same. There is no reason to attack her for doing such, but the poster I was responding to seemed to be doing that.

In no way did I suggest she was better than anyone else: that is a conclusion you jumped to for no reason. However, getting pregnant at 15 and missing out on higher education is not the most direct path to financial security. It is not something to be held up to other young women as a path to choose; whereas, going to college or vocational school and building a career before you have children is.

Also, there seems to be an accusation that Clinton would get an abortion if she felt like it; whereas there is absolutely no reason to think so. I am a liberal through and through, and I support abortion rights 100%; however, I would not have an abortion myself, never would have unless having a child would threaten my own life or if the child were 'severely' deformed. I have worked directly with children who were born with severe disabilities, ones that keep them from having any quality of life, who live in pain 24 hours a day, who cannot communicate even with their own parents, who have little or no control over their own bodies, who are unable to go to school or learn anything, who have to be fed and assisted with toileting, etc., and I would not want to bring any soul into the world to spend his or her entire life suffering. Otherwise, I'd never opt for abortion. But I believe in the right for women to make that choice. It is a personal choice.

However, hating Chelsea Clinton because she is a liberal and making snide remarks about her killing her baby: lower than low for the knuckle draggers around here.
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