Chelsea Clinton wishes she was never born

As I said on the other thread..

This country may have been much better off it her Grandmother could have had an abortion.

No Hillary may have just meant no Nixon hearings and No Bill Clinton as President...

Then we wouldn't have to be listening to tripe like this from Chelsea.
As if we needed any confirmation of stupidity in the Clinton gene pool, Chelsea laments that her grandmother (Hillary's mother) did not have access to planned parenthood.

Duh----if she did you and hilly would not be here, darlin

Chelsea Clinton wishes she had never been born | Fellowship of the Minds

Holy fucking stretch batman.

You people are good for a laugh, I'll give you that.

did you read the clip, dingleberry? She wishes that her maternal grandmother had had access to planned parenthood. What is the specialty of PP? abortions.
Holy fucking stretch batman.

You people are good for a laugh, I'll give you that.

did you read the clip, dingleberry? She wishes that her maternal grandmother had had access to planned parenthood. What is the specialty of PP? abortions.

Facts aren't important to RDD. Like most Marxists he/she/it only knows how to lie.
I laughed my ass off when I read this last night. Geeze louise I can't believe she said that.
She didn't say that she wished she was never born. She said she wished her grandmother had access to the services of planned parenthood, which provide wide ranging support to poor woman, including counseling, adoption services, and comprehensive pre and post natal health exams.

Chelsea revealed that her much-admired maternal grandmother was born of an unintended pregnancy — the child of unwed teenage parents who “did not have access to services that are so crucial that Planned Parenthood helps provide.”

Ronald Reagan's family was saved by government during the Great Depression. Specifically, his father and older brother were given government jobs at a time when they were close to losing their home. As a result , Reagan not only supported FDR, but campaigned for Truman. In his first biography "Where's The Rest of Me", he admits that his family was saved by FDR. This book has since been removed from the shelves by the Reagan Legacy Project, but don't be afraid to use your google.

Point is, by undermining the safety net that saved him, does Reagan wish he didn't exist. Or, like Chelsea Clinton, does he have a right to his political beliefs without having morons turn them into straw men?
She didn't say that she wished she was never born. She said she wished her grandmother had access to the services of planned parenthood, which provide wide ranging support to poor woman, including counseling, adoption services, and comprehensive pre and post natal health exams.

Chelsea revealed that her much-admired maternal grandmother was born of an unintended pregnancy — the child of unwed teenage parents who “did not have access to services that are so crucial that Planned Parenthood helps provide.”

Ronald Reagan's family was saved by government during the Great Depression. Specifically, his father and older brother were given government jobs at a time when they were close to losing their home. As a result , Reagan not only supported FDR, but campaigned for Truman. In his first biography "Where's The Rest of Me", he admits that his family was saved by FDR. This book has since been removed from the shelves by the Reagan Legacy Project, but don't be afraid to use your google.

Point is, by undermining the safety net that saved him, does Reagan wish he didn't exist. Or, like Chelsea Clinton, does he have a right to his political beliefs without having morons turn them into straw men?

Nice try, but FAIL

Planned parenthood is an abortion mill, the other stuff is just window dressing to try to cover their primary purpose of existing-----to abort human babies, i.e. kill them.
As if we needed any confirmation of stupidity in the Clinton gene pool, Chelsea laments that her grandmother (Hillary's mother) did not have access to planned parenthood.

Duh----if she did you and hilly would not be here, darlin

Chelsea Clinton wishes she had never been born | Fellowship of the Minds

Holy fucking stretch batman.

You people are good for a laugh, I'll give you that.

did you read the clip, dingleberry? She wishes that her maternal grandmother had had access to planned parenthood. What is the specialty of PP? abortions.

PP doesn't do anything but abortions? Weird. I'm pretty sure that abortions is just a portion, not even a majority portion of what they do. There isn't any way she could have been referring to one of those other services, is there?

Like I said, you're good for a laugh.
Holy fucking stretch batman.

You people are good for a laugh, I'll give you that.

did you read the clip, dingleberry? She wishes that her maternal grandmother had had access to planned parenthood. What is the specialty of PP? abortions.

PP doesn't do anything but abortions? Weird. I'm pretty sure that abortions is just a portion, not even a majority portion of what they do. There isn't any way she could have been referring to one of those other services, is there?

Like I said, you're good for a laugh.

330,000 abortions a year?

That's a pretty large number.

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