Chelsea Clinton wishes she was never born

did you read the clip, dingleberry? She wishes that her maternal grandmother had had access to planned parenthood. What is the specialty of PP? abortions.

PP doesn't do anything but abortions? Weird. I'm pretty sure that abortions is just a portion, not even a majority portion of what they do. There isn't any way she could have been referring to one of those other services, is there?

Like I said, you're good for a laugh.

330,000 abortions a year?

That's a pretty large number.

Now compare that to everything else that they do that's not abortions. That's going to be a much larger number. Whoops!
Chelsea Clinton and Meggie McCain..two peas in dumb pod

damn, the stupid doesn't fall far from the family trees..
Holy fucking stretch batman.

You people are good for a laugh, I'll give you that.

did you read the clip, dingleberry? She wishes that her maternal grandmother had had access to planned parenthood. What is the specialty of PP? abortions.

PP doesn't do anything but abortions? Weird. I'm pretty sure that abortions is just a portion, not even a majority portion of what they do. There isn't any way she could have been referring to one of those other services, is there?

Like I said, you're good for a laugh.

Not to mention that abortions were not an option in her grandmother's time. Talk about Hail Mary passes!!! :cuckoo:
did you read the clip, dingleberry? She wishes that her maternal grandmother had had access to planned parenthood. What is the specialty of PP? abortions.

PP doesn't do anything but abortions? Weird. I'm pretty sure that abortions is just a portion, not even a majority portion of what they do. There isn't any way she could have been referring to one of those other services, is there?

Like I said, you're good for a laugh.

Not to mention that abortions were not an option in her grandmother's time. Talk about Hail Mary passes!!! :cuckoo:

You're rather historically naive, aren't you? Abortions have been performed for millennia.
Chelsea Clinton and Meggie McCain..two peas in dumb pod

damn, the stupid doesn't fall far from the family trees..

In all fairness, Bill Clinton is one of the most intelligent men I've ever seen.

He could tell a hundred lies to a hundred different people over the course of several years, and keep them all straight. THAT takes some IQ power. Obama can't even keep one lie straight over the course of a week.

Oh, Clinton is a scumbag - but a VERY smart scumbag.

I figure Chelsea probably has zero DNA from Bill. Hillary was a radical, she probably used a sperm donation from a homeless man on skid row, just to prove how progressive she is....
PP doesn't do anything but abortions? Weird. I'm pretty sure that abortions is just a portion, not even a majority portion of what they do. There isn't any way she could have been referring to one of those other services, is there?

Like I said, you're good for a laugh.

Not to mention that abortions were not an option in her grandmother's time. Talk about Hail Mary passes!!! :cuckoo:

You're rather historically naive, aren't you? Abortions have been performed for millennia.

If you're saying PP was doing them at the time, show the evidence. That's what we're talking about. I'm well aware of history.
Planned parenthood is an abortion mill, the other stuff is just window dressing to try to cover their primary purpose of existing-----to abort human babies, i.e. kill them.

I hear ya bro.

I thought Reagan's messianic steroidally nationalistic brand of conservatism was actually window dressing, designed to trick poor, god-fearing patriots into voting for neoliberal economic policies that shipped their jobs to China, opened their borders, cemented a growing pattern of deficits that would swallow the future, and create a federally intrusive war on drugs that would devolve into a massive and wasteful bureaucracy that would do little more than put young black men in cages to solve the inner city problems created partly by the systemic deindustrialization that resulted from his policies (which freed capital to seek cheap sweatshop labor in Asia and the global south) to the tune of massive profits for the few.. as Main Street was sold down river for big box energy sucking shopping malls where Americans (having lost good jobs/wages) would use credit cards to buy shiny plastic objects made in China. In other words: 30 years of debt-financed consumption known as Morning in America (brought to you by MasterCard, Visa and American Express) ... until the economy went "pop". . .

So I know about the ol'window dressing
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This really is odd...and additional proof that Chelsea just isn't that bright.

Shame on you for saying that!

Chelsea inherited her sharp brains and stunning beautiful looks from her mother.
Her ability to lie seamlessly, comes from Daddy.

COOL!!! Will she be old enough to succeed her mother in 2025? :cool:
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This really is odd...and additional proof that Chelsea just isn't that bright.

Shame on you for saying that!

Chelsea inherited her sharp brains and stunning beautiful looks from her mother.
Her ability to lie seamlessly, comes from Daddy.

COOL!!! Will she be old enough to succeed her mother in 2025? :cool:

DAMN!!! Just checked it out and she'll be 44. Suddenly I feel REALLY old. :(
As if we needed any confirmation of stupidity in the Clinton gene pool, Chelsea laments that her grandmother (Hillary's mother) did not have access to planned parenthood.

Duh----if she did you and hilly would not be here, darlin

Chelsea Clinton wishes she had never been born | Fellowship of the Minds

Thanks for your spin on that, moron but you are completely nonsensical once again.

so tell us if granny had access to planned parenthood would she of planned to carry Hillary doyathink? Chelsea's a whacko.
This really is odd...and additional proof that Chelsea just isn't that bright.

Shame on you for saying that!

Chelsea inherited her sharp brains and stunning beautiful looks from her mother.
Her ability to lie seamlessly, comes from Daddy.

COOL!!! Will she be old enough to succeed her mother in 2025? :cool:

Maybe her mom is helping her get ready for 2016.
I am now an avid proponent for abortion and birth control, every liberal idealist should be required to have unconditional access to what ever it takes not to procreate.
what do you expect from a college grad

That question could have been asked only by a snobbish over educated fool.

I knew an immigrant who was a high school drop out, but given a chance he worked his way out of a factory floor job, taught himself to program computers in COBOL, developed software not native to that programming language, proof read inter-office correspondence by university graduates, because his English - also self-taught - was better than the gibberish spewed forth by these snobs, earned an award, usually given to the employee who best examplifies dedication to the community and the company for whom he worked, and retired after a dedicated nearly forty years of service.

So, spare me the garbage that holding of degrees is equal human worth and quality. Don't bother me with silly claims that formal education is the measure of a person.

Just look at the over educated, smooth talking, devious charlatan in the White House and his even more more over educated, smooth talking and devious spouse.

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