Chelsea Clinton wishes she was never born

You know Hillary grew up a Republican, right?



Weather Underground - REPUBLICAN branch..

Yer a hoot Pogo...

Oh wait, maybe you don't...

Hillary Rodham senior thesis - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Her father was a Republican, shit fer brains. Hillary was and is a radical.

In this world of uncertainty, thankfully there are a few things we can always count on. One of them is that we have historical records; another is Unsensical's ability to never miss a chance to embarrass himself:

>> Raised in a politically conservative household, at age thirteen Rodham helped canvass South Side Chicago following the very close 1960 U.S. presidential election, where she found evidence of electoral fraud against Republican candidate Richard Nixon. She then volunteered to campaign for Republican candidate Barry Goldwater in the U.S. presidential election of 1964. Rodham's early political development was shaped most by her high school history teacher (like her father, a fervent anticommunist), who introduced her to Goldwater's classic The Conscience of a Conservative, and by her Methodist youth minister (like her mother, concerned with issues of social justice), with whom she saw and met civil rights leader Martin Luther King, Jr., in Chicago in 1962.

In 1965, Rodham enrolled at Wellesley College, where she majored in political science. During her freshman year, she served as president of the Wellesley Young Republicans; with this Rockefeller Republican-oriented group, she supported the elections of John Lindsay and Edward Brooke. She later stepped down from this position, as her views changed regarding the American Civil Rights Movement and the Vietnam War. In a letter to her youth minister at this time, she described herself as "a mind conservative and a heart liberal." In contrast to the 1960s current that advocated radical actions against the political system, she sought to work for change within it.

...To help her better understand her changing political views, Professor Alan Schechter assigned Rodham to intern at the House Republican Conference, and she attended the "Wellesley in Washington" summer program. Rodham was invited by moderate New York Republican Representative Charles Goodell to help Governor Nelson Rockefeller's late-entry campaign for the Republican nomination. Rodham attended the 1968 Republican National Convention in Miami. However, she was upset by the way Richard Nixon's campaign portrayed Rockefeller and by what she perceived as the convention's "veiled" racist messages, and left the Republican Party for good. << (Wiki)

Search took, like, a nanosecond. Too bad you didn't have the time.

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Bullshit? If Planned Parenthood's services are 98% abortion, please prove it to me.

If it's so obviously and easily provable, prove it. Right here, right now. List out all of the services that they provide, and show me how abortion makes up 98% of what they do, in terms of volume.

{THURSDAY, OCTOBER 18, 2012: Schedule your imaginary mammogram at Planned Parenthood! We all know Planned Parenthood DOES NOT PERFORM MAMMOGRAMS. However, President Obama, Planned Parenthood CEO Cecile Richards, celebrities in Hollywood and countless Planned Parenthood supporters claim over and over that they do. They absolutely refuse to admit that the largest abortion organization in the country does NOT PERFORM MAMMOGRAMS. } Planned Parenthood Mammograms

You're not a leftist because you're particularly bright, ya know?
It just isn't true. They just want to shut all services down for the poorer women and their children. Republicans suck..

And they lie.

Expecting a mammogram from Planned Parenthood is like expecting a steak from Baskin Robbins.

Planned Parenthood does one thing, and only one thing - abortion. Yes, they hand out birth control as well.
Search took, like, a nanosecond. Too bad you didn't have the time.


Well gawddamn - you mean at 13 she went with her Republican father? Well shit - guess that makes her a "Republican," huh fucktard?

{In her junior year, Rodham became a supporter of the antiwar presidential nomination campaign of Democrat Eugene McCarthy.[23] Following the assassination of Martin Luther King, Jr., Rodham organized a two-day student strike and worked with Wellesley's black students to recruit more black students and faculty.}


She was a radical - regardless of your attempt to rewrite history.
It just isn't true. They just want to shut all services down for the poorer women and their children. Republicans suck..

And they lie.

Expecting a mammogram from Planned Parenthood is like expecting a steak from Baskin Robbins.

Planned Parenthood does one thing, and only one thing - abortion. Yes, they hand out birth control as well.

I tell ya, it's like clockwork. He makes an absolute statement and then without taking a breath, immediately contradicts himself. The gift that just keeps on giving.

>> Planned Parenthood is the largest U.S. provider of reproductive health services, including cancer screening, HIV screening and counseling, contraception, and abortion. Contraception accounts for 35% of PPFA's total services and abortions account for 3% << (again, that obscure little-known site, Wiki (with sources at the link))
Search took, like, a nanosecond. Too bad you didn't have the time.


Well gawddamn - you mean at 13 she went with her Republican father? Well shit - guess that makes her a "Republican," huh fucktard?

{In her junior year, Rodham became a supporter of the antiwar presidential nomination campaign of Democrat Eugene McCarthy.[23] Following the assassination of Martin Luther King, Jr., Rodham organized a two-day student strike and worked with Wellesley's black students to recruit more black students and faculty.}


She was a radical - regardless of your attempt to rewrite history.

Amazing. Now he doubles down on stupid.

Since this farce started here:
You know Hillary grew up a Republican, right?

Oh wait, maybe you don't...

Perhaps you're simply unfamiliar with what the term "grew up" means. Which is understandable, not having had the experience.

Perhaps you're just simple.

In either case it's entertaining. :popcorn:

See post 81. And actually read it this time.
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I tell ya, it's like clockwork. He makes an absolute statement and then without taking a breath, immediately contradicts himself.

>> Planned Parenthood is the largest U.S. provider of reproductive health services, including cancer screening, HIV screening and counseling, contraception, and abortion. Contraception accounts for 35% of PPFA's total services and abortions account for 3% << (again, that obscure little-known site, Wiki (with sources at the link))

And this is where Wiki fails.

{To arrive at that 3 percent figure, Planned Parenthood does some fudging and misdirection. Planned Parenthood depreciates the role abortion plays by defining its “services” in such a way that it avoids accounting for their time and expense. A single pregnancy test is designated by Planned Parenthood as a “service” and thus given equal weight to a far more time-consuming and expensive surgical abortion procedure, another Planned Parenthood “service.” Likewise, each pack of birth control pills is considered a service and carries the same weight in the calculation as an abortion. Using this rubric, Planned Parenthood justifies the claim the President of Planned Parenthood, Cecile Richards, has made that abortion is, “a very small part of what we do.” [v]

In terms of time, patients, and revenue, abortion is far more to Planned Parenthood than 3 percent. (And several recently unsealed “whistleblower” lawsuits call into question whether the 3 percent claim is true even under Planned Parenthood’s formula, as the lawsuits allege over-reporting of other “services.”[vi])}

Planned Parenthood Exhibit 2 | Americans United for Life |
I think the article is taken a bit out of context. I doubt she realized what he said was so dumb, but this article is yet another anti-abortion article. Planned Parenthood doesn't just provide abortions, it provides kids with birth control that they might not be able to get otherwise. These "every sperm is sacred" debates are getting old.

Out of context, or not... She sounded like a complete idiot. This isn't about sperm being sacred, it's about the inability of a supposedly educated person to connect the dots and her failure to make an argument that didn't sound ridiculous, which it did.
Perhaps you're simply unfamiliar with what the term "grew up" means. Which is understandable, not having had the experience.

Perhaps you're just simple.

In either case it's entertaining. :popcorn:

Your attempt to paint Hillary as a "Republican" is simply a lie. You got caught with your dick in the dog - demanding that you didn't fuck the pooch is a bit pointless now...

Hillary supported McCarthy in the first presidential election she was eligible to vote in. She was connected to the Weather Underground and was an advocate of Saul Alinsky. She wrote her senior paper on Alinsky and was a darling of radical Professor Alan Schechter.

Try lying to someone who is ignorant of the facts - it doesn't work with me.
I tell ya, it's like clockwork. He makes an absolute statement and then without taking a breath, immediately contradicts himself.

>> Planned Parenthood is the largest U.S. provider of reproductive health services, including cancer screening, HIV screening and counseling, contraception, and abortion. Contraception accounts for 35% of PPFA's total services and abortions account for 3% << (again, that obscure little-known site, Wiki (with sources at the link))

And this is where Wiki fails.

{To arrive at that 3 percent figure, Planned Parenthood does some fudging and misdirection. Planned Parenthood depreciates the role abortion plays by defining its “services” in such a way that it avoids accounting for their time and expense. A single pregnancy test is designated by Planned Parenthood as a “service” and thus given equal weight to a far more time-consuming and expensive surgical abortion procedure, another Planned Parenthood “service.” Likewise, each pack of birth control pills is considered a service and carries the same weight in the calculation as an abortion. Using this rubric, Planned Parenthood justifies the claim the President of Planned Parenthood, Cecile Richards, has made that abortion is, “a very small part of what we do.” [v]

In terms of time, patients, and revenue, abortion is far more to Planned Parenthood than 3 percent. (And several recently unsealed “whistleblower” lawsuits call into question whether the 3 percent claim is true even under Planned Parenthood’s formula, as the lawsuits allege over-reporting of other “services.”[vi])}

Planned Parenthood Exhibit 2 | Americans United for Life |

Incredible. So you're saying pregnancy tests and BC pills are NOT services??

Strike three.
Perhaps you're simply unfamiliar with what the term "grew up" means. Which is understandable, not having had the experience.

Perhaps you're just simple.

In either case it's entertaining. :popcorn:

Your attempt to paint Hillary as a "Republican" is simply a lie. You got caught with your dick in the dog - demanding that you didn't fuck the pooch is a bit pointless now...

Hillary supported McCarthy in the first presidential election she was eligible to vote in. She was connected to the Weather Underground and was an advocate of Saul Alinsky. She wrote her senior paper on Alinsky and was a darling of radical Professor Alan Schechter.

Try lying to someone who is ignorant of the facts - it doesn't work with me.

-- because only radicals, pinkos and Bolsheviks follow Goldwater, work for Nixon, get invited to work on a Republican's presidential campaign and get elected president of the college Young Republicans. Obviously.

Take a reading course. Seriously.

When you've done that, come back and regale us on how someone who "was instrumental in keeping Wellesley from being embroiled in the student disruptions common to other colleges" (ibid) had at the same time a relationship with a terrorist group.

Strike four.
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Incredible. So you're saying pregnancy tests and BC pills are NOT services??

Strike three.


Hack melts down...

Taken as time spent - abortion is the overwhelming majority of what PP does. Taken as revenue - abortion is the overwhelming majority of what PP does.

The reason you lie about it is because; wait for it - wait for it - Americans don't favor abortion the way your leftists claim...
-- because only radicals, pinkos and Bolsheviks follow Goldwater, work for Nixon, get invited to work on a Republican's presidential campaign and get elected president of the college Young Republicans. Obviously.

Again dummy, she didn't follow Goldwater - her father did. She was too young to vote. And she didn't get "invited," she was assigned by her school to it.

You make up so much shit...

Take a reading course. Seriously.

Take an ethics course, seriously.

When you've done that, come back and regale us on how someone who "was instrumental in keeping Wellesley from being embroiled in the student disruptions common to other colleges" (ibid) had at the same time a relationship with a terrorist group.

Strike four.

Really, and where is the evidence to support this bit of myth making? Wiki fails you again.
-- because only radicals, pinkos and Bolsheviks follow Goldwater, work for Nixon, get invited to work on a Republican's presidential campaign and get elected president of the college Young Republicans. Obviously.

Again dummy, she didn't follow Goldwater - her father did. She was too young to vote. And she didn't get "invited," she was assigned by her school to it.

You make up so much shit...

Take a reading course. Seriously.

Take an ethics course, seriously.

When you've done that, come back and regale us on how someone who "was instrumental in keeping Wellesley from being embroiled in the student disruptions common to other colleges" (ibid) had at the same time a relationship with a terrorist group.

Strike four.

Really, and where is the evidence to support this bit of myth making? Wiki fails you again.

As stated before (get someone to read this aloud to you), sources are on the page. That's what all the footnote numbers mean. Nevertheless, the burden of proof is yours, not mine. Why? Because your own quote, conveniently excised out here, read:

She was connected to the Weather Underground

I made it real big so whoever reads to you can find it easily. Have then show you how the letters work. It's actually pretty cool, this "reading" stuff. Once you've got that you might review this part, already posted earlier:

Rodham was invited by moderate New York Republican Representative Charles Goodell to help Governor Nelson Rockefeller's late-entry campaign for the Republican nomination. Rodham attended the 1968 Republican National Convention in Miami.

as well as:
She then volunteered to campaign for Republican candidate Barry Goldwater in the U.S. presidential election of 1964.
Rodham's early political development was shaped most by her high school history teacher (like her father, a fervent anticommunist), who introduced her to Goldwater's classic The Conscience of a Conservative

Once you're past all that, look up the word "ethics" and try finding some.

Lotta homework, I know. But you wasted over an hour coming up with nothing, so you gots nothing to lose. Literally.
How dumb are you people? It's about options, not the desire to not exist. She's not saying she wishes her Grandmother USED planned parenthood.

Fucking idiots.

We all talk about how dumb Chelsea is, but maybe she's smart enough to grasp that the world would be a far better place if Hillary had never been in it...

You're a pretty insidious natured individual.

Also, wrong.
Bullshit? If Planned Parenthood's services are 98% abortion, please prove it to me.

If it's so obviously and easily provable, prove it. Right here, right now. List out all of the services that they provide, and show me how abortion makes up 98% of what they do, in terms of volume.

{THURSDAY, OCTOBER 18, 2012: Schedule your imaginary mammogram at Planned Parenthood! We all know Planned Parenthood DOES NOT PERFORM MAMMOGRAMS. However, President Obama, Planned Parenthood CEO Cecile Richards, celebrities in Hollywood and countless Planned Parenthood supporters claim over and over that they do. They absolutely refuse to admit that the largest abortion organization in the country does NOT PERFORM MAMMOGRAMS. } Planned Parenthood Mammograms

You're not a leftist because you're particularly bright, ya know?

When did I say mammograms were part of Planned Parenthood's offered services?

Show me the services they offer in relation to abortions, in terms of volume.

You can't fucking do it in any way that would show to be right, without lying to do so.

So cut it out with your idiotic strawman tactics, you moron.

Also, I don't think you even read the snopes article you linked to. All you did was look at the green and got a raging hardon.
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When did I say mammograms were part of Planned Parenthood's offered services?

Show me the services they offer in relation to abortions, in terms of volume.

You can't fucking do it in any way that would show to be right, without lying to do so.

So cut it out with your idiotic strawman tactics, you moron.

Also, I don't think you even read the snopes article you linked to. All you did was look at the green and got a raging hardon.

As far as actual PROCEDURES, Planned Parenthood offers abortion.

Everything else they farm out to other providers.
Say, how's that Weather Underground link coming a day later?

Still nothing huh?

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