Chelsea Clinton wishes she was never born

Yes, she does... and there's nothing wrong with wishing that.

Only idiots like you think there is.

Also Planned Parenthood isn't just abortion, you idiot. It's a remarkably small fraction.

Bullshit. planned parenthood was started as a way to control the growth of the black population by abortion. Abortion is 98% of what they do, the rest is just window dressing.

Bullshit? If Planned Parenthood's services are 98% abortion, please prove it to me.

If it's so obviously and easily provable, prove it. Right here, right now. List out all of the services that they provide, and show me how abortion makes up 98% of what they do, in terms of volume.

I am sure that you already have something from some left wing site that claimes tha PP doesn't even do abortions.

I am not interested in playing your game. Everyone paying attention knows that PP exists in order to abort unborn human beings. Yes, they may also pass out condoms, but abortion is why they exist.
Yes, she does... and there's nothing wrong with wishing that.

Only idiots like you think there is.

Also Planned Parenthood isn't just abortion, you idiot. It's a remarkably small fraction.

Bullshit. planned parenthood was started as a way to control the growth of the black population by abortion. Abortion is 98% of what they do, the rest is just window dressing.

Bullshit? If Planned Parenthood's services are 98% abortion, please prove it to me.

If it's so obviously and easily provable, prove it. Right here, right now. List out all of the services that they provide, and show me how abortion makes up 98% of what they do, in terms of volume.

It just isn't true. They just want to shut all services down for the poorer women and their children. Republicans suck..

And they lie.
She didn't say that she wished she was never born. She said she wished her grandmother had access to the services of planned parenthood, which provide wide ranging support to poor woman, including counseling, adoption services, and comprehensive pre and post natal health exams.

Chelsea revealed that her much-admired maternal grandmother was born of an unintended pregnancy — the child of unwed teenage parents who “did not have access to services that are so crucial that Planned Parenthood helps provide.”

Ronald Reagan's family was saved by government during the Great Depression. Specifically, his father and older brother were given government jobs at a time when they were close to losing their home. As a result , Reagan not only supported FDR, but campaigned for Truman. In his first biography "Where's The Rest of Me", he admits that his family was saved by FDR. This book has since been removed from the shelves by the Reagan Legacy Project, but don't be afraid to use your google.

Point is, by undermining the safety net that saved him, does Reagan wish he didn't exist. Or, like Chelsea Clinton, does he have a right to his political beliefs without having morons turn them into straw men?

They provide abortions and make millions each year by doing them. If person needs other medical care, like mammograms, etc, they are referred to other clinics. The PP doesn't provide much for people and they aren't a free clinic. Despite their profits each year, they still get tax money and that makes no sense. I guess they milk the tax payers so they can use their profits to spend on political campaigns.

PP was created to reduce the black population and nothing has changed. Racist organization and it's supported by liberals and tax dollars.
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In all fairness, Bill Clinton is one of the most intelligent men I've ever seen.

He could tell a hundred lies to a hundred different people over the course of several years, and keep them all straight. THAT takes some IQ power. Obama can't even keep one lie straight over the course of a week.

Oh, Clinton is a scumbag - but a VERY smart scumbag.

I figure Chelsea probably has zero DNA from Bill. Hillary was a radical, she probably used a sperm donation from a homeless man on skid row, just to prove how progressive she is....

Cunning is a better word for Clinton. He and Reagan had the knack with halfwit white trash. No question about it.

If either Clintons or Obama talked to the general population of this country the way they talk in private, they would have never been elected. Speeches are written to reach the half-wit white trash, not their peers from Oxford University, Harvard, and Yale respectively.

Reagan didn't need assistance in dumbing down his speeches. He knew how to play to the masses early on:


Has it ever occurred to you that there is also half-wit black trash?
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Bullshit. planned parenthood was started as a way to control the growth of the black population by abortion. Abortion is 98% of what they do, the rest is just window dressing.

Bullshit? If Planned Parenthood's services are 98% abortion, please prove it to me.

If it's so obviously and easily provable, prove it. Right here, right now. List out all of the services that they provide, and show me how abortion makes up 98% of what they do, in terms of volume.

I am sure that you already have something from some left wing site that claimes tha PP doesn't even do abortions.

I am not interested in playing your game. Everyone paying attention knows that PP exists in order to abort unborn human beings. Yes, they may also pass out condoms, but abortion is why they exist.

Why would I say Planned Parenthood doesn't offer abortions as a service? They do, but it's a tiny percentage of what they offer.

Good job on failing. Abortion isn't why they exist, and handing out condoms is only one service they offer. Good job on showing how uneducated you are.

Go listen to some more talk radio to further reinforce your ignorance.
To my great surprise my post (#39 on this thread) earned me positive reps from Dugdale_Jukes.

In his comment he referred to Ronald Reagan as "scum".

I attempted to advise him to shove his rep points up his ass, but the coward had decided not to receive personal messages, or is not allowed to.

Figures, either way.
Cunning is a better word for Clinton. He and Reagan had the knack with halfwit white trash. No question about it.

If either Clintons or Obama talked to the general population of this country the way they talk in private, they would have never been elected. Speeches are written to reach the half-wit white trash, not their peers from Oxford University, Harvard, and Yale respectively.

Reagan didn't need assistance in dumbing down his speeches. He knew how to play to the masses early on:


Has it ever occurred to you that there is also half-wit black trash?

What kind of trash have you been looking at? Go to any restaurant. 90% of their trash is white. White containers, white bags, white utensils.

Everything is White Trash!
Chelsea Clinton and Meggie McCain..two peas in dumb pod

damn, the stupid doesn't fall far from the family trees..

In all fairness, Bill Clinton is one of the most intelligent men I've ever seen.

He could tell a hundred lies to a hundred different people over the course of several years, and keep them all straight. THAT takes some IQ power. Obama can't even keep one lie straight over the course of a week.

Oh, Clinton is a scumbag - but a VERY smart scumbag.

I figure Chelsea probably has zero DNA from Bill. Hillary was a radical, she probably used a sperm donation from a homeless man on skid row, just to prove how progressive she is....

You know Hillary grew up a Republican, right?

Yeah, right, and how many Republicans has Chelsea helped to get elected?

lol, yeah, I can just imagine Hitlary right now encouraging her young daughter to join the GOP, lololol

Oh wait, maybe you don't...

And neither do you.
She didn't say that she wished she was never born. She said she wished her grandmother had access to the services of planned parenthood, which provide wide ranging support to poor woman, including counseling, adoption services, and comprehensive pre and post natal health exams.

Chelsea revealed that her much-admired maternal grandmother was born of an unintended pregnancy — the child of unwed teenage parents who “did not have access to services that are so crucial that Planned Parenthood helps provide.”

Ronald Reagan's family was saved by government during the Great Depression. Specifically, his father and older brother were given government jobs at a time when they were close to losing their home. As a result , Reagan not only supported FDR, but campaigned for Truman. In his first biography "Where's The Rest of Me", he admits that his family was saved by FDR. This book has since been removed from the shelves by the Reagan Legacy Project, but don't be afraid to use your google.

Point is, by undermining the safety net that saved him, does Reagan wish he didn't exist. Or, like Chelsea Clinton, does he have a right to his political beliefs without having morons turn them into straw men?

Hey! Give the loonies back their myth ball. Meanie.

Why not when you don't even bother finding a decent myth and just make shit up?
Chelsea Clinton and Meggie McCain..two peas in dumb pod

damn, the stupid doesn't fall far from the family trees..

In all fairness, Bill Clinton is one of the most intelligent men I've ever seen.

He could tell a hundred lies to a hundred different people over the course of several years, and keep them all straight. THAT takes some IQ power. Obama can't even keep one lie straight over the course of a week.

Oh, Clinton is a scumbag - but a VERY smart scumbag.

I figure Chelsea probably has zero DNA from Bill. Hillary was a radical, she probably used a sperm donation from a homeless man on skid row, just to prove how progressive she is....

You know Hillary grew up a Republican, right?

Oh wait, maybe you don't...

So she says....but truth has never stopped a libtard liar.

How many Republicans has Hitlary helped to get elected?

You are such a moron.
Shame on you for saying that!

Chelsea inherited her sharp brains and stunning beautiful looks from her mother.
Her ability to lie seamlessly, comes from Daddy.

COOL!!! Will she be old enough to succeed her mother in 2025? :cool:

DAMN!!! Just checked it out and she'll be 44. Suddenly I feel REALLY old. :(

Stop feeling so old. She was born February 27 1980.
Bullshit. planned parenthood was started as a way to control the growth of the black population by abortion. Abortion is 98% of what they do, the rest is just window dressing.

Bullshit? If Planned Parenthood's services are 98% abortion, please prove it to me.

If it's so obviously and easily provable, prove it. Right here, right now. List out all of the services that they provide, and show me how abortion makes up 98% of what they do, in terms of volume.

It just isn't true. They just want to shut all services down for the poorer women and their children. Republicans suck..

And they lie.

total libtarded bullshit. No republican wants to let poor women suffer, thats just an ignorant partisan statement. PP was started to limit black reproduction through abortions, look it up, you might actually learn something and stop looking like an ignorant fool when you post.
did you read the clip, dingleberry? She wishes that her maternal grandmother had had access to planned parenthood. What is the specialty of PP? abortions.

PP doesn't do anything but abortions? Weird. I'm pretty sure that abortions is just a portion, not even a majority portion of what they do. There isn't any way she could have been referring to one of those other services, is there?

Like I said, you're good for a laugh.

Not to mention that abortions were not an option in her grandmother's time. Talk about Hail Mary passes!!! :cuckoo:

But she wishes that they were. What is wrong with you lefties? This is not about what PP does or does not do, its about an ignorant statement from a Clinton.

No, she did not literally say that she wished she was not born, But she does wish that her grandmother had had access to PP services---Duh. Damn you libs are thick headed.:cuckoo:
I think the article is taken a bit out of context. I doubt she realized what he said was so dumb, but this article is yet another anti-abortion article. Planned Parenthood doesn't just provide abortions, it provides kids with birth control that they might not be able to get otherwise. These "every sperm is sacred" debates are getting old.
How dumb are you people? It's about options, not the desire to not exist. She's not saying she wishes her Grandmother USED planned parenthood.

Fucking idiots.

We all talk about how dumb Chelsea is, but maybe she's smart enough to grasp that the world would be a far better place if Hillary had never been in it...
Bullshit. planned parenthood was started as a way to control the growth of the black population by abortion. Abortion is 98% of what they do, the rest is just window dressing.

Window dressing farmed out to other providers. Abortion is virtually the only thing PP does - and it's a billion dollar industry. Planned Parenthood has never conducted a mammogram in their history, anyone stupid enough to seek one from them will be refereed to a different provider.

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