Chelsea Clinton wishes she was never born

No Hillary may have just meant no Nixon hearings and No Bill Clinton as President...

There's the old joke of Bill looking at a cab driver and saying to Hillary, if you'd married him, you wouldn't have been First Lady. Hillary replied, if I'd married him, he'd be President and you'd be driving a cab...
As if we needed any confirmation of stupidity in the Clinton gene pool, Chelsea laments that her grandmother (Hillary's mother) did not have access to planned parenthood.

Duh----if she did you and hilly would not be here, darlin

Chelsea Clinton wishes she had never been born | Fellowship of the Minds

Holy fucking stretch batman.

You people are good for a laugh, I'll give you that.

Yes, except these morons actually think Chelsea Clinton said that. Yup, they will believe any blogger who knows how to distort and post on Wordpress.
Now, here's something that ACTUALLY happened! I know you wingers aren't interested in facts, so you can pass on to the next post. For those of you who are:

Texas lawmakers are currently rushing an omnibus anti-abortion bill through a special session, after each of its provisions failed to advance separately during the regular legislative session. But not without being met with a fight. Over 700 Texans traveled to Austin on Thursday to testify against the anti-abortion measure before it could come to a vote in the House — and their “people’s filibuster” successfully prevented the legislation from advancing.

SB 5 combines several attacks on reproductive access into one measure, and would ultimately force over over 40 abortion clinics across the Lone Star state to close their doors. After the Texas Senate passed SB 5 on Tuesday, a House committee took it up for consideration. Anti-abortion opponents were reportedly discouraged from testifying in favor of the measure before the House vote, in case the legislature runs out of time to approve it before the special session concludes on June 25.

But opponents of SB 5 took the opposite approach, organizing hundreds of women’s health advocates to share their testimony in front of the House committee in the hopes of delaying the vote. An estimated 700 people registered to testify. Some protesters waited up to 12 hours to speak against SB 5, and supporters from across Texas ordered pizza, cookies, and drinks to be delivered to them throughout the night on Thursday.
In the early hours of the morning on Friday, after nearly seven hours of testimony, the Republican chairman of the House committee told more than 300 people who were still waiting in line that they would not be allowed to speak.

“The testimony has been impassioned, but it has become repetitive, so I am going to only allow another hour of testimony on this bill,” state Rep. Byron Cook (R) told a crowd of protesters shortly after midnight. But the 200 women and men in the hearing room, as well as about 100 more people outside, loudly objected. When a Texas State Trooper escorted one woman away from the podium, the protesters all began chanting, “Let her speak!”

When Cook eventually reconvened the hearing, he allowed three more hours of testimony from about 50 additional women. “Our words are not repetitive,” one woman, Lesli Simms, said during her testimony. “Our government’s attacks on our choice, on our bodies, is repetitive.”

The committee chairman concluded the session early on Friday without voting on the anti-abortion legislation.
Opponents of SB 5 hope that their efforts to stall the bill will give Democrats in the legislature enough time to organize a formal filibuster to block it next week. Although Democrats successfully prevented every single piece of anti-abortion legislation from advancing this year, Texas’ special session is operating under different rules that give Republicans a better chance of being able to rush through SB 5 with fewer votes.

Hundreds Of Texans Stand Up Against Sweeping Anti-Abortion Bill, Block It From Coming To A Vote | ThinkProgress

Chelsea Clinton and Meggie McCain..two peas in dumb pod

damn, the stupid doesn't fall far from the family trees..

In all fairness, Bill Clinton is one of the most intelligent men I've ever seen.

He could tell a hundred lies to a hundred different people over the course of several years, and keep them all straight. THAT takes some IQ power. Obama can't even keep one lie straight over the course of a week.

Oh, Clinton is a scumbag - but a VERY smart scumbag.

I figure Chelsea probably has zero DNA from Bill. Hillary was a radical, she probably used a sperm donation from a homeless man on skid row, just to prove how progressive she is....

Cunning is a better word for Clinton. He and Reagan had the knack with halfwit white trash. No question about it.
She didn't say that she wished she was never born. She said she wished her grandmother had access to the services of planned parenthood, which provide wide ranging support to poor woman, including counseling, adoption services, and comprehensive pre and post natal health exams.

Chelsea revealed that her much-admired maternal grandmother was born of an unintended pregnancy — the child of unwed teenage parents who “did not have access to services that are so crucial that Planned Parenthood helps provide.”

Ronald Reagan's family was saved by government during the Great Depression. Specifically, his father and older brother were given government jobs at a time when they were close to losing their home. As a result , Reagan not only supported FDR, but campaigned for Truman. In his first biography "Where's The Rest of Me", he admits that his family was saved by FDR. This book has since been removed from the shelves by the Reagan Legacy Project, but don't be afraid to use your google.

Point is, by undermining the safety net that saved him, does Reagan wish he didn't exist. Or, like Chelsea Clinton, does he have a right to his political beliefs without having morons turn them into straw men?

Hey! Give the loonies back their myth ball. Meanie.
Chelsea Clinton and Meggie McCain..two peas in dumb pod

damn, the stupid doesn't fall far from the family trees..

In all fairness, Bill Clinton is one of the most intelligent men I've ever seen.

He could tell a hundred lies to a hundred different people over the course of several years, and keep them all straight. THAT takes some IQ power. Obama can't even keep one lie straight over the course of a week.

Oh, Clinton is a scumbag - but a VERY smart scumbag.

I figure Chelsea probably has zero DNA from Bill. Hillary was a radical, she probably used a sperm donation from a homeless man on skid row, just to prove how progressive she is....

You know Hillary grew up a Republican, right?

Oh wait, maybe you don't...
As if we needed any confirmation of stupidity in the Clinton gene pool, Chelsea laments that her grandmother (Hillary's mother) did not have access to planned parenthood.

Duh----if she did you and hilly would not be here, darlin

Chelsea Clinton wishes she had never been born | Fellowship of the Minds

How dumb are you people? It's about options, not the desire to not exist. She's not saying she wishes her Grandmother USED planned parenthood.

Fucking idiots.

Oh, I see, she wishes her grandmother had the option to abort her mother.


Well, I'm somewhat in agreement!
Chelsea Clinton and Meggie McCain..two peas in dumb pod

damn, the stupid doesn't fall far from the family trees..

In all fairness, Bill Clinton is one of the most intelligent men I've ever seen.

He could tell a hundred lies to a hundred different people over the course of several years, and keep them all straight. THAT takes some IQ power. Obama can't even keep one lie straight over the course of a week.

Oh, Clinton is a scumbag - but a VERY smart scumbag.

I figure Chelsea probably has zero DNA from Bill. Hillary was a radical, she probably used a sperm donation from a homeless man on skid row, just to prove how progressive she is....

Cunning is a better word for Clinton. He and Reagan had the knack with halfwit white trash. No question about it.

If either Clintons or Obama talked to the general population of this country the way they talk in private, they would have never been elected. Speeches are written to reach the half-wit white trash, not their peers from Oxford University, Harvard, and Yale respectively.

Reagan didn't need assistance in dumbing down his speeches. He knew how to play to the masses early on:

As if we needed any confirmation of stupidity in the Clinton gene pool, Chelsea laments that her grandmother (Hillary's mother) did not have access to planned parenthood.

Duh----if she did you and hilly would not be here, darlin

Chelsea Clinton wishes she had never been born | Fellowship of the Minds

How dumb are you people? It's about options, not the desire to not exist. She's not saying she wishes her Grandmother USED planned parenthood.

Fucking idiots.

They are indeed. They are like trained seals at Sea World waiting for the guy in the shorts with the bucket to throw them a fish.
Chelsea Clinton and Meggie McCain..two peas in dumb pod

damn, the stupid doesn't fall far from the family trees..

In all fairness, Bill Clinton is one of the most intelligent men I've ever seen.

He could tell a hundred lies to a hundred different people over the course of several years, and keep them all straight. THAT takes some IQ power. Obama can't even keep one lie straight over the course of a week.

Oh, Clinton is a scumbag - but a VERY smart scumbag.

I figure Chelsea probably has zero DNA from Bill. Hillary was a radical, she probably used a sperm donation from a homeless man on skid row, just to prove how progressive she is....

You know Hillary grew up a Republican, right?

Oh wait, maybe you don't...

She did, indeed. And when she made one of her first appearances with Bill Clinton when he was first running for governor of Arkansas, a woman at the fundraiser told her that her parents "...must be very proud of her marrying the next governor of Arkansas!" To which she replied, "My parents don't even know where Arkansas is."

True story.
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How many here who think Chelsea is a nitwit have educational cred like this? Just askin'?

Chelsea Clinton Education

Stanford University

Sidwell Friends School

Columbia Mailman School of Public Health
New York University

Robert F. Wagner Graduate School of Public Service
Columbia University

University College, Oxford
University of Oxford
As if we needed any confirmation of stupidity in the Clinton gene pool, Chelsea laments that her grandmother (Hillary's mother) did not have access to planned parenthood.

Duh----if she did you and hilly would not be here, darlin

Chelsea Clinton wishes she had never been born | Fellowship of the Minds

How dumb are you people? It's about options, not the desire to not exist. She's not saying she wishes her Grandmother USED planned parenthood.

Fucking idiots.

Oh, I see, she wishes her grandmother had the option to abort her mother.


Well, I'm somewhat in agreement!

oh darn.....that's what it sounded like to me:eusa_angel:
How many here who think Chelsea is a nitwit have educational cred like this? Just askin'?

Chelsea Clinton Education

Stanford University

Sidwell Friends School

Columbia Mailman School of Public Health
New York University

Robert F. Wagner Graduate School of Public Service
Columbia University

University College, Oxford
University of Oxford

Change her name to Chelsea Smith and she'd have an AA in General Studies form CCNY behind her name.
As if we needed any confirmation of stupidity in the Clinton gene pool, Chelsea laments that her grandmother (Hillary's mother) did not have access to planned parenthood.

Duh----if she did you and hilly would not be here, darlin

Chelsea Clinton wishes she had never been born | Fellowship of the Minds

How dumb are you people? It's about options, not the desire to not exist. She's not saying she wishes her Grandmother USED planned parenthood.

Fucking idiots.

Oh, I see, she wishes her grandmother had the option to abort her mother.


Well, I'm somewhat in agreement!

Yes, she does... and there's nothing wrong with wishing that.

Only idiots like you think there is.

Also Planned Parenthood isn't just abortion, you idiot. It's a remarkably small fraction.
How many here who think Chelsea is a nitwit have educational cred like this? Just askin'?

Chelsea Clinton Education

Stanford University

Sidwell Friends School

Columbia Mailman School of Public Health
New York University

Robert F. Wagner Graduate School of Public Service
Columbia University

University College, Oxford
University of Oxford

degrees make one educated, they do not make one smart or able to think logically.

Her statement about PP was obviously made before she thought about the logical implications of wishing that her grandmother had had access to PP (abortion, because that is the major product of PP).

To speak without thinking is a trait of a marginally intelligent human being.
How dumb are you people? It's about options, not the desire to not exist. She's not saying she wishes her Grandmother USED planned parenthood.

Fucking idiots.

Oh, I see, she wishes her grandmother had the option to abort her mother.


Well, I'm somewhat in agreement!

Yes, she does... and there's nothing wrong with wishing that.

Only idiots like you think there is.

Also Planned Parenthood isn't just abortion, you idiot. It's a remarkably small fraction.

Bullshit. planned parenthood was started as a way to control the growth of the black population by abortion. Abortion is 98% of what they do, the rest is just window dressing.
Oh, I see, she wishes her grandmother had the option to abort her mother.


Well, I'm somewhat in agreement!

Yes, she does... and there's nothing wrong with wishing that.

Only idiots like you think there is.

Also Planned Parenthood isn't just abortion, you idiot. It's a remarkably small fraction.

Bullshit. planned parenthood was started as a way to control the growth of the black population by abortion. Abortion is 98% of what they do, the rest is just window dressing.

Bullshit? If Planned Parenthood's services are 98% abortion, please prove it to me.

If it's so obviously and easily provable, prove it. Right here, right now. List out all of the services that they provide, and show me how abortion makes up 98% of what they do, in terms of volume.

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