Chelsea Has A Daughter

I wish all the best for that child; by which I mean I pray it is somehow separated from its mother's family at the earliest possible age before their mere presence corrupts her permanently.

If the threads were here two years before my time, of course I have missed them.

Pay attention.

So educate yourself on board history instead of playing dumb.

Au contraire, Madam.

If there is a thread you think I should see, well then, belly up to the bar and cough up a link.

It's really that simple.

You want to litigate stuff that happened here long before my time, about a person (or rather, two persons) completely unrelated to this thread other than the emotionally immature tack that RWNJs wanna take because they feel slighted over former AK Gov. Sarah Palin and so they think that cheap pot shots at Chelsea Clinton and the Clintons in general is somehow ok.

Wow. How low the Right has sunk.

But as I already wrote twice, if there is a thread that is REALLY REALLY REALLY sticking in your bonnet, cough it up and I will look at it. But I am not here to serve your whims nor am I the librarian here.

So you are just going to throw a tantrum ?So be it.

I am not " the right" which I take it mean anyone that hold a different view than you... But whatever. You and your side are no different
If the threads were here two years before my time, of course I have missed them.

Pay attention.

So educate yourself on board history instead of playing dumb.

Au contraire, Madam.

If there is a thread you think I should see, well then, belly up to the bar and cough up a link.

It's really that simple.

You want to litigate stuff that happened here long before my time, about a person (or rather, two persons) completely unrelated to this thread other than the emotionally immature tack that RWNJs wanna take because they feel slighted over former AK Gov. Sarah Palin and so they think that cheap pot shots at Chelsea Clinton and the Clintons in general is somehow ok.

Wow. How low the Right has sunk.

But as I already wrote twice, if there is a thread that is REALLY REALLY REALLY sticking in your bonnet, cough it up and I will look at it. But I am not here to serve your whims nor am I the librarian here.
Mmm hmmm clearly not as mature as the " If I didn't hear it or see it it didn't happen LALALA " tantrum you are throwing while setting the bar at ...and it must be from a "politically recognizable figure" . Sure.
No tantrum. Nice try, no donut. So, you have no links to offer. .. and then you complain. . Ok. Lol. ..

Gesendet von meinem GT-I9515 mit Tapatalk
No complaining, just not moved to jump to meet your silly demands, You forget... I know what board I am on and am well aware of the hypocritical frauds that post here also. I expected exactly what I got from you. A lot of useless blather.

Well, if you feel that way, it's your right. I am not going to keep you from bawling like a 4th grader. That's your thing.

But I note that you have still not provided even one link.

And even more importantly, the relativism is truly juvenile.

Bill Clinton, in spite of an impeachment, left office with some of a highest marks a president has seen in a long time: the longest peacetime expansion in our Union's history, a budget in the black for one year (something that Bush 43 then destroyed). History is smiling on Bill Clinton, despite every attempt on the Right to malign him.

Hillary Clinton is the first FLOTUS to go on to become a Senator, a major presidential candidate, a Secretary of State and is currently the prohibitive front-runner among Democrats for the 2016 nomination. Love her, like her, be indifferent about her or hate her (I personally LIKE her), she is a mega-figure on the national stage and it is only reasonable there there is healthy interest in Hillary and Bill's first grandchild. That is all completely, and I mean, 100% unrelated to Sarah and Trig Palin in every conceivable way, and yet, all that most Righties can do here is to show their ass over what - the birth of a baby. It's just unreal the amount of bile on the Right, even about things non-political.

So, you tried to play the "but your leftie friends from a gazillion years ago hated on Palin and you haven't apologized for them" game, and I simply didn't bite.

One final time,if you have a thread link to offer for something before November 21, 2013, I will gladly read it for you and even give input, if you like.

Otherwise, you are just full of hot air, like so many other Righties here in USMB.

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Sometimes it is oh, so sad when Righties show their collective ass.

Gesendet von meinem GT-I9515 mit Tapatalk
Mmm...yeah...I probably would care more about this statement if the left didn't spend years being total douche bags about a certain downs baby.

If you are referring to the Palin baby, then please name a lefty, because over the last 6+ years, ever since becoming aware of Sarah Palin, as far as Trig is concerned, I have only had praise for Mrs. Palin and her family, for you see, I had a down's cousin and I know what it is like.

So, please, Gin, feel free to start naming names. I am all ears.
Go check out the archives ... It's all there in black and white. Love it when the left gets all forgetful of their past bad behavior while lecturing the masses on manners. Funny shit.

I came on in November, 2013. What lefties before my time did here in USMB is their business, not mine. I am responsible for what I as an individual do. Actually, that is a trait that Righties try to claim for themselves, and they generally fail miserably at it.

But if you care to point me to a particularly enlightening thread here in USMB where you feel that Trig Palin, who I am sure is a truly sweet little kid, was maligned, just throw me a link, I will read it. And if I think it is worth excoriating, I will excoriate it.

There are plenty of legitimate reasons to heap scorn on Sarah Palin the failed politician and conniving media manipulator. But her family is off limits in terms of criticism of Sarah Palin herself, especially a little child as wonderful as I am sure that Trig is.
Right...because it's not like the internet was flooded with this shit. Please spare me your fake ignorance of the issue. LMAO.
You seem to feel that Stat is responsible for things he did not say nor supported. Do we apply the same to you?

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