Chesebro Pleads Guilty, Required to Testify in Future Cases

What exactly does that mean? Care to take a guess

Don't need to guess, I watched the hearing. He has to testify in the trials of the others that are charged and he has to hand over documents as requested.

It's obvious that Chesebro and Powell both thought they would lose at trial, why else make the deals?
You guys brought this on yourself, and you will pay to the utmost ends of hell for it.
Brought what upon ourselves ??? Precisely name or list exactly what it is that the Republican party or it's patriot's have brought up on themselves ??? I'll get ready to laugh hysterically at you and your fellow comedians here, otherwise when you begin adding to the made up chit that you all have endorsed or made up yourselves.
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Yeah the lap top that has led everyone straight to Joe Biden's connections to all of his alleged pay for play activities.. It will bring his old ace to account finally.

It does amaze me how he isn't being shunned by the world leaders as we speak, but the world in many ways has back slid also. Yes, hell awaits for sure as it enlarges itself daily for the massive influx coming. You think the southern border is hot and crowded, well you ain't seen nothing yet once arrive at Hell's gate.
Don't need to guess, I watched the hearing. He has to testify in the trials of the others that are charged and he has to hand over documents as requested.

It's obvious that Chesebro and Powell both thought they would lose at trial, why else make the deals?
Trump may have told them too, that way it drags him into the court room in order to expose the clown show or circus for what it is. He's already destroying the false narrative in one ridiculous trial over his financial statements, and he's going to keep destroying the false narratives that have decidedly been taken from the media complicit mob, and into the court room.
We all know prosecutors will do ANYTHING to win , including coercion to LIE. That's what "cooperate" means
How many times has it been proven, and even having to go back to a case year's later to rescue a free man after their lies. The thing is, is that nothing ever happens to the prosecutors for it. It's like they have immunity even after the hell they put a person through that may have robbed the person of half their life
Brought what upon ourselves ??? Precisely name or list exactly what it is that the Republican party or it's patriot's have brought up on themselves ??? I'll get ready to laugh hysterically at you and your fellow comedians here, otherwise when you begin adding to the made up chit that you all have endorsed or made up yourselves.
Utter shame and humiliation before the voters of the Republic. MAGA are imbeciles.

“Chesebro pleaded guilty to a single felony charge of conspiracy to commit filing of false documents and will receive five years' probation and a $5,000 fine, in exchange for agreeing to testify and provide documents and evidence.” ibid
There are people in jail for drunk driving. And all he got was a fine and probation? And you are happy?
Just to refresh all those P01135809 leg humping MAGA MAGGOTS everwhere, here is brief list of former supporters and/or lawyers for the Orange Shit Gibboni who now going to testify against him in the Georgia Election Interference Trial.

1. Kennethy Chesbro.

2. Scott Hall.

3. Sidney "The Kraken" Powell.

4. Lin Wood.

Chesbro, Powell and Wood were lawyers for P00135809. Chesbro was asshole deep the "Fake Elector Scheme". Which crossed state lines (and a conspiracy that crossed state lines) and made it a RICO violaton.

P01135809's calls to both Georgia Governor Kemp and Georgia Secretary State Brad Raffensperger in which the Orange Shit Stain ask them "Just Find Me 11,780 Votes", which would be election fraud also crossed state lines and is a RICO violation as well. Those calls are legally admissible as well. Both Washington, D.C. and Georgia allow the recording of telephonic communcation.

Both Powell and Wood actively involved filing bogus court claims of Election Fraud.

Fani Willis is coming hard at P01135809. More people will cooperate to avoid lenghty prison terms.

And just for my own shits and giggles. Under Georgia State Law, Governor Kemp has no pardon power. Should P01135809 be convicted on all 13-RICO Violations he is facing a total of at least 65-Years in Georgia State Prison, he has to serve at least the minimum sentence on each count.

Buckle up MAGA MAGGOTS, it going to be bumpy ride.

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