Chicago: 1 City, 1 year, 778 murders


Which of the above three has had the highest Kill Rate of Americans since 9/11?

I haven't actually checked the stats, but I expect it is the one that has been run by the Democratic Party for over 5 decades.

Political parties don't run cities, Dumbfuck. Mayors and city councils do.
However it may interest you to know that the last Republican mayor of Chicago was "Big" Bill Thompson. Who was voted out for being the completely corrupt asshole who let Al Capone shoot the place up.
And 65 years of Democratic Party rule has been better. The scum running the streets in Chicago make Capone look like a quireboy.

Again for you kids on the short bus --- "political parties" don't run cities. Mayors and city councils do that.

"Quireboy" huh? Rural education?

Which of the above three has had the highest Kill Rate of Americans since 9/11?

I haven't actually checked the stats, but I expect it is the one that has been run by the Democratic Party for over 5 decades.

Political parties don't run cities, Dumbfuck. Mayors and city councils do.
However it may interest you to know that the last Republican mayor of Chicago was "Big" Bill Thompson. Who was voted out for being the completely corrupt asshole who let Al Capone shoot the place up.
And 65 years of Democratic Party rule has been better. The scum running the streets in Chicago make Capone look like a quireboy.

Again for you kids on the short bus --- "political parties" don't run cities. Mayors and city councils do that.

"Quireboy" huh? Rural education?

Ha, pathetic convenient spin coming from a Democrat. Does he or she actually believe their own Bullshit? Maybe? :cuckoo:

Which of the above three has had the highest Kill Rate of Americans since 9/11?

I haven't actually checked the stats, but I expect it is the one that has been run by the Democratic Party for over 5 decades.

Political parties don't run cities, Dumbfuck. Mayors and city councils do.
However it may interest you to know that the last Republican mayor of Chicago was "Big" Bill Thompson. Who was voted out for being the completely corrupt asshole who let Al Capone shoot the place up.
And 65 years of Democratic Party rule has been better. The scum running the streets in Chicago make Capone look like a quireboy.

Again for you kids on the short bus --- "political parties" don't run cities. Mayors and city councils do that.

"Quireboy" huh? Rural education?

Ha, pathetic convenient spin coming from a Democrat. Does he or she actually believe their own Bullshit? Maybe? :cuckoo:

I don't know if he's a "Democrat" or not. Doesn't matter, he's fulla shit.

...and there is nothing that can be done about it...right...Barry and Rahm?

Strangely enough, when it comes to the menfolk killing their women, South Caroline is at the top of the list. And firearms are used most of the time. Tennessee is # 2 on the list.

That is strange.

I am not sure of the point you are failing to make...but that's an interesting stat.

I also have an irrlevant stat....most throwing of homosexuals off of buildings to their deaths happens in Muslim countries. Strangely enough. I thought it was off Trump Tower by Trump....but that is not accurate.

Which of the above three has had the highest Kill Rate of Americans since 9/11?

I haven't actually checked the stats, but I expect it is the one that has been run by the Democratic Party for over 5 decades.

Political parties don't run cities, Dumbfuck. Mayors and city councils do.
However it may interest you to know that the last Republican mayor of Chicago was "Big" Bill Thompson. Who was voted out for being the completely corrupt asshole who let Al Capone shoot the place up.
And 65 years of Democratic Party rule has been better. The scum running the streets in Chicago make Capone look like a quireboy.

I honestly do not understand why they wont stop the murders. I dont get why the municipality seemingly refuses to stop the violence. Would there be political fallout from being tough on these gangsters responsible for the murders?

Liberal municipality run by liberals for the past 3 or so generations.

Letting so many blacks die is inherently racist. The Dems are sacrificing black lives in Chicago for black votes elsewhere. It's so disgusting.

Which of the above three has had the highest Kill Rate of Americans since 9/11?

I haven't actually checked the stats, but I expect it is the one that has been run by the Democratic Party for over 5 decades.

Political parties don't run cities, Dumbfuck. Mayors and city councils do.
However it may interest you to know that the last Republican mayor of Chicago was "Big" Bill Thompson. Who was voted out for being the completely corrupt asshole who let Al Capone shoot the place up.
And 65 years of Democratic Party rule has been better. The scum running the streets in Chicago make Capone look like a quireboy.

I honestly do not understand why they wont stop the murders. I dont get why the municipality seemingly refuses to stop the violence. Would there be political fallout from being tough on these gangsters responsible for the murders?

One of the reasons is it draws attention to the failure of progressive liberalism.

Which of the above three has had the highest Kill Rate of Americans since 9/11?

I haven't actually checked the stats, but I expect it is the one that has been run by the Democratic Party for over 5 decades.

Political parties don't run cities, Dumbfuck. Mayors and city councils do.
However it may interest you to know that the last Republican mayor of Chicago was "Big" Bill Thompson. Who was voted out for being the completely corrupt asshole who let Al Capone shoot the place up.
And 65 years of Democratic Party rule has been better. The scum running the streets in Chicago make Capone look like a quireboy.

I honestly do not understand why they wont stop the murders. I dont get why the municipality seemingly refuses to stop the violence. Would there be political fallout from being tough on these gangsters responsible for the murders?

One of the reasons is it draws attention to the failure of progressive liberalism.

True. It appears their strategy is to let blacks die in exchange for black votes. Its disappointing that many blacks do not grasp how they are being exploited.

Which of the above three has had the highest Kill Rate of Americans since 9/11?

I haven't actually checked the stats, but I expect it is the one that has been run by the Democratic Party for over 5 decades.

Political parties don't run cities, Dumbfuck. Mayors and city councils do.
However it may interest you to know that the last Republican mayor of Chicago was "Big" Bill Thompson. Who was voted out for being the completely corrupt asshole who let Al Capone shoot the place up.
And 65 years of Democratic Party rule has been better. The scum running the streets in Chicago make Capone look like a quireboy.

I honestly do not understand why they wont stop the murders. I dont get why the municipality seemingly refuses to stop the violence. Would there be political fallout from being tough on these gangsters responsible for the murders?

That would be rayciss.

Are the murders tonight counted in 2016 since its 12/31? Or are they put in 2017? Or is midnight the dividing line?

Does the family of the first person killed in the new year get a prize, like births get?
Liberal municipality run by liberals for the past 3 or so generations.

Letting so many blacks die is inherently racist. The Dems are sacrificing black lives in Chicago for black votes elsewhere. It's so disgusting.

Democrats threw the blacks under the bus this was all Muslims, Homo's, Freaks, and Illegals....If Trump can tap the black vote the democraps are finished for good.
Its black on black crime, so it's ok. If those 778 people had been murdered by Trump voters, it would be an issue, but they were MOSTLY (notice I did not speak in absolutes) killed by people who would have voted for Hillary.

Black on black murder is not as bad as white on black murder. Apparently a black
Is less dead when they are killed by another black. Snowflake logic.

Which of the above three has had the highest Kill Rate of Americans since 9/11?

I haven't actually checked the stats, but I expect it is the one that has been run by the Democratic Party for over 5 decades.

Political parties don't run cities, Dumbfuck. Mayors and city councils do.

However it may interest you to know that the last Republican mayor of Chicago was "Big" Bill Thompson. Who was voted out for being the completely corrupt asshole who let Al Capone shoot the place up.

and they voted in corrupt democrats for the ever since.....they just like corrupt democrats over corrupt republicans....and the democrtats run the state government as well...which is why our state is just hasn't stopped twitching....
I bet you, all those 778 voted Democrat this year regardless...
They don't vote.

Actually, they do. They take orders from their gang leaders to vote for the pet democrat politician of the gang. I have linked to articles on this in the past....they use gang members as political troops to keep cops and police resources out of their wards and to warn off cops from arresting their membership....

...and there is nothing that can be done about it...right...Barry and Rahm?

I live 30 mls from Chicago in a very nice area in Indiana. I actually worked in Chicago for over 30 years. People from over here used to enjoy Chicago, go to Bears, Cubs, and all the professional sports teams games. Hell, I even got to see Michael Jordan play!

Now, very few of us even venture into Chicago anymore, even to see a Cubs game. The taxes are outrageous, they had those gangs from social media running up and down the mag mile robbing and beating people, and if you break down along the Dan Ryan coming back, you better have a gun, which is illegal to carry, unless you are a gang banger of course.

Most of us in Indiana refuse to go there, period! The taxes are outlandish to buy anything, and you take your life in your own hands. We figure eventually it is going to collapse, just like Illinois in total, and we will pick up the businesses that survive, that we haven't stolen already.

Also, our SBA group used to have people come in from suppliers, and we would put them up in Chicago, take them out to dinner there, etc. No longer! It is all local here, except for the airport they fly into, and they send a limo to get them there-)

That's odd. If I didnt know better, I might think you were full of shit.

I am not talking about tourists, although I can't believe that article is true. I am talking about we who see the news out of there everyday, the mayhem, the shootings, the murders. We won't go there, period! Now if unsuspecting people want to fly in and go there, good for the Chicago economy, although they are in so much financial trouble because of pensions, they are going under soon too!

Of course. You don't know what you are talking about, so you keep talking. Always the way with you freaks.

The "mayhem" is contained to several communities within Chicago. The violence is related to gang activity and drug dealing. If you aren't in a gang or moving meth, you are as safe in the city of Chicago as you are in any other metro area in America.

I have offered a possible remedy to the violence that is taking place in Chicago. Did you see it?

It is breaking containment......shooters are shooting people in rich democrat neighborhoods now as well.......
What's wrong with those 2nd Amendment solutions?

Chicago keeps trying to prevent them. They keep gun stores out of the city and the Chicagoans are just picking up steam on getting their concealed carry permits..... isn't law abiding citizens doing the shooting.....

...and there is nothing that can be done about it...right...Barry and Rahm?

I hope he does well for the country's sake. I'm eager to hear his State of the Union address and from there we should get specific issues and policies to discuss.
I hope he does well too but so far his pics are all swamp creatures

WOW...that's so weird...Were any caucasians murdered in Chicago?
I'll bet all that were murdered were pillars of the community, real positive contributors and amazing citizens.

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