Chicago: 1 City, 1 year, 778 murders


Which of the above three has had the highest Kill Rate of Americans since 9/11?

I haven't actually checked the stats, but I expect it is the one that has been run by the Democratic Party for over 5 decades.

Political parties don't run cities, Dumbfuck. Mayors and city councils do.
However it may interest you to know that the last Republican mayor of Chicago was "Big" Bill Thompson. Who was voted out for being the completely corrupt asshole who let Al Capone shoot the place up.
And 65 years of Democratic Party rule has been better. The scum running the streets in Chicago make Capone look like a quireboy.

I honestly do not understand why they wont stop the murders. I dont get why the municipality seemingly refuses to stop the violence. Would there be political fallout from being tough on these gangsters responsible for the murders?


Democrat politicians fight making stricter sentencing laws for violent gun offenders caught with illegal guns......they claim it locks up blacks unfairly...but they are really opposing it on orders of their gang affiliated masters.....

...and there is nothing that can be done about it...right...Barry and Rahm?

I live 30 mls from Chicago in a very nice area in Indiana. I actually worked in Chicago for over 30 years. People from over here used to enjoy Chicago, go to Bears, Cubs, and all the professional sports teams games. Hell, I even got to see Michael Jordan play!

Now, very few of us even venture into Chicago anymore, even to see a Cubs game. The taxes are outrageous, they had those gangs from social media running up and down the mag mile robbing and beating people, and if you break down along the Dan Ryan coming back, you better have a gun, which is illegal to carry, unless you are a gang banger of course.

Most of us in Indiana refuse to go there, period! The taxes are outlandish to buy anything, and you take your life in your own hands. We figure eventually it is going to collapse, just like Illinois in total, and we will pick up the businesses that survive, that we haven't stolen already.

Also, our SBA group used to have people come in from suppliers, and we would put them up in Chicago, take them out to dinner there, etc. No longer! It is all local here, except for the airport they fly into, and they send a limo to get them there-)

That's odd. If I didnt know better, I might think you were full of shit.

I am not talking about tourists, although I can't believe that article is true. I am talking about we who see the news out of there everyday, the mayhem, the shootings, the murders. We won't go there, period! Now if unsuspecting people want to fly in and go there, good for the Chicago economy, although they are in so much financial trouble because of pensions, they are going under soon too!

Of course. You don't know what you are talking about, so you keep talking. Always the way with you freaks.

The "mayhem" is contained to several communities within Chicago. The violence is related to gang activity and drug dealing. If you aren't in a gang or moving meth, you are as safe in the city of Chicago as you are in any other metro area in America.

I have offered a possible remedy to the violence that is taking place in Chicago. Did you see it?

Hmmm...okay, so your excuse making for Chicago is noted...aren't like the top 10 most dangerous cities in America democrat ran?

...and there is nothing that can be done about it...right...Barry and Rahm?

Something can be done. It involves hard work and commitment aimed at solving the problem.

Posting happily about the problem on a message board so you can score some weird political points against some people you don't know doesn't help.

Read up on this. There is some evidence that it is effective. I will assume hat you care enough

Something can be done. It involves hard work and commitment aimed at solving the problem.

Read up on this. There is some evidence that it is effective. I will assume hat you care enough
I live on the Southwest Side of Chicago, born & raised,
and the only member of my family, period, that still resides here.
I'm sorry but, while this 'violence as a disease' approach
to the violence that has been out of control for some time now,
regardless of decreases that have fluctuated over the years

goes much deeper then needing full time, round the clock
babysitters for the degenerate thugs running the streets.
I assure you, that is only addressing the symptoms of the disease.

Run down neighborhoods of living a 'thug life', gang banging,
semi automatic, pistol packing, drug dealing, generational welfare,
baby making factories, uneducated, unemployed n1ggers...
I'm sorry but, it is what it is.

This is the result of years of systematic oppression
and being discarded by black leaders, such as Jessie Jackson,
who stood on the backs of the very people he purports to
represent, using issues of racism and discrimination to
advance his political ambitions and benefit financially.

When the Robert- Taylor, Henry Horner, State way Garden
and notorious, Cabrini Green housing projects were demolished,
the violence that was confined and contained was dispersed
and scattered and for the children of the demolished ghettos
and their children, this is the only way of life they know.

You can take the n1gger out of the ghetto,
but, you can't take the ghetto out of the n1gger

...and there is nothing that can be done about it...right...Barry and Rahm?
With an occasional exception of an innocent caught in the cross-fire or just being next to or near the designated target, the vast majority of those killed are gang members and to those I say.....good riddance. As for the innocents....well, those neighborhoods have a self-imposed policy of..."snitches get stiches," mentality. So, not much can be done. Draw a map of the area involved, set up a heavy police presence surrounding it, search anyone coming out of that area and don't go in until the herd it thinned down to the point where all that remains is the most violent gang members that succeeded in ridding their opponents, then go and eliminate them.
It's ironic that the mayor of Chicago once coined the phrase "never let a crisis go to waste" and now he is caught in a crisis and desperate that the media ignores it. So far the media is cooperating.
Forget the gangs, Chicago cops are the real crooks.....Got robbed by Chicago's finest back in 1970....they took 3 kilos of weed, 3 .45s, and a couple thousand bucks off me and my boys....left us enough gas money to get back to Detroit. Say what you want about cops and robbers in the "windy city" but it was once one hell of a town.
Heartbreaker disregard for life. So many dreams and aspirations lost. Families impacted. This number has to be driven down.
Will crime in Chicago drop?

Only if there's a revolutionary change in leadership. The Democrats have controlled Chicago for the last 80yrs or so. They've destroyed that once great city. Unless the People choose a different path, there's no hope there. What did Einstein say about the definition of insanity? Only revolutionary change can save Chicago.
Will crime in Chicago drop?

Only if there's a revolutionary change in leadership. The Democrats have controlled Chicago for the last 80yrs or so. They've destroyed that once great city. Unless the People choose a different path, there's no hope there. What did Einstein say about the definition of insanity? Only revolutionary change can save Chicago.

This is why it's obvious to anyone who will open their eyes that liberals are inherently racist.
Will crime in Chicago drop?

Only if there's a revolutionary change in leadership. The Democrats have controlled Chicago for the last 80yrs or so. They've destroyed that once great city. Unless the People choose a different path, there's no hope there. What did Einstein say about the definition of insanity? Only revolutionary change can save Chicago.

This is why it's obvious to anyone who will open their eyes that liberals are inherently racist.

That's impossible by definition assclown.

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