Chicago: 1 City, 1 year, 778 murders


...and there is nothing that can be done about it...right...Barry and Rahm?

I live 30 mls from Chicago in a very nice area in Indiana. I actually worked in Chicago for over 30 years. People from over here used to enjoy Chicago, go to Bears, Cubs, and all the professional sports teams games. Hell, I even got to see Michael Jordan play!

Now, very few of us even venture into Chicago anymore, even to see a Cubs game. The taxes are outrageous, they had those gangs from social media running up and down the mag mile robbing and beating people, and if you break down along the Dan Ryan coming back, you better have a gun, which is illegal to carry, unless you are a gang banger of course.

Most of us in Indiana refuse to go there, period! The taxes are outlandish to buy anything, and you take your life in your own hands. We figure eventually it is going to collapse, just like Illinois in total, and we will pick up the businesses that survive, that we haven't stolen already.

Also, our SBA group used to have people come in from suppliers, and we would put them up in Chicago, take them out to dinner there, etc. No longer! It is all local here, except for the airport they fly into, and they send a limo to get them there-)

Which of the above three has had the highest Kill Rate of Americans since 9/11?

I haven't actually checked the stats, but I expect it is the one that has been run by the Democratic Party for over 5 decades.

Political parties don't run cities, Dumbfuck. Mayors and city councils do.

However it may interest you to know that the last Republican mayor of Chicago was "Big" Bill Thompson. Who was voted out for being the completely corrupt asshole who let Al Capone shoot the place up.
Since then, theyve settled for MANY corrupt democrats who ended up in jail.

You might be thinking of Illinois governors.

I don't know that much about Chicago but the simple fact remains what it always was ---- Democrats run cities everywhere. Big ones, little ones, older ones, newer ones, richer ones, poorer ones. Why that is is a whole 'nother question but the other fact remains if you're going to get elected Mayor you almost always need to do it as a Democrat. That's why guys who aren't Democrats to start with go in riding that particular horse (Ray Nagin for one, Frank Rizzo for another) because at that level it's got nothing to do with ideologies; it's got to do with "which one can get me into office".

There is after all nothing in the slightest ideological about deciding "Ward 7 will get its garbage collected on Tuesdays".

My local sheriff is a Republican. A few years ago he was a Democrat. Same guy.
Democrats run cities of all sizes and the results vary.

What they work hard at is creating a permanent underclass. They need this to create protestors and rioters so they can exert political power on anyone who gets in their way. This last week was what happens when you don't give them something to do. They get in fights at the mall and just go around shitting on businesses. Democrats create a mass of losers who feel somebody owes them something.

Still the dumbest nutbag argument of all.

Which of the above three has had the highest Kill Rate of Americans since 9/11?

I haven't actually checked the stats, but I expect it is the one that has been run by the Democratic Party for over 5 decades.

Political parties don't run cities, Dumbfuck. Mayors and city councils do.

However it may interest you to know that the last Republican mayor of Chicago was "Big" Bill Thompson. Who was voted out for being the completely corrupt asshole who let Al Capone shoot the place up.
Since then, theyve settled for MANY corrupt democrats who ended up in jail.

You might be thinking of Illinois governors.

I don't know that much about Chicago but the simple fact remains what it always was ---- Democrats run cities everywhere. Big ones, little ones, older ones, newer ones, richer ones, poorer ones. Why that is is a whole 'nother question but the other fact remains if you're going to get elected Mayor you almost always need to do it as a Democrat. That's why guys who aren't Democrats to start with go in riding that particular horse (Ray Nagin for one, Frank Rizzo for another) because at that level it's got nothing to do with ideologies; it's got to do with "which one can get me into office".

There is after all nothing in the slightest ideological about deciding "Ward 7 will get its garbage collected on Tuesdays".

My local sheriff is a Republican. A few years ago he was a Democrat. Same guy. Doing the same job the same way. Give Rump a few months to embarrass that party and he'll prolly switch back to Democrat. Why? Just because that's where the votes are and he wants to keep his job. It's no more complex than that.
Democrats run cities of all sizes and the results vary.

What they work hard at is creating a permanent underclass. They need this to create protestors and rioters so they can exert political power on anyone who gets in their way. This last week was what happens when you don't give them something to do. They get in fights at the mall and just go around shitting on businesses. Democrats create a mass of losers who feel somebody owes them something.

Yup. By not collecting the garbage in that neighborhood until Thursday. Bastards.
Well, if you take their souls they don't respect anyone else.
I guess you could call all of these punks minions of the Democratic Party.
Thousands of assholes with bad attitudes and no respect for authority or this country in general.

...and there is nothing that can be done about it...right...Barry and Rahm?

I live 30 mls from Chicago in a very nice area in Indiana. I actually worked in Chicago for over 30 years. People from over here used to enjoy Chicago, go to Bears, Cubs, and all the professional sports teams games. Hell, I even got to see Michael Jordan play!

Now, very few of us even venture into Chicago anymore, even to see a Cubs game. The taxes are outrageous, they had those gangs from social media running up and down the mag mile robbing and beating people, and if you break down along the Dan Ryan coming back, you better have a gun, which is illegal to carry, unless you are a gang banger of course.

Most of us in Indiana refuse to go there, period! The taxes are outlandish to buy anything, and you take your life in your own hands. We figure eventually it is going to collapse, just like Illinois in total, and we will pick up the businesses that survive, that we haven't stolen already.

Also, our SBA group used to have people come in from suppliers, and we would put them up in Chicago, take them out to dinner there, etc. No longer! It is all local here, except for the airport they fly into, and they send a limo to get them there-)

That's odd. If I didnt know better, I might think you were full of shit.
Political parties don't run cities, Dumbfuck. Mayors and city councils do.

However it may interest you to know that the last Republican mayor of Chicago was "Big" Bill Thompson. Who was voted out for being the completely corrupt asshole who let Al Capone shoot the place up.
Since then, theyve settled for MANY corrupt democrats who ended up in jail.

You might be thinking of Illinois governors.

I don't know that much about Chicago but the simple fact remains what it always was ---- Democrats run cities everywhere. Big ones, little ones, older ones, newer ones, richer ones, poorer ones. Why that is is a whole 'nother question but the other fact remains if you're going to get elected Mayor you almost always need to do it as a Democrat. That's why guys who aren't Democrats to start with go in riding that particular horse (Ray Nagin for one, Frank Rizzo for another) because at that level it's got nothing to do with ideologies; it's got to do with "which one can get me into office".

There is after all nothing in the slightest ideological about deciding "Ward 7 will get its garbage collected on Tuesdays".

My local sheriff is a Republican. A few years ago he was a Democrat. Same guy. Doing the same job the same way. Give Rump a few months to embarrass that party and he'll prolly switch back to Democrat. Why? Just because that's where the votes are and he wants to keep his job. It's no more complex than that.
Democrats run cities of all sizes and the results vary.

What they work hard at is creating a permanent underclass. They need this to create protestors and rioters so they can exert political power on anyone who gets in their way. This last week was what happens when you don't give them something to do. They get in fights at the mall and just go around shitting on businesses. Democrats create a mass of losers who feel somebody owes them something.

Yup. By not collecting the garbage in that neighborhood until Thursday. Bastards.
Well, if you take their souls they don't respect anyone else.
I guess you could call all of these punks minions of the Democratic Party.
Thousands of assholes with bad attitudes and no respect for authority or this country in general.

Souls are collected by the city on Mondays. They go right away. Special containers for that.
It's a Democrat thing. They sell them to Satan.


...and there is nothing that can be done about it...right...Barry and Rahm?

I live 30 mls from Chicago in a very nice area in Indiana. I actually worked in Chicago for over 30 years. People from over here used to enjoy Chicago, go to Bears, Cubs, and all the professional sports teams games. Hell, I even got to see Michael Jordan play!

Now, very few of us even venture into Chicago anymore, even to see a Cubs game. The taxes are outrageous, they had those gangs from social media running up and down the mag mile robbing and beating people, and if you break down along the Dan Ryan coming back, you better have a gun, which is illegal to carry, unless you are a gang banger of course.

Most of us in Indiana refuse to go there, period! The taxes are outlandish to buy anything, and you take your life in your own hands. We figure eventually it is going to collapse, just like Illinois in total, and we will pick up the businesses that survive, that we haven't stolen already.

Also, our SBA group used to have people come in from suppliers, and we would put them up in Chicago, take them out to dinner there, etc. No longer! It is all local here, except for the airport they fly into, and they send a limo to get them there-)

That's odd. If I didnt know better, I might think you were full of shit.

I am not talking about tourists, although I can't believe that article is true. I am talking about we who see the news out of there everyday, the mayhem, the shootings, the murders. We won't go there, period! Now if unsuspecting people want to fly in and go there, good for the Chicago economy, although they are in so much financial trouble because of pensions, they are going under soon too!

Which of the above three has had the highest Kill Rate of Americans since 9/11?

I haven't actually checked the stats, but I expect it is the one that has been run by the Democratic Party for over 5 decades.

Political parties don't run cities, Dumbfuck. Mayors and city councils do.

However it may interest you to know that the last Republican mayor of Chicago was "Big" Bill Thompson. Who was voted out for being the completely corrupt asshole who let Al Capone shoot the place up.
Since then, theyve settled for MANY corrupt democrats who ended up in jail.

You might be thinking of Illinois governors.

I don't know that much about Chicago but the simple fact remains what it always was ---- Democrats run cities everywhere. Big ones, little ones, older ones, newer ones, richer ones, poorer ones. Why that is is a whole 'nother question but the other fact remains if you're going to get elected Mayor you almost always need to do it as a Democrat. That's why guys who aren't Democrats to start with go in riding that particular horse (Ray Nagin for one, Frank Rizzo for another) because at that level it's got nothing to do with ideologies; it's got to do with "which one can get me into office".

There is after all nothing in the slightest ideological about deciding "Ward 7 will get its garbage collected on Tuesdays".

My local sheriff is a Republican. A few years ago he was a Democrat. Same guy.
Democrats run cities of all sizes and the results vary.

What they work hard at is creating a permanent underclass. They need this to create protestors and rioters so they can exert political power on anyone who gets in their way. This last week was what happens when you don't give them something to do. They get in fights at the mall and just go around shitting on businesses. Democrats create a mass of losers who feel somebody owes them something.

Still the dumbest nutbag argument of all.
I figure a nutbag like yourself isn't capable of refuting it so you just throw a non-sequitur like a chimp tossing shit.
Chicago's murder rate is so high it's skewing the national rate...

...and there is nothing that can be done about it...right...Barry and Rahm?

I live 30 mls from Chicago in a very nice area in Indiana. I actually worked in Chicago for over 30 years. People from over here used to enjoy Chicago, go to Bears, Cubs, and all the professional sports teams games. Hell, I even got to see Michael Jordan play!

Now, very few of us even venture into Chicago anymore, even to see a Cubs game. The taxes are outrageous, they had those gangs from social media running up and down the mag mile robbing and beating people, and if you break down along the Dan Ryan coming back, you better have a gun, which is illegal to carry, unless you are a gang banger of course.

Most of us in Indiana refuse to go there, period! The taxes are outlandish to buy anything, and you take your life in your own hands. We figure eventually it is going to collapse, just like Illinois in total, and we will pick up the businesses that survive, that we haven't stolen already.

Also, our SBA group used to have people come in from suppliers, and we would put them up in Chicago, take them out to dinner there, etc. No longer! It is all local here, except for the airport they fly into, and they send a limo to get them there-)

That's odd. If I didnt know better, I might think you were full of shit.

I am not talking about tourists, although I can't believe that article is true. I am talking about we who see the news out of there everyday, the mayhem, the shootings, the murders. We won't go there, period! Now if unsuspecting people want to fly in and go there, good for the Chicago economy, although they are in so much financial trouble because of pensions, they are going under soon too!
If anyone has been paying attention to current events.......Democrats specialize in causing chaos.
Obama is busy creating it at the UN and with Russia.

The sooner we show his lying ass the door the better.

...and there is nothing that can be done about it...right...Barry and Rahm?

I live 30 mls from Chicago in a very nice area in Indiana. I actually worked in Chicago for over 30 years. People from over here used to enjoy Chicago, go to Bears, Cubs, and all the professional sports teams games. Hell, I even got to see Michael Jordan play!

Now, very few of us even venture into Chicago anymore, even to see a Cubs game. The taxes are outrageous, they had those gangs from social media running up and down the mag mile robbing and beating people, and if you break down along the Dan Ryan coming back, you better have a gun, which is illegal to carry, unless you are a gang banger of course.

Most of us in Indiana refuse to go there, period! The taxes are outlandish to buy anything, and you take your life in your own hands. We figure eventually it is going to collapse, just like Illinois in total, and we will pick up the businesses that survive, that we haven't stolen already.

Also, our SBA group used to have people come in from suppliers, and we would put them up in Chicago, take them out to dinner there, etc. No longer! It is all local here, except for the airport they fly into, and they send a limo to get them there-)

That's odd. If I didnt know better, I might think you were full of shit.

I am not talking about tourists, although I can't believe that article is true. I am talking about we who see the news out of there everyday, the mayhem, the shootings, the murders. We won't go there, period! Now if unsuspecting people want to fly in and go there, good for the Chicago economy, although they are in so much financial trouble because of pensions, they are going under soon too!
If anyone has been paying attention to current events.......Democrats specialize in causing chaos.
Obama is busy creating it at the UN and with Russia.

The sooner we show his lying ass the door the better.
If the no good bastards in congress had done their job he would be history.
Hey, the year isn't over yet. Still got about 7hrs to go, for more Democrats to commit more murder. Looks like they're going for the Gold this year. Stay tuned. :(

...and there is nothing that can be done about it...right...Barry and Rahm?

I live 30 mls from Chicago in a very nice area in Indiana. I actually worked in Chicago for over 30 years. People from over here used to enjoy Chicago, go to Bears, Cubs, and all the professional sports teams games. Hell, I even got to see Michael Jordan play!

Now, very few of us even venture into Chicago anymore, even to see a Cubs game. The taxes are outrageous, they had those gangs from social media running up and down the mag mile robbing and beating people, and if you break down along the Dan Ryan coming back, you better have a gun, which is illegal to carry, unless you are a gang banger of course.

Most of us in Indiana refuse to go there, period! The taxes are outlandish to buy anything, and you take your life in your own hands. We figure eventually it is going to collapse, just like Illinois in total, and we will pick up the businesses that survive, that we haven't stolen already.

Also, our SBA group used to have people come in from suppliers, and we would put them up in Chicago, take them out to dinner there, etc. No longer! It is all local here, except for the airport they fly into, and they send a limo to get them there-)

That's odd. If I didnt know better, I might think you were full of shit.

I am not talking about tourists, although I can't believe that article is true. I am talking about we who see the news out of there everyday, the mayhem, the shootings, the murders. We won't go there, period! Now if unsuspecting people want to fly in and go there, good for the Chicago economy, although they are in so much financial trouble because of pensions, they are going under soon too!

Of course. You don't know what you are talking about, so you keep talking. Always the way with you freaks.

The "mayhem" is contained to several communities within Chicago. The violence is related to gang activity and drug dealing. If you aren't in a gang or moving meth, you are as safe in the city of Chicago as you are in any other metro area in America.

I have offered a possible remedy to the violence that is taking place in Chicago. Did you see it?
Proof that Black lives only matter if they forward the Democrat party agenda. I'm hopeful that eventually the Black community will overwhelmingly reject the Progressive Liberal Dogma. Almost 65 years of its dominance in Chicago has proven to be a total failure.

Which of the above three has had the highest Kill Rate of Americans since 9/11?

I haven't actually checked the stats, but I expect it is the one that has been run by the Democratic Party for over 5 decades.

Political parties don't run cities, Dumbfuck. Mayors and city councils do.
However it may interest you to know that the last Republican mayor of Chicago was "Big" Bill Thompson. Who was voted out for being the completely corrupt asshole who let Al Capone shoot the place up.
And 65 years of Democratic Party rule has been better. The scum running the streets in Chicago make Capone look like a quireboy.

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