Chicago Black Youth Group Wants Police Force Defunded

By all means remove the police force from Chicago. We can then witness Lord of the Flies on steroids.

Do it.

I'm sure they would be just as satisfied if cops just quit killing innocent people.

well you guys should have joined a movement we had rocking over police brutality and you made it all about blacks. fuck you now.

People have been trying to get something done about bad cops for decades, but nothing much changed. If blacks can get something done now,I support them completely.

We have nearly 18,000 police officers in the United States. How many were convicted of doing something wrong, a fraction of 1%? Wall Street sure would love numbers like this, so would businesses, so would government especially.

This is not to mention all of these police shootings have one thing in common: the subject didn't listen to the orders of police. But instead of doing something that might make a change such as having police officers go to classrooms and explain their training and how to interact with police, just simply blame the police officers.
This woman from the Black Youth Project is demanding that the police in Chicago be defunded. Of course, the group has joined BLM and other radicals who see police as the problem. Funny that one police shooting is more upsetting to them than the 2,818 murders in Chicago so far this year. And despite the police already being overwhelmed, the group thinks they city should take the money away from police and spend it for "black's futures". I suppose they want the money currently used to fund the police to be redistributed equally among the minorities in Chicago and it will magically transform the city. Nothing changes cold-blooded killers into law abiding citizens like giving them more free shit and getting rid of law enforcement. I guess they will patrol themselves from now on.

Without cops, most of the youth in the bad areas of Chicago won't have any future.

The police need more help with the crime in Chicago. Does this group want the criminals to run the city? Well, I should say different criminals than are running it now.

Chicago is a liberal cesspool.

She is clearly a product of dumbed-down education.

You can't make people like this happy no matter what you do.

I grew up in a white suburb where we had a very small section (perhaps a dozen streets) where blacks lived. I was reading our local paper where it stated that blacks in that area were complaining about the crime, and how our police seldom patrolled the area.

So of course the Mayor stepped up patrols in the black part of town. About six months later, I read another article in our paper. The blacks were complaining again. This time their charge was our court had over 50% of black defendants in it, yet blacks were less than 5% of our population.

You can't win for losing with these people. Damned if you do and damned if you don't. New York city had the same experience with Stop and Frisk. A wonderful program that saved countless black lives. Were they thankful? No. Instead, they insisted the program be stopped which it was. Now murders among blacks are back up. Glad they are happy now.
Pretty sure Citizens don't support that. It's a brutal War Zone in Chicago with a massively funded Police Force. Imagine Chicago with no Police Force. I doubt the Citizens would like that very much.
"Chicago Black Youth Group Wants Police Force Defunded"

This fails as a composition fallacy.

"Chicago is a liberal cesspool."

Another ridiculous lie from the right.

"She is clearly a product of dumbed-down education."

Given your posting history – this post included – you're clearly in no position to accuse others of being subject to a 'dumbed-down' education.

Yes the irony impaired far left drones can not admit that the policies they support are a failure..
No need to defund the cops or increase funding either. Just stop patrolling/responding to the hood. That'll keep bad cops from messing with the criminal thug killers roaming the streets.
By all means remove the police force from Chicago. We can then witness Lord of the Flies on steroids.

Do it.

I'm sure they would be just as satisfied if cops just quit killing innocent people.

well you guys should have joined a movement we had rocking over police brutality and you made it all about blacks. fuck you now.

People have been trying to get something done about bad cops for decades, but nothing much changed. If blacks can get something done now,I support them completely.

We have nearly 18,000 police officers in the United States. How many were convicted of doing something wrong, a fraction of 1%? Wall Street sure would love numbers like this, so would businesses, so would government especially.

This is not to mention all of these police shootings have one thing in common: the subject didn't listen to the orders of police. But instead of doing something that might make a change such as having police officers go to classrooms and explain their training and how to interact with police, just simply blame the police officers.

The constitution and our laws already tell us how we need to interact with police.They need to put the police in class rooms and explain to them how they aren't allowed to beat or kill someone lust because they want to. They are cops, not judge, jury, or executioner.
This woman from the Black Youth Project is demanding that the police in Chicago be defunded. Of course, the group has joined BLM and other radicals who see police as the problem. Funny that one police shooting is more upsetting to them than the 2,818 murders in Chicago so far this year. And despite the police already being overwhelmed, the group thinks they city should take the money away from police and spend it for "black's futures". I suppose they want the money currently used to fund the police to be redistributed equally among the minorities in Chicago and it will magically transform the city. Nothing changes cold-blooded killers into law abiding citizens like giving them more free shit and getting rid of law enforcement. I guess they will patrol themselves from now on.

Without cops, most of the youth in the bad areas of Chicago won't have any future.

The police need more help with the crime in Chicago. Does this group want the criminals to run the city? Well, I should say different criminals than are running it now.

Chicago is a liberal cesspool.

She is clearly a product of dumbed-down education.

Good idea. Let's defund police for a few months and see what happens. ;)

Meh...just stop patrolling black neighborhoods and tell them they can forget about the money.
If the black community is unwilling to stand up and put a stop to the gang banger's then they will remain forever as nothing more than puppets held hostage in the political process. Where is the pride!
The constitution and our laws already tell us how we need to interact with police.They need to put the police in class rooms and explain to them how they aren't allowed to beat or kill someone lust because they want to. They are cops, not judge, jury, or executioner.
If those dumb-ass punks don't know that they're not allowed to beat or kill someone just because they want to, it's way too late to put a cop in a class room to explain it. The children of thugs will likely become thugs. That's it.
The constitution and our laws already tell us how we need to interact with police.They need to put the police in class rooms and explain to them how they aren't allowed to beat or kill someone lust because they want to. They are cops, not judge, jury, or executioner.
If those dumb-ass punks don't know that they're not allowed to beat or kill someone just because they want to, it's way too late to put a cop in a class room to explain it. The children of thugs will likely become thugs. That's it.

Cops have a very hard and stressful job, but if they can't do it without breaking the law themselves, they need to be fired.
Cops have a very hard and stressful job, but if they can't do it without breaking the law themselves, they need to be fired.
What ding bats don't understand is that the law is that self defense is a right, extended to those who put their lives on the line to protect society. It is easy for the self-righteous to condemn those on the front line. It is clearly another to protect oneself and society.

I expect you've heard to term of "kiss my ass": nothing personal, yet befitting.
By all means remove the police force from Chicago. We can then witness Lord of the Flies on steroids.

Do it.

I'm sure they would be just as satisfied if cops just quit killing innocent people.

well you guys should have joined a movement we had rocking over police brutality and you made it all about blacks. fuck you now.

People have been trying to get something done about bad cops for decades, but nothing much changed. If blacks can get something done now,I support them completely.

We have nearly 18,000 police officers in the United States. How many were convicted of doing something wrong, a fraction of 1%? Wall Street sure would love numbers like this, so would businesses, so would government especially.

This is not to mention all of these police shootings have one thing in common: the subject didn't listen to the orders of police. But instead of doing something that might make a change such as having police officers go to classrooms and explain their training and how to interact with police, just simply blame the police officers.

The constitution and our laws already tell us how we need to interact with police.They need to put the police in class rooms and explain to them how they aren't allowed to beat or kill someone lust because they want to. They are cops, not judge, jury, or executioner.

They are human beings with the right to protect themselves as every citizen does. And if you ever bothered to read the US Constitution, you'll realize it says nothing about police officers.

Any police officer that "kills somebody because they want to" are held to the same laws as anybody else who kills somebody because they want to. Most of the police shootings are justified--some even recorded for evidence.

The problem is not the police--the problem is liberals.
By all means remove the police force from Chicago. We can then witness Lord of the Flies on steroids.

Do it.

I'm sure they would be just as satisfied if cops just quit killing innocent people.
I say take police out of black neighborhoods and let them have at it. Between them killing each other and abortion. In a few years there won't be a black thug problem.
Yes ...let's defund the cops. Let the thugs kill each other and at the same time take the idiot lefts talking point away about "you must must not speak against taxes... You benefit from the cops".

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