Chicago concealed carry gun owner kills robber...

His odds of getting away clean were quite good, but not getting away with it in the end.
and he didn't wow will you look at that. he lost.
Lost his life, over cash, but to you guys that's fine, the life of ******* is cheap...

The life of a criminal is cheap.
I think all life you don't approve of is cheap for you...

No, you have already stated in this thread that humanity should die, so your mock outrage at this piece of human refuse dying is colored by that sentiment. You just hate that people are able to defend themselves against criminals.
Humanity should die, but not this way,
It was the choice of the shooter to shoot, when he more than likely didn't need to.
I don't care, he will get the consequence for his choice right? What is the difference? Why are you hell bent to save a villian, I don't get it. Are you one? Are you wanting to be one and are scared to come out of the closet? just curious how a douchebag like you functions in society.
Money is never worth killing for.

Then why are there armed guards at all the banks?
To protect the people, not the money. The money they hand over, it's policy...

Isn't that what shooter was doing?
No, and it wasn't his damn job.
The guns are a deterrent, but when push comes to shove they hand over the cash. That is policy because money isn't worth a human life, any human life.

Keep beliein
The guns are a deterrent, but when push comes to shove they hand over the cash. That is policy because money isn't worth a human life, any human life.

Keep believing that.
I don't have to believe it, it's a well-known policy. Life before money, hand it over.

Like this:
and what happens when someone doesn't follow those policies? Please let me know, the criminal gets off with murder? I mean this is truly brilliant.
They get fired...
probably dead eh? wow dude you are a schmuck and a half.
Nope, they don't get dead if they follow the rules.
Nope. The robber wanted only money, not to kill anyone.
Is that what he told you?
Nope, pretty fucking obvious. That's his history...
has nothing to do with anything Frances. nothing, it wouldn't be allowed in as a discussion point anyway. It is what the issue was that day that minute and his consequence for doing it. bye!!!!
It will come out it court, as will the history of the shooter. Should be interesting.

You certainly desperately hope it does. Here's a bit of a wakeup for you, the guy had a CCW in Illinois. You have any idea how hard it is to get one there? This guys history will be impeccable. I wouldn't be surprised if he weren't a friend of the Mayor as well. You lose yet again...

16 hours of training...4 law, 4 another 8 from somewhere else...hunter training, NRA basic pistol......and a background check, fingerprints......
I don't care, he will get the consequence for his choice right? What is the difference? Why are you hell bent to save a villian, I don't get it. Are you one? Are you wanting to be one and are scared to come out of the closet? just curious how a douchebag like you functions in society.
Money is never worth killing for.

Then why are there armed guards at all the banks?
To protect the people, not the money. The money they hand over, it's policy...

Isn't that what shooter was doing?
No, and it wasn't his damn job.
Why has to be a job? He may be volunteering.
Wait a minute? Are you saying our newly departed criminal tried to rob a store with a paintball gun?:lmao:
That's correct, and he was 55 with at least one son.
what law are you defending? Please I'm dying to know this.
The law that says we hire cops for this kind of work, not Joe Blow playing John Wayne.
probably something he should have thought of eh. Instead of the people being threaten and thinking about statistics for being threatened, the dead guy should have weighed his options then right? He should have thought what are the odds I get out of here clean. hmmm you are very one sided sob aren't you Frances.
His odds of getting away clean were quite good, but not getting away with it in the end.
and he didn't wow will you look at that. he lost.
Lost his life, over cash, but to you guys that's fine, the life of ******* is cheap...
Yet you could care less about the murdered unborn.

Why the hypocrisy?
And Dr. John Lott weighs in on the topic....

CPRC interviewed by Fox News about Concealed Handgun Permit Holder Stopping Robbery in Chicago - Crime Prevention Research Center

CPRC’s John Lott was interviewed by Fox News about a permit holder who stopped a robbery in Chicago:

. . . The incident could add more fuel to the ongoing debate about whether the proliferation of handguns is responsible for crime or if more guns in the hands of law-abiding citizens can actually make people safer.

“It doesn’t get national news attention, but the over 13 million concealed handgun permit holders in the U.S. are getting local news coverage in stopping crime every day,” said John Lott, president of the Crime Prevention Research Center.”

He cited three recent cases in Detroit, where Police Chief James Craig has encouraged citizens to get gun permits and carry weapons as a means of ensuring public safety. In one, a a 23-year-old permit holder stopped three robbers who threatened to kill him; in another, a 63-year-old man stopped would-be robber after he withdrew money from an ATM; and in a third, a pastor stopped a man from attacking him with a brick.
PMH is a big criminal supporter. No crime should be punished and he even thinks that humans are a pox on the world so actually adviocates that people be killed. Why he snivels over a criminal getting killed I have no idea.

All mouthy British Socialists are supporters of criminals. For 20 years they have literally been trying to have strong arm robbery and home invasion deemed a valid JOB!

Claiming that it helps alleviate the strain in the welfare system.

Such is simply the nature of evil.
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and he didn't wow will you look at that. he lost.
Lost his life, over cash, but to you guys that's fine, the life of ******* is cheap...

The life of a criminal is cheap.
I think all life you don't approve of is cheap for you...

No, you have already stated in this thread that humanity should die, so your mock outrage at this piece of human refuse dying is colored by that sentiment. You just hate that people are able to defend themselves against criminals.
Humanity should die, but not this way,

Have you considered contacting your local mental health specialist?
and he didn't wow will you look at that. he lost.
Lost his life, over cash, but to you guys that's fine, the life of ******* is cheap...

The life of a criminal is cheap.
I think all life you don't approve of is cheap for you...

No, you have already stated in this thread that humanity should die, so your mock outrage at this piece of human refuse dying is colored by that sentiment. You just hate that people are able to defend themselves against criminals.
Humanity should die, but not this way,

:laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh: Thank you for making whatever you have said about this subject totally, completely, and irrevocably irrelevant!
Lost his life, over cash, but to you guys that's fine, the life of ******* is cheap...

The life of a criminal is cheap.
I think all life you don't approve of is cheap for you...

No, you have already stated in this thread that humanity should die, so your mock outrage at this piece of human refuse dying is colored by that sentiment. You just hate that people are able to defend themselves against criminals.
Humanity should die, but not this way,

Have you considered contacting your local mental health specialist?
That is entirely rational, if you can think beyond your own species. If you have 100 fish and just one tank, and one fish keeps eating all the others, do you leave it alone until that's all that's left or do you kill it and save the rest? We are that one fish...
That's correct, and he was 55 with at least one son.
The law that says we hire cops for this kind of work, not Joe Blow playing John Wayne.
probably something he should have thought of eh. Instead of the people being threaten and thinking about statistics for being threatened, the dead guy should have weighed his options then right? He should have thought what are the odds I get out of here clean. hmmm you are very one sided sob aren't you Frances.
His odds of getting away clean were quite good, but not getting away with it in the end.
and he didn't wow will you look at that. he lost.
Lost his life, over cash, but to you guys that's fine, the life of ******* is cheap...
Yet you could care less about the murdered unborn.

Why the hypocrisy?
Fetuses aren't people, and most are naturally aborted. Many times more than those of induced abortion. Why do you not cry for them?
The life of a criminal is cheap.
I think all life you don't approve of is cheap for you...

No, you have already stated in this thread that humanity should die, so your mock outrage at this piece of human refuse dying is colored by that sentiment. You just hate that people are able to defend themselves against criminals.
Humanity should die, but not this way,

Have you considered contacting your local mental health specialist?
That is entirely rational, if you can think beyond your own species. If you have 100 fish and just one tank, and one fish keeps eating all the others, do you leave it alone until that's all that's left or do you kill it and save the rest? We are that one fish...

Those other fish? ... They're called feeder fish.
I think all life you don't approve of is cheap for you...

No, you have already stated in this thread that humanity should die, so your mock outrage at this piece of human refuse dying is colored by that sentiment. You just hate that people are able to defend themselves against criminals.
Humanity should die, but not this way,

Have you considered contacting your local mental health specialist?
That is entirely rational, if you can think beyond your own species. If you have 100 fish and just one tank, and one fish keeps eating all the others, do you leave it alone until that's all that's left or do you kill it and save the rest? We are that one fish...

Those other fish? ... They're called feeder fish.
Nope, they're called your betters...
No, you have already stated in this thread that humanity should die, so your mock outrage at this piece of human refuse dying is colored by that sentiment. You just hate that people are able to defend themselves against criminals.
Humanity should die, but not this way,

Have you considered contacting your local mental health specialist?
That is entirely rational, if you can think beyond your own species. If you have 100 fish and just one tank, and one fish keeps eating all the others, do you leave it alone until that's all that's left or do you kill it and save the rest? We are that one fish...

Those other fish? ... They're called feeder fish.
Nope, they're called your betters...

Than how did they find themselves being eaten alive?
Humanity should die, but not this way,

Have you considered contacting your local mental health specialist?
That is entirely rational, if you can think beyond your own species. If you have 100 fish and just one tank, and one fish keeps eating all the others, do you leave it alone until that's all that's left or do you kill it and save the rest? We are that one fish...

Those other fish? ... They're called feeder fish.
Nope, they're called your betters...

Than how did they find themselves being eaten alive?
They got mixed in with a monster, who could no nothing more than destroy others and itself in the process. Humanity is the destroyer of worlds, which nature will eventually end, but not before we have ended most of which she will need to restore. The sooner we go, the better for nearly all other species...
Had the gunman simply displayed a weapon while ordering the clerk to clean out the register there would have been no need for the customer to intervene.

Could have shot the clerk before , or as he was leaving.

Point a weapon at me in commission of a crime, or point a weapon at me illegal - I see that as a threat to my life. Same as if I see a gunman pointing a gun at someone illegally, or while committing a crime - the gunman can shoot an individual or individuals as the gunman leaves- it has been done before ; maiming them for life or killing them.

Chicago is not gun friendly, but where I am from - I'd shoot the gunman twice then go order a meal.

Point a gun illegally, or during a crime ; and I would shoot the perp or perps.

Shadow 355
and the victims knew his history how?
They didn't so, they had to go with the numbers, which is most robbers just want money. That is what the store policies not fight back are based on.
what if they didn't know those figures? my you are really anti american fk aren't you
We know the numbers, very well...
oh so you're saying those folks knew the numbers? right frances, dude why don't you just post those puppies up for all to know.
Of course they know the numbers because they were undoubtedly taught to comply and hand over the cash. All major chains deal with robberies that way.
Company policy is not relevant. Only any idiot would think that it is.
They didn't so, they had to go with the numbers, which is most robbers just want money. That is what the store policies not fight back are based on.
what if they didn't know those figures? my you are really anti american fk aren't you
We know the numbers, very well...
oh so you're saying those folks knew the numbers? right frances, dude why don't you just post those puppies up for all to know.
Of course they know the numbers because they were undoubtedly taught to comply and hand over the cash. All major chains deal with robberies that way.
Company policy is not relevant. Only any idiot would think that it is.
No, the company policy is based on the fact that the best thing to do is to give an armed robber what he wants and let him go on his way, as quickly as possible. The is why places like 7-11 don't want anyone with a gun playing John Wayne, especially the staff who will be fired if they do.
Had the gunman simply displayed a weapon while ordering the clerk to clean out the register there would have been no need for the customer to intervene.

Could have shot the clerk before , or as he was leaving.

Point a weapon at me in commission of a crime, or point a weapon at me illegal - I see that as a threat to my life. Same as if I see a gunman pointing a gun at someone illegally, or while committing a crime - the gunman can shoot an individual or individuals as the gunman leaves- it has been done before ; maiming them for life or killing them.

Chicago is not gun friendly, but where I am from - I'd shoot the gunman twice then go order a meal.

Point a gun illegally, or during a crime ; and I would shoot the perp or perps.

Shadow 355
Keep a good lawyer on speed-dial, you'll need one, eventually.

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