Chicago may be getting 25 buses a day soon lol.

It's hilarious; they deliberately flood the country in en masse, then snivel about the free sandwiches and air conditioning and anything else they don't like.

Put the freaks in camps with tents and keep them there until their court dates, and see how many of them stick around; most will demand to be deported back to where they came from.

Obama in 2014: Poverty and Crime are not grounds for asylum!​


“Open Borders? No, that’s a Koch brothers proposal.” -Bernie Sanders before he sold out.​

I hope the blacks welcome them with open arms!!
All I see this strategy accomplishing is strengthening the progressive position.
Post #15 & #16 have preempted your nonsense.

This is about the agenda of the global technocrats, and how they are planning a world government. Proof is in post #9.

Stop being a useful idiot.

Immigration Gumballs Short Version​

Great Job Joe!

Post #15 & #16 have preempted your nonsense.

This is about the agenda of the global technocrats, and how they are planning a world government. Proof is in post #9.

Stop being a useful idiot.

Immigration Gumballs Short Version​

No one has preempted anything. If you want to have a conversation with me then let's have one. I don't know what a global technocrat is. It sounds like a wizard out of a New Age teen dystopia series.

We already have a one world order, it's called capitalism. You can order some shoes from your couch that were made in China, shipped to the US by a German shipping company, and delivered to you by a Venezuelan immigrant. That's how the free market is meant to work.
I don't know what a global technocrat is. It sounds like a wizard out of a New Age teen dystopia series.
Yeah, I have seen a lot of your posts on this site. It appears you have no idea what or how things really work.
If you want to have a conversation with me then let's have one.

Nah, that would be a waste of both our time. There is nothing you could tell me I don't already know. And there is nothing I could tell you that you would believe.
Yeah, I have seen a lot of your posts on this site. It appears you have no idea what or how things really work.
I don't know how your imaginations work. I know how the real world works. I had to explain free market capitalism to you just now.
Nah, that would be a waste of both our time. There is nothing you could tell me I don't already know. And there is nothing I could tell you that you would believe.
That's fine. Keep the secrets of techno wizards for yourself.

No one has preempted anything. If you want to have a conversation with me then let's have one. I don't know what a global technocrat is. It sounds like a wizard out of a New Age teen dystopia series.

We already have a one world order, it's called capitalism. You can order some shoes from your couch that were made in China, shipped to the US by a German shipping company, and delivered to you by a Venezuelan immigrant. That's how the free market is meant to work.
We have benefitted from being the top dog. When we lose it, the world will destabilize until a new top dog is crowned. There is a danger in a vacuum. World War type danger. We made China into a giant. Although I see stories that they are going to collapse. True? Who knows? What they are doing is outproducing us at a much cheaper price and putting out new military hardware at several times more every year at a cheaper production rate. They will not remain a coastal power.
I feel for fellow Catholic brothers and sisters that are refugees ..the Godless Americans on both sides oppose them for different reasons.

The dems want to kill babies ….many refugees are pro life. The dems want open borders but their ideology is at odds with Catholic refugees.

the gop are mostly Godly and want closed borders …makes sense. I think many realize some refugees share similar ideology.

In the end we have an illegal immigrant problem. Biden has provided a horrible economy with equally bad social policies ie equity.

Time to figure something out …Reagan gave amnesty to millions from what I recall.

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