Chicago may be getting 25 buses a day soon lol.

Awesome news as Chicago will have hundreds of thousands of illegals everywhere on the streets


They have large illegal alien populations already, so this can only add to their Diversity shit train. lol Even Chicago Democrats will displace their black thugs. and replace them. Bet they feel like real fools now for voting Democrat. Or maybe they're just too stupid and doped up to see they've been had.
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dont be surprised if gangs that migrated from south of the border start having all out war with black gangs in the inner cities .. its a very real dangerous and sad possibility .

I was thinking exactly that.
dont be surprised if gangs that migrated from south of the border start having all out war with black gangs in the inner cities .. its a very real dangerous and sad possibility .

Already been happening for years. Check out the big demographic changes in LA in places like Compton, gangland central for black thuggery; it's now turning mostly barrio babies. Hegdewich in south Chicago is growing.

Already been happening for years. Check out the big demographic changes in LA in places like Compton, gangland central for black thuggery; it's now turning mostly barrio babies. Hegdewich in south Chicago is growing.

understood.. but an all out conflict between American and Latino gangs has yet to happen ... but it could break out one day ..
Already been happening for years. Check out the big demographic changes in LA in places like Compton, gangland central for black thuggery; it's now turning mostly barrio babies. Hegdewich in south Chicago is growing.

Do latino gangs attack white guys ??

Would they give you a pass if you by accident went into their neighborhood and got stuck
Wouldn't bother me a bit. Most of them will be productive citizens in a few years.
Now, if we can trade some Mexicans (who are generally nice people) for some Mormons, that would be a great trade.

That's not what the residents of the “sanctuary cities” to which the governors of border states are sending these invaders, are finding out.

Once enough of these invaders find their way into your neighborhood, you are surely going to waste no time at all going full-NIMBY, just as the residents of some of these other “sanctuary cities” now are.

And the rest of us are just going to laugh at you when you complain about it.
Seem they are

You go into a jewish area and they wont say or do anything. They wont even look at you even.

Never been in a 'Jewish area' outside of Israel, except a couple of synagogues with friends. Doesn't sound any different than a 'Baptist area' or a 'Presbyterian area'. We have friends who live in Mamaroneck, NY., just east of NYC, and they won't go into a Hasidic neighborhood; they never said why and I didn't ask. lol

In Israel a lady we in our group got spit on while we were walking to a job site. Somebody decked the clown, one of those freaks with the stupid hair and hat, and an Israeli female cop who was standing near by just waved us on. We heard the freak screaming something or other down the street but nothing ever came of it. Apparently that is a regular thing there with some of the cults there, but we didn't see it happen again. I've read about it and one of our escorts warned us about some of the nutjobs running around. Apparently they mooch off the govt. and cause a lot of problems. I know for a fact they're racist fucks and no better than Nazis, and it's not good when Netanyahu is pandering to them. The riots there over that are not going to go away.

I was personally never bothered, but a lot of the smaller people were.
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Luckily you never had the honor of driving your CAR into 1930s , brownsville, brooklyn ( home of murder inc )

We have gangsters here , too. They've never bothered me or scared me. My Dad gambled in a lot of places, so we got to see and meet a lot of them, and I've done charity work in some tough Hoods. I was the only white kid in my grade school in El Paso. We used to ride our bikes over the bridge to Juarez to play with our parents' friends' kids who lived there and go shopping; the border guards on both sides never blinked an eye as we went back and forth. Totally different now, of course. Drug gangs rule Mexico now.
That's not what the residents of the “sanctuary cities” to which the governors of border states are sending these invaders, are finding out.

Once enough of these invaders find their way into your neighborhood, you are surely going to waste no time at all going full-NIMBY, just as the residents of some of these other “sanctuary cities” now are.

My community has already reached out, thanks.

Here's the reality. Most of the migrants already have family here, who will take them in.

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