Chicago sends Smollett a bill for $130k

But he served community service and paid a $10,000 fine.

Which is probably as good as you guys are going to get.

Why are you glad he got away with a hoax?
As hoaxes go it wasn`t on the same level of telling Deplorables that Mexico would build them a wall to hide behind. That hoax put some guy in the Whitehouse. Are you glad he got away with that hoax? Do you feel like a fool for believing him?
But he served community service and paid a $10,000 fine.

Which is probably as good as you guys are going to get.

Why are you glad he got away with a hoax?
As hoaxes go it wasn`t on the same level of telling Deplorables that Mexico would build them a wall to hide behind. That hoax put some guy in the Whitehouse. Are you glad he got away with that hoax? Do you feel like a fool for believing him?

President Trump's accomplishments are fabulous. Unemployment is at an all time low for minorities and soon for everyone. Markets are at their peak. The fact that the libs won't cooperate with him is deplorable, but he's still accomplishing great things even though they are obstructing.

Maybe next fall, people will be tired of winning and want to sit around on the dole with the 401k's in the toilet. At that point in time, they will elect someone guaranteed to cause economic collapse.

But I wouldn't count on it.
What the argument is, and I know this is difficult to follow, is going after him in court for a misdemeanor worth the expense and the very real possibility, given the political situation might result in a jury nullification mistrial.

Filing a false hate crime report in order to get publicity would fall under felony. Remember the Osundairo bros. would have been tried as felons. The best case scenario against Smollett would be the Feds file charges and the brothers, Rahm and others could file civil lawsuits.
Pretty Weak for Us If Emanuel Is More Manly Than MAGAmen Are

We have to hold Attorney General Barr's feet to the fire on that instead of making blowhard empty threats that will just make the Social Justice Warlords smirk in our face.
But he served community service and paid a $10,000 fine.

Which is probably as good as you guys are going to get.

Why are you glad he got away with a hoax?
As hoaxes go it wasn`t on the same level of telling Deplorables that Mexico would build them a wall to hide behind. That hoax put some guy in the Whitehouse. Are you glad he got away with that hoax? Do you feel like a fool for believing him?

President Trump's accomplishments are fabulous. Unemployment is at an all time low for minorities and soon for everyone. Markets are at their peak. The fact that the libs won't cooperate with him is deplorable, but he's still accomplishing great things even though they are obstructing.

Maybe next fall, people will be tired of winning and want to sit around on the dole with the 401k's in the toilet. At that point in time, they will elect someone guaranteed to cause economic collapse.

But I wouldn't count on it.
The DOW rose 258% on Obama`s watch but so far it`s only gone up 24% in Trump`s 2 + years. He has some catching up to do. The 401Ks were in the toilet and the DOW was below 8,000 and we were losing 745,000 jobs a month when Obama took office. Were you in Poland during those years?
Really? Guy conspires to kill 3000 people, we have him dead to rights and we can't try him because they tortured him and invalidated all the evidence? You don't see this as a big deal?


We didn't "torture" KSM at all. Feeding someone Ensure isn't considered "torture".

I don't think that KSM would allege he was tortured in open court, and I don't think any judge or jury would believe that line of bullshit even if he spewed it.

KSM is in a cage at Gitmo, when and if he catches President Trump's attention, his trial and execution will be held right there in Cuba. Obama's plan to bring KSM to Manhattan was a non-starter. The people here in the Homeland could not have someone so dangerous brought here. Too much risk.

Better to have him at a naval base in the Caribbean surrounded by Cuban Communists. A lot safer for everyone.
But he served community service and paid a $10,000 fine.

Which is probably as good as you guys are going to get.

Doesn’t it bother you he did a disservice to Blacks, gays, and all legitimate hate crime victims.
ya left out dem pedophiles.
"That Nice Man Who Buys Me Stuff My Daddy Won't"

You mean, "pedosexuals"!! For not keeping up with PC language changes, the Resistance will make you undergo re-education until you learn how to speak without offending anyone's sensitivity.
We didn't "torture" KSM at all. Feeding someone Ensure isn't considered "torture".

I don't think that KSM would allege he was tortured in open court, and I don't think any judge or jury would believe that line of bullshit even if he spewed it.

Um, we admitted we waterboarded him 186 times. It's in the public record.

This is why ALL the evidence against him is useless, and we can't bring him to trial.

KSM is in a cage at Gitmo, when and if he catches President Trump's attention, his trial and execution will be held right there in Cuba. Obama's plan to bring KSM to Manhattan was a non-starter. The people here in the Homeland could not have someone so dangerous brought here. Too much risk.

Um, some fat old Arab doesn't have super powers... There's no reason not to try him in Manhatten, other than all the evidence we have would be tossed out of court because we tortured him. So we keep him in this legal limbo, the guy will probably die of old age in Gitmo.
We didn't "torture" KSM at all. Feeding someone Ensure isn't considered "torture".

I don't think that KSM would allege he was tortured in open court, and I don't think any judge or jury would believe that line of bullshit even if he spewed it.

Um, we admitted we waterboarded him 186 times. It's in the public record.

This is why ALL the evidence against him is useless, and we can't bring him to trial.

KSM is in a cage at Gitmo, when and if he catches President Trump's attention, his trial and execution will be held right there in Cuba. Obama's plan to bring KSM to Manhattan was a non-starter. The people here in the Homeland could not have someone so dangerous brought here. Too much risk.

Um, some fat old Arab doesn't have super powers... There's no reason not to try him in Manhatten, other than all the evidence we have would be tossed out of court because we tortured him. So we keep him in this legal limbo, the guy will probably die of old age in Gitmo.

We didn't torture KSM. The problem with bringing him to New York is that there are literally 10's of thousands of islamic Jihadi in the greater NY area that would be looking to break him out. Further the amount of security such a trial would require would paralyze the city for months.

Of course, if you have the trial in New York, an acquittal is certainly a possibility as the amount hatred in that town for America is unbelievable. If he's acquitted, they wouldn't deport him.
You accused me of something reportable, but did the whole "above this" bullshit, and I am calling you on it.

Show your 7/2 off suit with aces on the board....

It's not bullshit. You attacked my brother. Of course, I've said much, much worse things about him. You guys would probably get along, you are both insufferable bigots.

But I'm above that sort of thing.

Just like I admit Jussie did exactly what he's accused of, but prosecuting him would be small and petty.

Misdemeanor? You don't even know Smollet got hit with 16 FELONY charges?

No, I am aware. And they are bullshit. The SA realized they were bullshit and an inner city jury would spank her in court. So she stopped wasting any more of my hard earned tax dollars.

Good for her.

By the way, the Feds are already investigating him for mail fraud for mailing death threats to himself.

I imagine that will go as well as the FBI investigation into all those shootings by cops where prosecutors gave them a pass, and they realized they really didn't have jurisdiction. Prosecutorial discretion. Just because you can indict a ham sandwich doesn't mean you bring it to trial.

Now this prosecutor will get investigated as well.

Again, prosecutors have discretion. There's really nothing to prosecute here.

Seems Smollet should have kept his lying mouth shut. He's already out of a job. Pretty soon he may well see he inside of that prison cell. As he should.

And are you willing to have a rapist or murderer move in next door to you to make room for him? I'm not.

Oh, he's probably keeping his job. People are tuning into his show just to see the trainwreck.

Sorry loser. Those charges were NOT bullshit. Keep ignoring the check and the videos and the other evidence to protect your beloved gay. No rapist or murderer wold be released for him. Stupid statement. By the way, he's beng written out of Empire. Try to keep up. There will be an investigation, Smollet will get what's coming to hm and you'll cry that it's because he's gay not because he's a lowlife criminal. Continue your ignorance.
You accused me of something reportable, but did the whole "above this" bullshit, and I am calling you on it.

Show your 7/2 off suit with aces on the board....

It's not bullshit. You attacked my brother. Of course, I've said much, much worse things about him. You guys would probably get along, you are both insufferable bigots.

But I'm above that sort of thing.

Just like I admit Jussie did exactly what he's accused of, but prosecuting him would be small and petty.

Misdemeanor? You don't even know Smollet got hit with 16 FELONY charges?

No, I am aware. And they are bullshit. The SA realized they were bullshit and an inner city jury would spank her in court. So she stopped wasting any more of my hard earned tax dollars.

Good for her.

By the way, the Feds are already investigating him for mail fraud for mailing death threats to himself.

I imagine that will go as well as the FBI investigation into all those shootings by cops where prosecutors gave them a pass, and they realized they really didn't have jurisdiction. Prosecutorial discretion. Just because you can indict a ham sandwich doesn't mean you bring it to trial.

Now this prosecutor will get investigated as well.

Again, prosecutors have discretion. There's really nothing to prosecute here.

Seems Smollet should have kept his lying mouth shut. He's already out of a job. Pretty soon he may well see he inside of that prison cell. As he should.

And are you willing to have a rapist or murderer move in next door to you to make room for him? I'm not.

Oh, he's probably keeping his job. People are tuning into his show just to see the trainwreck.

Sorry loser. Those charges were NOT bullshit. Keep ignoring the check and the videos and the other evidence to protect your beloved gay. No rapist or murderer wold be released for him. Stupid statement. By the way, he's beng written out of Empire. Try to keep up. There will be an investigation, Smollet will get what's coming to hm and you'll cry that it's because he's gay not because he's a lowlife criminal. Continue your ignorance.

Suppose instead of Mr. Smollett orchestrating this hoax, it was Eric and Don Jr. walking the streets and shoved around Jussie a little? Remember, it wasn't much, Smollett's sandwich wasn't even damaged.

Would the Powers that Be in Chicago be so forgiving and give those guys a pass, hypothetically?
Sorry loser. Those charges were NOT bullshit. Keep ignoring the check and the videos and the other evidence to protect your beloved gay. No rapist or murderer wold be released for him. Stupid statement. By the way, he's beng written out of Empire. Try to keep up. There will be an investigation, Smollet will get what's coming to hm and you'll cry that it's because he's gay not because he's a lowlife criminal. Continue your ignorance.

Guy, we are cutting murderers loose now because we don't have enough room in the prisons. We just cut some Satanic Murderer loose because he served half a 70 year sentence.
You accused me of something reportable, but did the whole "above this" bullshit, and I am calling you on it.

Show your 7/2 off suit with aces on the board....

It's not bullshit. You attacked my brother. Of course, I've said much, much worse things about him. You guys would probably get along, you are both insufferable bigots.

But I'm above that sort of thing.

Just like I admit Jussie did exactly what he's accused of, but prosecuting him would be small and petty.

Misdemeanor? You don't even know Smollet got hit with 16 FELONY charges?

No, I am aware. And they are bullshit. The SA realized they were bullshit and an inner city jury would spank her in court. So she stopped wasting any more of my hard earned tax dollars.

Good for her.

By the way, the Feds are already investigating him for mail fraud for mailing death threats to himself.

I imagine that will go as well as the FBI investigation into all those shootings by cops where prosecutors gave them a pass, and they realized they really didn't have jurisdiction. Prosecutorial discretion. Just because you can indict a ham sandwich doesn't mean you bring it to trial.

Now this prosecutor will get investigated as well.

Again, prosecutors have discretion. There's really nothing to prosecute here.

Seems Smollet should have kept his lying mouth shut. He's already out of a job. Pretty soon he may well see he inside of that prison cell. As he should.

And are you willing to have a rapist or murderer move in next door to you to make room for him? I'm not.

Oh, he's probably keeping his job. People are tuning into his show just to see the trainwreck.

I didn't attack him. You brought up your relationship with him, I commented on it.

Lying to the cops is not small.
Guy, we are cutting murderers loose now because we don't have enough room in the prisons. We just cut some Satanic Murderer loose because he served half a 70 year sentence.

What kind of idiotic thinking is that to make an argument for? This is why we need a death sentence as punishment.
I didn't attack him. You brought up your relationship with him, I commented on it.

Lying to the cops is not small.

Most people lie to the cops. "I wasn't going over the speed limit, officer". "I have no idea how that got here." And usually the cops prove them wrong, write a ticket and we are done.

What kind of idiotic thinking is that to make an argument for? This is why we need a death sentence as punishment.

We tried that in IL. We had to let dozens of people off Death Row when we found out someone else did it. Some of them because the CPD beat confessions out of people that were later recanted and debunked.
I didn't attack him. You brought up your relationship with him, I commented on it.

Lying to the cops is not small.

Most people lie to the cops. "I wasn't going over the speed limit, officer". "I have no idea how that got here." And usually the cops prove them wrong, write a ticket and we are done.

What kind of idiotic thinking is that to make an argument for? This is why we need a death sentence as punishment.

We tried that in IL. We had to let dozens of people off Death Row when we found out someone else did it. Some of them because the CPD beat confessions out of people that were later recanted and debunked.

That isn't a major investigation involving countless hours of work.

And that isn't the same as creating a national hate-fest against Trump supporters by lying.

Of course you are OK with this, because it furthers your own terrible politics.
What kind of idiotic thinking is that to make an argument for? This is why we need a death sentence as punishment.

We tried that in IL. We had to let dozens of people off Death Row when we found out someone else did it. Some of them because the CPD beat confessions out of people that were later recanted and debunked.[/QUOTE]

C'mon from one idiotic thought to another. What kind of foolish argument is that? How many were guilty? Our laws in the US give the edge to BOTH the innocent as well as the guilty as in "innocent until proven guilty."
That isn't a major investigation involving countless hours of work.

And that isn't the same as creating a national hate-fest against Trump supporters by lying.

Of course you are OK with this, because it furthers your own terrible politics.

I'm okay with it because frankly, it's just not a big deal. The ONLY reason why the Corrupt Police Dipsticks (CPD) spent so much time on this was because a TV star was involved. They only manage to clear about 15% of Murders.

C'mon from one idiotic thought to another. What kind of foolish argument is that? How many were guilty? Our laws in the US give the edge to BOTH the innocent as well as the guilty as in "innocent until proven guilty."

Awww.... isn't that nice.

Here's how it works. If you are rich and white. you are innocent until proven guilty.

If you are poor and black, some thug cop beats a confession out of you and a drunk off his ass Public Defender let's you get railroaded into death row.

In IL, the REPUBLICAN governor realized the system was so flawed he commuted 167 death sentences.

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