Chicago: Walmart plundered by black mob


Nov 14, 2012
Due to massive losses, Walmart has closed four shops in Chicago´s low income war zones. Black Lives Plunder visits Walmart in Chicago: Click
Is that supposed to be he new normality?
Due to massive losses, Walmart has closed four shops in Chicago´s low income war zones. Black Lives Plunder visits Walmart in Chicago: Click
Is that supposed to be he new normality?
I love it when these idiots target their own communities with destruction and looting without realizing .. they are shitting in their own backyard. Then they complain that commerce is leaving..
I love it when these idiots target their own communities with destruction and looting without realizing .. they are shitting in their own backyard. Then they complain that commerce is leaving..
I liked when the blacks burned DC in '68.....Other then condemning/demolishing the burnt out structures they left it like that for years.
Due to massive losses, Walmart has closed four shops in Chicago´s low income war zones. Black Lives Plunder visits Walmart in Chicago: Click
Is that supposed to be he new normality?
Looting is such a racist term

They were simply reclaiming their black heritage property that was stolen from them and rightfully belongs to them.

Where in the hell is IM2, we need ya buddy!
The Democrat Voter Looters are armatures compared to the professional looter elected Democrat politicians.
The Democrats are looting $$trillions$$ from the Taxpayers.
I liked when the blacks burned DC in '68.....Other then condemning/demolishing the burnt out structures they left it like that for years.
And nearly 60 years later .. this group continues to embrace this style of living.
Looting is such a racist term

They were simply reclaiming their black heritage property that was stolen from them and rightfully belongs to them.

Where in the hell is IM2, we need ya buddy!
Oh yes .. I totally forgot to mention the new Platinum, Signature Reparation Visa Card.. You get points for looting, stealing and screwing over the white man.
Democrat voters create and feed this mess. There needs to be an exchange program where insulated white democrats must live in these trash zones they create and the ghetto trash live in their white bread houses.
I lived in Omaha years ago. The locals, during a riot, burned down a Safeway grocery store in the black neighborhood. It was the only grocery store in the area. Then when Safeway said they weren't going to rebuild because of the store loosing money prior to the riots and fire, the area residents rioted again to protest the decision.
Democrat voters create and feed this mess. There needs to be an exchange program where insulated white democrats must live in these trash zones they create and the ghetto trash live in their white bread houses.
Ghetto trash should be forced to build their own houses with their own baboon-like hands. One can imagine that these will be similar sq. footage-wise to tiny homes and take at least an extra half-decade to accomplish.

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